الخميس، 12 أبريل 2012

More Power To Swing

We all want to strengthen our wrists in order to have more power to swing and hit the golf ball a longer distance. Most of us exercise our arms and shoulders. The job of strengthening is not complete until we fortify our fingers and wrists.

Fine tuning our exercise program for upper body strength needs to also include our wrists and fingers. The wrists being flexible are a tremendous asset. There are times in golf when the wrists need to be kept quiet and have a secure strength which will guarantee more power to swing for longer distances with accuracy.

Swinging a golf club, a tennis racket, a ball bat, a stick, a broom and even a sword require wrists and hands to be strong for power and accuracy. Add the following exercises to your exercise program and you will note the difference in how far you hit the golf ball and more importantly how much strength and control you will have in the follow through.

Here are a variety of exercises which you can do sitting or standing. As you do these exercises be gentle. The wrist muscles are delicate and complex and extremely valuable as they are the bridge between the forearm and the hand.

List of exercises:

Place extended arms at chest level. Open and close your fingers at your desired speed for a minute or more. You will feel your hands warming and the fingers becoming more flexible.
Relax the extended arms to a lower comfortable position and do finger rolls from thumb to little finger and little finger to thumb.
Place extended arms at chest level. Place one hand on top of the other and gently press downward. Hold hand downward for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times. Apply same technique to other hand.
Lower arms and relax. Clasp hands together and press palms. Hold 10 seconds and release. Repeat 10 times. Then place hands in a vertical praying position, press palms. Hold 10 seconds, then release. Repeat 10 times
Place extended arms at chest level. Make a fist and rotate fists from normal position to wrist upward. Repeat this half rotation for a minute. After completing this cycle maintain fist closure and rotate wrists in a circular manner from right to left, then left to right for one minute.
Do wrist curls. Use a prop of a rod, a broom handle, or free weights of 2 or 3 pounds. With forearms resting on a flat surface curl wrists toward the body and release to the beginning position. Repeat this cycle for a minute.
Are you ready for a more challenging exercise? Place your arms on handle bars or a chair and lift your body upward. This will work your wrists, forearm, upper arm, and shoulders. If no bars are available and you cannot find a suitable chair in the home which will allow you to do this exercise then consider Yoga poses of crane, peacock or plank.

After strengthening your wrists and hands improve your game by discovering other techniques to hit greater distances. Visit the sports section of Infotrish at http://www.Infotrish.com and review Drive For Show.

Tricia Deed, writer for http://www.infotrish.com/ brings you through internet marketing hobbies for your leisure, recreation, and business opportunities. I invite you to visit my web pages to review the various hobby companies. Do take advantage of their free giveaways.

View the original article here

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