الثلاثاء، 17 أبريل 2012

Reasons to Have a Sports Massage

Most people think that sports massages are only for athletes. The fact is that anyone can actually have a massage. Sports massage can help many people who suffer from a range of different ailments. To better understand if you should have one you should know what happens during the massage as well as why you should have one.

Why you should have a sports massage

Sports massage is actually a version of Swedish massage. Within the realm of massage are four other kinds which are pre-event massage, post-event massage, restorative and rehabilitative. Restorative and rehabilitative massage can be used by people who are not athletes. So why should you have this kind of massage?

• If you have a problem with a joint. This is particularly helpful if you are suffering from pain or stiffness in joints like the knee or elbow. Not only will a massage help loosen the joints but the therapist will be able to give you tips on how to prevent the injury from coming back.

• If you have pain or tension in your muscles. Muscles tension can be caused by a number of things and they will not all be sports related. Incorrect posture or bad sitting habits can cause tension and pain in your muscles.

• If you are an athlete then a sports massage can help keep you supple. Massage before a race or event will give you the same benefits as stretching. Of course the best effects will be felt with consistent massage before and after events.

What can be learnt in massage courses?

If you want to help people then doing massage courses may be the best option for you. By doing one of these courses you will learn a number of techniques that can help alleviate pain and increase the abilities of an athlete. So what exactly will you learn on one of these courses?

• Anatomy is probably the first thing taught in any course. You need to know how the parts of the body connect in order to help people. You will learn about the skeletal structure as well as the muscles.

• Clinical issues will be covered as well. This will include safe treatment, the regulations on this kind of massage and professionalism and ethics.

• Techniques used for the massage. Two of the techniques that you will learn about will be basic stokes and palpation.

• Diagnosis and assessment is another part of the course. You have to know how to tell what the problem is with someone if you want to help them.

• Post care advice is something else you will need to learn. By knowing this you will be able to help people function as they once did after your work is done.

People go for sports massages for a range of reasons. Some are athletes who need to stay supple while others need help with an ailment that is not sports related. The therapist will be able to identify if massage is the best way for you to go.

This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO Marketing consultant of 3r.ie, on behalf of National Training Centre - providing Massage Courses, Pilates Courses and Personal Trainer Certification.

View the original article here

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