الجمعة، 4 مايو 2012

Five Reasons To Avoid Cheap Foam Coolers

High Quality Foam Coolers Actually Save You Money, Prevent Frustration, and Help The Environment

The coming of spring often signals the onset of beach-seeking Spring Break crowds and the obligatory trash leavings on beaches and shorelines all along Southern United States (and California) coastlines. Unfortunately, foam coolers tend to be the most noticeable of all the litter because of individual size volume and an already existing negative reputation. This article explains the five main reasons why avoiding the purchase of cheap, flimsy, throw-away foam coolers and buying high-quality, long-lasting ones instead is an effective approach to help reduce the amount of trash carelessly cast into the environment when people are out to have a good time.

Perception of Cheapness

When people buy cheap things - especially if they're making an impulse purchase - they hold a very small (if any at all) perception of value in regard to those items, and as a result invest no personal sense of caring for the product. When people buy quality, they have a higher expectation of the product and their own treatment of that item, tending to hold onto such for longer periods of time and with greater care. A quality foam cooler is usually perceived and treated differently than a cheap one. High quality products cost more and thus receive more respect.

Poor Quality

Cheap foam coolers are not so much intentionally flawed as they are "rushed" through the manufacturing process with the least amount of raw material for the purpose of maximizing profits. The thickness and density of the foam and the time invested to fuse it together are vital factors determining whether the product is weak, leaky, and fragile. Increased quality means more time on the line to properly fuse a denser amount of material to boost strength, leak resistance, and reliability. It also means manufacturer quality control testing to ensure that the public doesn't get stuck with inferior goods.

Lower Customer Satisfaction

That already existing perception of cheapness combined with overwhelming evidence perpetuated by years-long sales of lousy products at cheap prices has resulted in a negative bias that has to be overcome if minds are going to be changed. Too many people expect foam coolers to fail, and are shocked if on some rare occasion they come across those that don't. The types of coolers used to ship seafood and pharmaceutical goods tend to different than those too often found on department store shelves. Food and drug companies cannot afford to use coolers that break and fail, and so rely only on the best to get the job done. When the public gets hold of this kind, they are pleasantly surprised to discover that there are foam coolers on the market that can last for years and are not made to be thrown away.

Increased "Littering" Risk

The lack of concern that results from a perception of cheapness means that such items are highly likely to end up being thrown away after use because so many people simply couldn't care less. When young people see their peers tossing broken, badly made foam coolers into the environment, the attitude is frequently one of, "Oh well, it's all just cheap throwaway." Such social apathy is eliminated when the perception is reversed, oriented toward quality.

Poor Education On The Recycling Option

Sellers of low-grade foam coolers seldom (if ever) take proactive measures to let the buying public know that said items can be recycled. The pervasive attitude is keyed more to increasing profits by moving thousands of units, which somewhat neglects the greater public good. The public good is served by getting the word out about the need and practicality of EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) foam recycling. This could mean sacrificing some "buy me" marketing for "recycle or reuse me" public service branding, but in the end we all benefit.

There are now more than 200 resources nationwide available for curbside, drop-off, or mail-in recycling of EPS foam products, with that number continually increasing every year. As of 2010, more than 71 million pounds of EPS foam products are annually recycled with more than 50% of that being used to make products, thus contributing to economic growth and jobs creation.

These five reasons to avoid buying cheap foam coolers build a strong case for buying the higher quality ones instead. By investing just a little bit extra, customers can enjoy knowing that they've bought a more reliable item that lasts a long time and is both reusable and recyclable. If enough people demand this of retailers all over the nation, then we will inevitably elevate product quality standards while simultaneously decreasing the amount of EPS foam cooler trash cast onto our beaches and into the environment.

My name is Riley Marquette and I'm a content provider for http://www.loboy.com/ and The Bear Facts (Lifestyle) Blog. I'm an admitted, unabashed, stark raving fan of LoBoy Foam Coolers and Insul-Pak Insulated Foam Shippers and other related Magna Manufacturing, Inc. products. It's not about the cooler - it's about the FUN YOU HAVE WITH THE COOLER!

View the original article here

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