الاثنين، 9 أبريل 2012

Paintball for Girls - The Current Perspective

You are thinking of a sport that requires patience, skill, and a lot of teamwork and your daughter just isn't into the normal cheerleading and other girls' sports, why not think about paintball for girls? It is easy to quickly dismiss this adventure as being rather violent or dangerous, but in reality this isn't really so. Paintball for girls teaches planning, strategy, skill, perseverance, trust and a reliance on their teammates like no other sport out there.

Many who do not understand the sport assume that it is some kind of violent battle between two teams that are just trying to blast each other off with paint. Whether it is paintball for boys or paintball for girls, most games are played around a certain scenario or objective that needs to be met, and aren't just a random firing at an enemy. There is planning needed between teams to capture a flag without being caught and while avoiding booby-traps, and at the same time while planting a few of your own. Strategy and teamwork are of most importance as you work to move your team forward, or to set up someone from an opposing team, leading her into a trap.

Some arenas that offer paintball for girls have tournaments that each team can enter, and some of these tournaments last all weekend. They have medals, trophies and other awards.

True sport spirit is needed when it comes to paintball for girls. The team members are on the field and they need to run, jump, duck, and everything else you can think off. It's a great way to get a girl into regular physical exercise without her feeling self-conscious the way she might in another game where she is put on the spot, such as volleyball or cheerleading. And many teams compete together week after week, and really build solid communication between them, pulling together as one unit. In this way, paintball for girls can teach your daughter that she is a valued member of a team, she is important and that she can rely on her other teammates, who are also relying on her as well. This type of camaraderie builds their self-esteem.

In a summary, don't be so quick to reject the idea of paintball for girls. You have heard soccer for girls, so why not paintball for girls. If there's a nearby arena or sport centre, you can check out the facilities first before talking about it with your daughter. Get any of your questions answered. Who knows, it may be something that the whole family can enjoy and have fun together.

View the original article here

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