الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Making Use of an Old Mat

Have you ever thought of any other application to a trampoline mat other than bouncing like a rubber ball, making your neighbors think they were right about you? No? Me too. Until one evening a couple of years ago.

While living and working in Wildwood, NJ I once walked along the coast relaxing myself after a long busy day. I'm not an American, I come from Belarus and I'm not used to such a level of life when people can afford everything they want without thinking about tomorrow. I'm used to make money on my own, but also won't refuse something coming into my hands itself.

That evening that 'something' was a used trampoline mat. It wasn't something to be a completely throw-away-thing so I thought: "There's Morey's Piers not far from here, one of the largest and most successful amusement parks on the East coast. Perhaps they bought a new one in the beginning of the season and this one was no longer needed". So I grabbed it and took it home.

One should have seen me walking through the street with a trampoline mat on my back, but the thought that sometimes you can find some really unexpected application to old things, which I later successfully did, kept me going. I got home exhausted cursing my stubbornness. I just threw the thing into the yard and forgot it for a couple of days.

Did I mention I like reading books? Of course I didn't. It's an article, not a novel after all. But this fact played not the last role in my future "creative designer" carrier. I was sitting in the backyard reading a book a couple of days later when my sight caught the mat again and the first thought I had: "What for?" But the next even more surprising idea was one those which come after an apple falls on your head. I thought I should make something of it.

I saw a couple of trees not far from each other, then the mat, again the trees...and the mat. A perfect plan arouse in my head. Yes, I have to make a hammock from it. I was already imagining myself lying in it in the shadow of the trees reading and sipping juice or even...doesn't matter. I put off the book and took everything I could have needed to make my plan come true.

It turned out not so easy as I thought it to be. But this time my stubbornness was on my side and after a couple of hours I finally managed to install the mat, pardon, the hammock between the trees, just like in the books I read. This even improved my self-confidence. Earlier I thought my hands were suitable just for tapping the buttons and playing the guitar. To be honest I still think so.

Nevertheless the improvised hammock was installed and I spent and still spending my free time lying there and doing nothing. I bought a trampoline since that time by the way hoping to apply it as a trampoline, only as a trampoline. A great experience I should say for those with inexhaustible energy and fantasy. The only thing left is to combine both the hammock and the trampoline practicing a nice bounce dive straight into the hammock.

P.S. This is the place where I found the trampoline - http://trampolinepartshop.org/ and any trampoline part for it!


View the original article here

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