الجمعة، 13 أبريل 2012

5 White Water Rafting Trip Safety Tips To Know

Since many love to experience the thrill of the river by going white water rafting, keep in mind this is an intense activity that thrill seekers love since it lets them feed their craving for exciting and potentially dangerous situations. If you plan to venture out on a white water rafting trip, equip yourself with some knowledge of basic safety procedures for this activity. By doing so, you can ensure that your fun on the river is as safe as possible.

1. Know your Skills - River rafting trips can be tremendous fun. However, if you try to ride a section of river that has strong rapids, quick twist and turns and other dangers, if you don't have the skills to navigate them, you can be in trouble. If you are new to white water rafting, try beginners' courses instead of tackling something that is potentially too extreme given your novice status.

2. Go with a Group - Because of the dangerous nature of white water rafting, you should never attempt this activity alone. Always go with at least one other friend, ensuring that someone is there should you run into trouble. By going with a group, you've got even more help available if something should happen.

3. Strap on a Flotation Device - All members of river rafting trips should wear life preservers at all times. Since anyone in a raft can be tossed out by a strong rapid at any time, not wearing a life preserver could put that person in a life threatening situation. By simply putting on and keeping on a life preserver, this danger can be mitigated.

4. Dress for the Adventure - When you white water raft you expose yourself to some hazards that the proper attire can prevent. Always wear supportive tennis shoes that will protect your feet from the potentially sharp rocks that you may encounter as you enter the river or should you fall into the water. Wearing a shirt that covers your shoulders and arms and having a hat with a brim keeps you from developing painful sunburn since you will be exposed all day. Avoid clothing that is overly tight and may prevent you from properly maneuvering as you raft, such a blue jeans, opting instead of something less restrictive, like athletic pants.

5. Research Your Route - Knowing what's going on can be extremely useful while on a white water rafting trip. Before you head out on your adventure, spend some time studying the route you plan to take. By researching the stretch of river through which you will travel you can better prepare yourself to handle some of the challenges you may face, ensuring that you are not caught off-guard.

There is no reason to put yourself or your companions in danger when you take river rafting trips. Taking the time to prepare and paying attention to safety details, you will be able to keep yourself and other members of your party safe while having fun and enjoying the thrills of a white water rafting adventure.

Maranda Steinburg looked for white water rafting trips when she wanted to take her family on a vacation of a lifetime. AVA's Colorado Rafting has river rafting trips and packages for any size group that wants an exciting adventure.

View the original article here

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