الاثنين، 9 أبريل 2012

3 Ways to Increase Youth Sports Registration

An online sports registration system can make a league coordinator's job much easier when it comes to handling, processing and organization their registration process, but it doesn't do them much good if parents and athletes aren't using it to sign up! While most sports parents will gladly accept a new way to make the registration process easier, old habits die hard. If you've recently implemented an online sports registration system but are having a hard time getting people to use it, here are 3 tips to help make it more popular and spread the word!

1. Offer discounts for early online registration
One way to help increase online registration for your youth sports organization is to allow players to register early provided they register online. In addition to being able to register from the comfort of their own home and do it when their schedule permits (no more lost paperwork or last minute scrambling!), you could also incentive the early registration process further by offering an online discount for your early bird athletes. Most online sports registration systems let league coordinators set up various discounts for registrants, including early registration, multi-athlete registration and more. What busy sports parent is going to turn down the chance to ditch the paperwork and save a little money?

2. Let callers know with an updated menu message
Parents are going to call your sports organization with questions about this and that form, how much one league costs versus another, how they can get their kid on a certain team and so forth. Take advantage of that communication and update your call menu to remind parents that they can now register their kids online through a convenient online registration system. This will also help minimize the amount of time your staff needs to spend on the phone handling registration issues/questions. Research indicates that most people need to hear a message 3 times before it really sinks in, so in addition to updating your call menu don't forget to update flyers, pamphlets, brochures and other materials! If you've had your sports registration system in place for even one season, you should have a list of email addresses that you can blast as well and ask your sports parents to forward the message along to their friends.

3. Leverage your organization's website
If you start training parents, players and coaches to use your organization's website on a more regular basis, it's easy to link them over to your registration page. Post game schedules, league rankings, contact information, photos and other important information on your website and let everyone know where to find it. The more comfortable people are with navigating and using your site the more comfortable they will be with your online registration system. Make sure you create noticeable links or buttons on your site for parents and athlete's to find and follow. This will also help minimize the amount of time your staff has to track down various practice schedules, tournament dates and so forth for parents. They can all be directed to the league website!

SportsSignup ( http://www.sportssignup.com/ ) offers easy-to-use online solutions for youth sports registration, tournament registration and coach/volunteer background checks, as well as building an integrated e-commerce store and developing fundraising campaigns. Our mission is to take the hassle out of operating sports organizations by automating many of the aspects of sports administration. Our services are all web-based and fully customizable. Visit us online or call 866-975-8600 for more information.

View the original article here

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