الأربعاء، 11 أبريل 2012

Choosing the Best Kite for You to Fly

When it comes to outdoor fun, one can't beat a day of flying kites. However, because there are so many to choose from, a lot of first time kite fliers often ask about the best for them to purchase for this open air adventure. The following information includes categories and descriptions to help new fliers choose what may be best for their experience.

The Diamond Kite is the one most well-known because of Benjamin Franklin. With its diamond shape, this kite needs a tail to keep it steady. These kites move a lot in the sky with all their dipping and diving, but even with their erratic flight, they can be controlled by a tug on the string. If you consider yourself a traditionalist, the diamond kites are a good choice for you. They come in a lot of colors and even a variety of cartoon characters that are fun for kids of all ages.

The Delta Kites are just that: a large delta shaped three-sided kite with a very wide base. With a delta, flying high with a lot of tails and spinners creates a colorful site to see. Because of the larger flat surface, designers can apply or add great graphics to these kites, too.

Dragon Kites are easy to launch and exciting to fly. When you see a dragon kite flying in the sky they create a lot of attention because of the never-ending length of their waving tails. Many of these tails are from twenty to one hundred feet in length and a fun site to see.

The Box Kites and Cellular Kites are very popular and yet they need a little extra wind to create their spinning and movements in the sky. Because of the many unusual shapes, these kites have more parts to assemble, and will take more time to set up, but it is worth it when you see them fly and spin. With a good steady breeze, these are a lot of fun and are found among many serious kite enthusiasts.

Parafoil Kites are very popular because they have no actual rods or frame and they can be packed up very easily into small pouches to travel anywhere. The larger parafoils have a lot of pulling power and even though they are great for exercising your arms or shoulders, they should not be used by the smaller younger flyer.

The Stunt Kite is also known as the sport, trick, or performance kite. These dual line kites, or even quad line kites, have become very popular in the last several years. Because of their rigid frame, these kites can generate a lot of speed, and with practice, the person in control of this kite can create some amazing stunts which are very exciting to watch. If you are a great adventurer and want to bring out the professional in you, flying stunt kites will bring a lot of enjoyment to your kite flying experience.

The Zero Wind or Glider is one of the most versatile and fun kites to use. With little or no experience, even a novice flyer can have a lot of fun launching this kite. Depending on how the kite is assembled, this glider can even fly indoors without any wind, or soar with tails in the wind like the best of any other kite.

Even though there are many kites to choose from, the above categories and descriptions may help the future kite enthusiasts choose a kite that may be the best to experience the outdoors of kite flying.

Sheri Manning has been a music educator her entire life, but has still found time to enjoy flying kites. For a great selection of kites to begin your kite flying experience, visit: http://www.kiteflyingpro.com/ and get started today!

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