الجمعة، 11 مايو 2012

Why You Don't Have To Be An Adrenaline Junkie To Enjoy White Water Rafting

Much of the publicity surrounding white water rafting tends to depict the activity as the ultimate challenge. Press accounts tell of rafters who seek out the fastest, strongest river rapids for the thrill of the dangerous ride. The ultimate result of ads like these is that river rafting is only for those who get off on the adrenaline rush of riding the rapids.

Yet this representation is only one aspect of river rafting. With good guides and the proper outfitters, not only can first timers have a great time but those who love rafting can have a safe, enjoyable time without worrying about any danger at all. The reasons that draw individuals and families to a river trip are many and varied, but the benefits go far beyond the brief thrill of a run through the rapids.

• Nature observation is part of any river trip. Whether you're running Class V rapids or floating down a quiet stream, you can't help but notice the natural world. Most white water raft trips take place in undeveloped areas in mountainous terrain with scenery unlike what you see on your daily commute.

• Physical exercise and exertion is required of all river trip participants. The guides may lead and navigate, but everyone has to contribute to the successful run through a series of rapids. You will be yielding a paddle to keep that raft moving forward and out of the whirlpools.

• Family time on a raft trip is a great way to build closeness. Everyone comes away from a river rafting trip with a "We did it!" attitude. This is not an individual sport, but one that requires teamwork from each member of the crew. River rafting makes an effective team-building exercise for businesses as well.

• You will also achieve a great sense of environmental awareness as well. This is a good time to teach kids about environmental issues. Show them that if the river was polluted that this trip wouldn't even happen. Talk about balancing people's need to use resources with the need to preserve them.

As you negotiate the river, you will definitely have the thrill of an adrenaline rush or two when you go white water rafting. Those moments will live on in your memory, but there will be many other moments you will treasure, too. The look on the faces of your family as the raft drops down the rapids and that instant you see that first deer on the riverbank are priceless. This is an adventure that offers all levels of thrills and excitement.

Maranda Steinburg and her family loves to have an exciting time on their vacation and whitewater rafting in Colorado is a favorite. AVA's Colorado Rafting has the adventure you want with rafting on the Colorado River and more.

View the original article here

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