الخميس، 3 مايو 2012

Safeguard Those Pearly Whites With Mouth Guards

Every parent would love to see his child grow as an athlete. However, as the child begins to play sports, the battle of safety begins as well. There are several sports like football, hockey, roller derby, skiing and snowboarding, etc. that involve serious physical activities and expose the player to the risk of falls. Although most players understand the importance of wearing bicycle helmets, they often overlook the importance of wearing a mouth guard. While playing there is a risk that the child may hit heads, face a fall, or have head or mouth contact with other players or sports equipment. This makes mouth guards as an important safety gear. Especially in sports like basketball and baseball, more than fifty percent of the injuries faced are actually mouth injuries. Therefore, in sports like football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, skiing, skateboarding, and even gymnastics, mouth guards should be used. Basically, mouth guards are similar to bicycle helmets. If you start their use early, it becomes a habit and there is no hesitation in using one.

A mouth guard protects more than just the teeth. A right fitting can protect your lips, tongue, cheeks, jaw, and can even reduce the intensity of head and neck injuries. It can also prevent the injury that is caused when a child's teeth hit together due to a sudden jarring. Researchers have proved that wearing a mouth protector significantly reduces the chances of mouth and dental injuries.

Wearing any type of mouth protector is better than not wearing one. However, given the large number of choices for them available these days, you can easily find one according to your needs. You can easily find them in local sporting goods stores or you can order for them online. Choose one that fits well according to your mouth structure and is comfortable to wear. Many pediatric dentists also make customized mouth guards for patients. These are more expensive as compared to readymade ones, but are often are more comfortable.

It is a good idea to begin the use of mouth protector at an early age. Make your child wear them every time he plays sports. This will make him comfortable with their use and will convert it into a habit worth picking. Remember, as a parent it is only you who can help your child learn the intricacies of being safe. After all, those shiny white pearls are worth millions of dollars each and are responsible for that million dollar smile as well!

The Author Charls Lukas is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Mouth Guards and bicycle helmet.

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