الجمعة، 11 مايو 2012

Putting on a Real Game Face

In sports, competition, business, warfare, and perhaps politics we see a lot of bravado. There are actually psychological reasons for this, and there has been much research which proves it actually helps those who are the most competitive succeed and become victorious. However, there is a difference between putting on a game face, and actually being one with it. Indeed I'd like to talk about this for a moment if you wouldn't mind.

Okay so, how you spot a phony, someone that is pumping up their chest, but doesn't have the heart, will, strength of character, courage, or perseverance to go the full distance? That is a tough call, but over the years in competition I've gotten better at it, and I can often spot those that lack the internal will to press on.

When you spot someone like this, and if you are competing against them, they will start using bullying tactics, and playing up their credentials. They will go out and parade around with great showmanship. But that doesn't mean they can beat you, and when you put on your game face, if you choose too, and if you have all the right characteristics, there's a good chance you will win, the odds are with you because "will" is one of the biggest factors, that too has been proven.

In poker, people will put on all sorts of antics and sometimes you can sense the weakness, you can see it in their eyes, so you call cards. Now then, if you're going to put on your game face you need to be able to perform up to that level. Bluffing only works sometimes and you should always negotiate from a position of strength, or enter a competition when you know you have had the best training, and you are there to win no matter what.

If you don't have that psyche, you don't belong there. People that don't think like that should not be involved in high level competition, nor is should they complain when they lose miserably. Now then, I've been involved in competition at very high levels, and I know the internal intensity is real at those levels. And yes there is a bit of showmanship in competition.

You shouldn't assume just because you see a little showmanship that the other party has a false game face, but you should observe and watch for signs of weakness in their character, because if they are going to play it up, but lacked the performance within, you should take advantage of that because you are the stronger, better, more skilled, and stronger willed player.

Always play to win, never give up, and know in your heart that you will be victorious!

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on the future of Sports in Space. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

View the original article here

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