الأربعاء، 25 أبريل 2012

Top Golf Swing Instruction Tips From the Golf Swing Genius

Did you know that improving your golf swing is a process. It is doable for anyone and can be a lot easier than you might have imagined just by knowing a handful of basic key principles. My golf swing instruction method is taught on a gradient scale. If you don't have a proper grip, how can you learn to swing correctly? It's really important to learn the golf swing in the right order so you can stay on top of your game and beat all your friends and playing partners.

The process of improving your golf swing starts with knowing what level you are currently at and where you hope to go. I can definitely help you reach your golf goals but the more aware of your golf swing faults or bad habits you are, the easier the process becomes. When working on your full swing it is helpful to know what your particular shot pattern(s) are. This way we can zero in on what specifically to work on in order to eliminate the particular problem you are having.

Every golfer can usually benefit from monitoring their fundamentals. The first key fundamental is your setup position. The first key of the setup is the grip. Then golf alignment, posture, and ball position need to be correct and in order as well. Once you know you are in the right spots so to speak when it comes to your setup, it's then helpful to focus on key elements of the swing and hopefully the main ones which apply to whatever swing issue you are having.

If you are hitting the ball thin or fat, there are a couple reasons that are probably causing this. At impact it is important to have your torso or center in line with the golf ball. You are moving ahead slightly on your downswing or forward swing but you don't want to move ahead of the ball. This can cause a thin golf shot.

Conversely, if you are hitting fat golf shots, there is a good chance your torso is behind the golf ball too much at impact. You need to be in line with the ball as you are hitting it if you want to have solid contact. The exception to this is when hitting your driver. Here you can be slightly behind the golf ball because you are hitting this club slightly on the upswing and being behind it helps you launch your drives better so you gain extra distance and maximum extension.

If you are having trouble with the direction of your golf shots, you need to check your golf swing sequence. Follow the basic order of leading with your club in both your backswing and your downswing. Getting everything to come through together at impact is a huge key as well as making sure your clubface is square. Remember, mis-direction of your golf shots almost always will be caused by poor sequence of the body and the golf club. You must understand the proper ratio of shoulder to hip turn and the correct order this needs to be in.

Having trouble with getting solid contact can be because of moving too far up or down in your swing. It is a key principle I teach that you want to stay the same height or remain level with the golf ball throughout your golf swing. As you are in the second half of your follow through, you can go ahead and stand up as you finish turning and face your target. Many amateur or higher handicap golfers often have a dip or stand up move going in at some point in their swings. Watch out for this and you'll improve your contact with the golf ball at impact.

The Golf Swing Genius is a top golf instructor who will show you how to play your best golf with top Golf Swing Instruction. Learn a complete system of Golf Swing Tips and start playing your best golf now!

View the original article here

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