الأحد، 6 مايو 2012

How to Build Confidence in Sports

We are discussing How to build confidence and to begin with you must remove the thought that confidence has to be inspired by some success. It could, but it's not required. The moment they think it has to originate from previous accomplishments, it stops them from achieving confidence.

It is best to remind them that they came out of the womb they had no successes but have formulated achievement for themselves. It's been pointed out by a lot of people in the sports world that the sole method for getting confidence is to have success. Certainly that would not support your kids, who haven't enjoyed any achievements yet.

It feels like a Catch-22 to them. For instance in the adult world we assume, "We can't get work if we don't have a job!" Well you need to eradicate that perception. Instead point out they've had some successes in their lives and it has more to do with just believing you can have success - and wanting it."

When you're young and you start learning to walk - you just want it. That's all that was needed for success. Get them on board that way. Guide them that way. All you have got to communicate is, "If you want it, it will come around, it's that simple."

A lot of times we just need to simplify the teaching and get simple with the concepts to help them build mental toughness. Just give them one little points and thoughts to work on a day or several times during the week. But repeat it in multiple times and counter the negative stuff that's going on in their head throughout the week.

Another very important step on How to build confidence in sports is to eliminate the mental baggage. Everybody's got some. Now this is not very easy as a coach, when you are so busy. This is the kind of thing I do in my office and in my programs. But the bottom line is that we should just all be aware of it, these underlying beliefs live in the cellular tissues of the body. And literally it's the subconscious mind that can get in the way and stop an athlete from performing their best.

Welcome to the Mental Toughness Academy for Youth Sports. This would be the next segment of a series of trainings for coaches to learn how to learn how to teach mental toughness to their athletes.

Visit: http://www.sportsmentaltoughness.com/fe/14562-mental-toughness-academy to get your free video training and.mp3 on how to "Master The Pressure" in competition. Also receive a free ebook: "The 10 commandments for great sports parents."

View the original article here

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