السبت، 12 مايو 2012

The Effects of Racing on the Body

Some exercise is better than none at all because it reduces your cardiovascular risk by a factor of three. However any exercise vigorous enough to train the anaerobic threshold, especially treadmill cardio and racing, actually increases your cardiac risk by seven, according to this study presented at the Canadian Congress 2010 in Montreal. This is a powerful lesson to anyone who engages in cardio exercise, because as it turns out regular cardio workouts are excessive (when we don't take the necessary precautions first) and may actually be counterproductive.

For example, compelling evidence now shows that high-intensity interval training, which takes but a fraction of the time compared to conventional cardio, is FAR more efficient, and more effective. You can literally reap greater rewards in less time. The same can be said for the super-slow form of weight training, which mirrors many of the health benefits of high-intensity interval training. Research published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases recently concluded that the best fitness regimen is one that mimics the movements of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, which included short bursts of high-intensity activity, but not a lot of long-distance running.

Movement simply for the sake of movement always disrupts homeostatic pH balance because muscle contraction, body temperature, and circulatory imbalance between the heart (deep organs) and working muscles produces pH acidity. Exercise, believe it or not, is the fastest way to balance body pH. Exercise is also the fastest way to imbalance body pH. It all depends on whether your exercise is a partial body fit or an exact body fit. An exact body fit will always restore acid-base equilibrium, and a partial body fit will always disrupt the chemical equilibrium.

Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands as a sole conditioning principle cannot achieve pH fitness because the kidneys take hours or even days to restore acid base equilibrium (even if you drink lots of water) disrupted by anaerobic acid stress, especially when combined with all the other day-to-day stressors that are unavoidable.

Over time even mild acidity can cause such problems as cardiovascular damage, clogged arteries and high blood pressure, weight gain, obesity, insulin disorders and Diabetes/ liver, bladder, and kidney conditions/ depression, frequent headaches, sinusitis, indigestion and constipation/ osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, joint pain, aching muscles/ MS, ALS, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's / hormone imbalances, prostrate problems, low energy and chronic fatigue/ free radial damage, immune system damage, and ultimately DNA damage and pre-mature aging.

To their credit, even without contemporary scientific knowledge, the traditional modalities like Yoga and Qi Gong were able to, if performed slowly over long hours, balance body pH acidity and prevent cellular wear and tear from exceeding metabolic rate of repair. However the limitations imposed on our lifestyle in a technological world make it inappropriate and inaccessible to practice these disciples consistently. Traditional disciples simply don't have the necessary speed and compression.

The physiologic mechanisms that can balance body pH chemistry fast are very precise. Refinement of exercise design needs to account for all the elements that raise the anaerobic threshold without stress. These include equalizing V02max specifically in all the muscle groups as well as deep tissues, along with integration of the interrelations of all organs and glands at a new metabolic peak in perfect homeostatic balance. In other words, just any random combination of exercises cannot achieve the exact body fit for pH fitness in a few short minutes pre and post physical training. The missing element is Body'Fit pHx, which combines 100% aerobic (organ oxygenation) with the sequence of explicit movement and breathing patterned to achieve Aerobic Peak Metabolic Potential™ homeostatic-ally in deep tissues, as well as working muscle.

View the original article here

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