الأربعاء، 4 أبريل 2012

Reasons I Recommend Gibbon Slacklines

I just started slacklining and bought one of the Gibbon slacklines and I have been loving it. Slacklining is a great sport for kids and adults and it is really easy to get in to. It's a great challenge, gives you a good workout and is a lot of fun. I highly recommend giving it a try.

I'd like to share a few reasons why I decided to go with the Gibbon slackline. If you're looking at buying a slackline I can highly recommend Gibbon. I've had mine now for several months and am very happy with my purchase.

Here's why I chose one of the Gibbon Slacklines:

I looked around the web some before buying a slackline to see what my options were and to try to find the best value for my money. Most of them are made very similar, so it didn't take me long to see that price was really the main factor for me in this purchase.

I should tell you that it is possible to set up your own slackline, but you do have to buy webbing and some other equipment to be able to do it. It's also a little tricky to get it tight enough. If you buy a slackline kit, you have everything you need and it is easy to get the required tension with the included ratchet system. The kits take about 2 minutes to set up and aren't really that expensive, so in my opinion they are well worth it.

The Gibbon slackline that I ended up buying was definitely very easy to set up and was significantly cheaper than some of the other options out there. Other companies that make them include Mammut and Trango.

Gibbon slacklines have a great reputation and are probably by far the most popular slackline manufacturer. Backpacker Magazine gave their slackline an Editor's Choice award in 2009. Their company also showed up in the 2012 Super Bowl halftime show when their sponsored athlete, Andy Lewis, was featured on stage with Madonna, doing tricks on one of the Gibbon slacklines.

Due to their notoriety and the price, it was pretty easy for me to decide on buying one of their slacklines. I've had the line now for several months and am very satisfied. It's easy to set up, seems like it will last a long time, and I can't think of any reason to buy one of the more expensive brands.

After wanting a slackline for quite a while, I'm very happy with the one I ended up buying. Gibbon lived up to what I expected and I recommend you give one of their slacklines a try.

Ray Peters is a writer who specializes in outdoor activities and sports products. You can check out his latest website where he reviews Gibbon Slacklines and a range of other slacklines.

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