السبت، 28 أبريل 2012

Four Fun Games Your Kids Can Enjoy With Outdoor Playground Sets

With all the cool toys that kids can play with indoors, finding outdoor activities kids will actually go and do can be a challenge. Many children are drawn indoors by the lure of video games, television and other technology, leading to problems with sedentary lifestyles and childhood obesity. Outdoor playground sets can provide children with hours of fun in their own backyards. You can encourage activity amongst your children or grandchildren by teaching them some of these fun games they can enjoy with outdoor play sets.

• Obstacle Course: Making your own obstacle course with a great playground set keeps kids excited about playing outside instead of hibernating indoors. Use cones in conjunction with your play set and draw a map to outline the obstacle course. You'll want to have the kids go through the course one at a time so you don't have any accidental collisions. Once everyone has gone through the obstacle course you've made, you can enlist the help of the children to create a second obstacle course involving the different components of the play set and other yard toys.

• House: Kids love emulating their parents and playing "house" is a game that every kid loves to play time after time. Drape an old sheet over the slide to create the house and encourage the kids to use swings for their vehicles. It won't take much to fire off their imaginations as they pretend to be Mom and Dad taking care of day to day activities, going to work and coming home.

• Relay Races: If your children seem to have endless amounts of energy you can help them use it up before bedtime with relay races. Creating a relay race in your yard that involves a lot of different activities such as using the slide on your swing-set, swinging 5 times and climbing up and down the ladder will put them in action. When these components are combined with running around the yard, kids get a great workout that helps them develop large motor muscles and have fun, too.

• I Spy: Perspective makes a difference and children will see things differently from the upper areas of the play set. Have kids take turns "spying" different things from the treehouse portion of the play set while everyone else guesses.

Outdoor play sets provide lots of fun and many children are satisfied by simply swinging and sliding the afternoon away. But when a little extra creativity is called for, you can keep your children active on outdoor playground sets by playing one or more of these games. All it takes is a little outside the box imagination to make the kids reach for more imagination too. Before you know it, all they'll need is a sunny day and a little free time to entice them outdoors.

As a child, Gretchin Hammill loved playing games on her outdoor playground. Children of all ages can enjoy outdoor fun on Little Tikes playgrounds.

View the original article here

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