الأحد، 6 مايو 2012

Nobody Wins If 100% Is Not Given

There is no way any team or individual can win at any sports competition if they are not giving a hundred percent to the sport. A person who is not truly committed to the game should not be playing it because it can damper the overall performance of a team. Even in individual sports such as golf and tennis have competitions that require a team to participate together. One person who is not giving their best can bring the entire team down. So how do you keep your team motivated to give one hundred percent?

Make the Players Compete for Positions - If you want your team to be competitive, then you need to start the competition from the beginning. No player, no matter how good their stats are or how good they think they are should be given a position without earning it. They have to work just as hard as those who may not be as good but who give 100% each and every practice and game. This makes even the good players push themselves to give more effort at all times. They can choose to play for a different team if they do not want to push themselves or compete for a position on the starting squad.
Focus on the Team - If you are focusing on those few good players and are letting those who are not as good stand around, then you are not creating a positive atmosphere. Focus on the team as a whole and all the players will respond positively. If there are players who are slacking, let the entire team know that this is not acceptable and allow the team to motivate those players as a whole, not individually. Many times those few who are not playing to their abilities will bring themselves up for the good of the team and to win more games.
Participate in Charity Events - Even teams that are made up of young players like Pee Wee football can participate in charity events. Throw a car wash to have more funds for the team or participate in a local charity walk/run. This bonds the individual players as a team and gets them working together in a venue that is not related to the sport. Plus it is a good way to raise money for the team or to raise money for the community.

All team members should give 100% every time they practice or play in order for that team to be competitive. If players are forced to compete for their positions and the coaches focus on the team as a whole rather than on individual players, the team will benefit further by having players who are committed to winning. Participating in charity events can further strengthen the team bond and bring all the players closer as a cohesive unit.

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Lisa Mason has been writing professionally since 1998 with a specialty in Internet content. A youth coach with a passion for a variety of sports, she founded Sports Zone Media to combine her love of sports and writing.

View the original article here

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