الاثنين، 30 أبريل 2012

Taking Your Game to a Higher Level

Indeed, I feel I've had some very fortunate experiences in my life, you see, I've been the best in the world at a few things. It takes a lot to get to that level, sometimes you feel as if you're beating your head against the wall, but you press on, because you know that's what it takes to get there. You often find that your very best isn't good enough, that you can't win or compete at the higher levels even with all your great attributes, you just aren't good not enough. You must will yourself to go beyond and to take your game to a higher level.

Indeed, now I know this for a fact after going through it several times in various human endeavors. It's not an easy road, most people would give up. In fact, at times I wondered why I didn't. I certainly should have, because I didn't have what it took to win, I had the will, but I didn't have the skill. I didn't have the talent, knowledge, or even understanding to get there. What I had was a sense that I must. It became the driver. Along the way that adversity builds character. And at some point you've come so far that you can't give up, you can't go back, and you cannot allow yourself to quit in defeat.

When you get to that point you'll know it, and it's much easier to keep going than to turn back. Still, to be the best, you have to take your game to a higher level. And you can do that just by learning more, try harder, training longer, the only way you can get to that next level is you have to possess the will to get there. Without that nothing else you do will be good enough. There are winners and losers in life, and having played on both sides of that game, I choose to win. I hope you will make that same choice, but there's nothing I can do about it, there is nothing I can say to get you there, this is about you, your mirror, and that future destiny before you.

Now you can quit, and many men have, history is littered with forgotten names, people that were not able to take their game to the next level, they didn't have it in them, they didn't have the will to never give up, never surrender, and to take no prisoners in the pursuit of victory!

Indeed, I'd like you to please consider all this and think on it and go for it. If you do that you will have my respect, if not I will not be around to hear your excuses, because quite frankly I have enough excuse credits saved up of my own - for 5-lifetimes now - but I refuse to honor them, and I will not turn them in, I don't do excuses, and I hope you will take your game to the highest level and win! I'll see you on that podium of victory.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative eBooks on Biking Across America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

View the original article here

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