الخميس، 10 مايو 2012

Mentally Tough Athletes Can Open and Close Their Mind at the Right Times

Those with confidence issues have their information scattered throughout their mind and have a difficult time finding the information they need to accomplish successful goals. This happens when they are too enticed by outside stimulates and have little power to go within and think at a deeper level. The ability to think at a deeper level is the foundation of confidence and mental toughness.

Athletes or coaches come across some very good information that can help them and their team out, but are too close minded to see the possibility of that information or tool. Confident people always ask the question of 'how can I get better?' They are prone to doing their research and taking advantage of good opportunities that cross their path.

Being too open-minded on the other hand is a sign of someone with issues with confidence as they may be easily influenced and are led from one place to the other without thinking about consequences.

The skill of keeping your mind open to things that can help, and closing your mind to things that cannot benefit you, is a skill that most cannot master. The key to getting to that balance is a great trait to have for the confident player or coach. Being open to things that come your way and being discerning enough to make a plausible decision on whether the tools that cross your face are for you, is the key.

A Confidence trainer or mental toughness coach can help get teams to achieve a team's goals designated by the coach. Once satisfactory results start to manifest, then confidence levels rise and the team can gain momentum. At this point the team must be open to minor adjustments to help them get into the zone and get consistent results.

Many teams and individuals are finding the importance of using a Confidence Trainer as sports professionals are starting to find that the mental part of sports is just as important than the physical training. Some coaches have opened up and have resorted to more team building activities to get players to believe in themselves and the team dynamic. Athletes seem to get more of a life-learning experience when they see their coach have an open mind and is willing to try new techniques that help with team's over all confidence.

Overall, athletes should be open to find physical and mental techniques that work for them and can help their team. If the coach feels the same way, then the easier it will be for the athlete.

About Mike Huber: Team Mental Toughness and Confidence Training. Coach Mike Huber speaks and teaches courses to travel, high school, college, and professional sports teams. He teaches teams and organizations certain simple, and powerful tools to help athletes SEE, BELIEVE, TRUST, CONTINUE, and FINISH.

His book, The Ultimate book on Confidence and Mental Toughness ( Volume 1 For Athletes and Coaches)
This book will be the most powerful, short, and to the point book about developing confidence and mental toughness in sports you will ever read. Book availability http://www.secure-ebook.com/ebook.jsp?book=THEU-BHVT05-234

Press Inquiries: Mike Huber is available for television, radio, newspaper, magazine and on-line interviews, articles and speaking engagements.
Contact: Mike Huber
Email: hubiemagic@aol.com
Phone: (847) 312-1061
Website: http://www.hubiemagic.com/confidence-training.html

View the original article here

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