الخميس، 12 أبريل 2012

Your Sports Technique - Tired of Being Second Best?

Goal Setting is important to find out where you are and where you want to be. Set goals for preseason, in season, and post season. Check on them daily to make sure you're on target.

Once you define your goals, check your inventory to make sure you have the proper equipment. Do you have enough poles, nets, balls? Do you have the proper car for competition? etc.

Now that you have your goals and equipment in order, it's time to set up your practice schedule. Some of the items your schedule should include are: what time of day do you want to practice? how many times per day? for how long? and what part of your game plan do you want to work on? Will your practice schedule be individual, group or team? Set your schedule and stick to it.

Once your practice schedule is set, determine what drills you'll work on during each practice. Break your practice schedule into time blocks to determine how long you'll spend on each drill. Also, determine what personnel will be involved.

To avoid injuries, all practice sessions should begin with warm up exercises and end with cool down exercises.

Another important factor to advance is your physical shape and endurance. So along with your sports practice schedule, you need to plan a personal training workout schedule which includes the following:

• weight lifting
• physical and respiratory endurance and
• flexibility.

Mental toughness is also important. Spend some time reading literature, listening to cds, or watching videos on how to prepare for mental toughness. Every sport requires that psychological edge over a competitor.

Finally, keep a proper diet. Look for a good book or video on proper diet or see a professional to help you with this area. Do you need vitamins, nutritional supplements, nutritional shakes, etc? Again, setting a weekly or monthly menu ahead of time will make things easier.

The better you execute your sports technique and the better shape you are in physically, mentally, and endurance wise the better your chances of being the best in your sport.

As a review, remember that when you're setting your goals, include proper equipment, practice schedules, drills, warm up and cool down exercises, strength-flexibility-and endurance (both physical and respiratory) training, mental toughness sessions, diet, nutrition and vitamins.

So stay focused on your goals, work hard, make sure you have the most up to date products, and see your sports technique and sports ranking accelerate to the top.

Arnulfo Rodriguez email address is sportstechniquesonline@gmail.com. I invite you to visit my sports website, where all the products mentioned in this article are featured, at http://www.sportstechniquesonline.com/, so don't wait, Click Now!

View the original article here

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