الخميس، 31 مايو 2012

Tips to Get Into Shape Quickly With a Personal Trainer

Most of us want to be able to shed the pounds as quickly as celebrities seem to do. This is possible if you work with a personal trainer. Of course you need to find the trainer first and you have to know how to get the most out of the time you spend with them.

Where to find a personal trainer

The first step is actually finding a good trainer. If you do not mind spending the money it is possible to hire a trainer. Generally you will have to pay them by the hour and they will either come to your home or meet you in an environment where you can get fit. This however, is not actually a viable option for most people. That is why most gyms will have trainers who can help out their members. All you have to do is sign up as a member of the gym and the trainer will work with you.

How personal trainers can help you

Personal trainers can help you in a number of ways. The first way is that they usually will know more about exercise routines and diet then we do. They will also be able to tell you which exercises are right for you and what you should not do. Having knowledge of diets also helps them ensure that you are getting the most out of your exercise routine.

What courses should they have done?

Before you use a personal trainer you should find out what training they have. Qualifications will vary but you should make sure that they have some form of qualification. It is best if the personal training courses they took cover such subjects as anatomy, exercise techniques as well as diet and nutrition. The reason why these areas should be covered is because this is what they will be helping you with. If they do not know anatomy how will they know which part of your body you are going to be using?

Tips to get into shape quickly

If you have your personal trainer but feel that you are not getting into shape don't worry. There are some tips you can use to ensure that you get into shape quickly when working with a trainer.

• The first tip is to follow the regime your trainer makes. Trainers will generally create an exercise routine for you and you should follow that. Do not over do exercise as this can actually set you back on the way to getting fit.
• Follow the diet that your trainer recommends. Personal trainers will not only change your exercise regime but also your diet. This is done to give you more energy and reduce the bad foods that you eat.
• Accept that the trainer knows more than you. You will not get much out of the trainer if you dismiss what they say.

When you work with a trainer the key is to listen to what they say. They are trained to help you get fit and the only way you can get into shape quickly is to listen to what they are telling you.

This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO Marketing consultant of 3r.ie, on behalf of National Training Centre - providing Personal Trainer Courses, Pilates Courses and Personal Trainer Certification.

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الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2012

3 Ways to Handle Sports Parents That Want to Be Too Involved

Parents form one third of the youth sports support system (alongside coaches and other volunteers). They are the ones driving your athletes to practices and games, providing nutritious half-time snacks, organizing team parties and filling your stands...yes, they are invaluable! Most parents are content in their roles as fan and supporter, but how is a coach supposed to handle a sports parent that decides their place in on the field?

Here are 3 ways to manage the "helicopter" (that hovering) sports parent:

Establish ground rules
Make it very clear to your sports parents at the beginning of the season that the only people allowed in the dugout or on the field are the coaches and players. You can explain that you want to minimize the amount of distractions that could divert your player's attention away from the game. Having mom or dad watching from the sidelines, for some unfocused athletes can be distracting enough! Your sports parents need to respect you as the coach and your decisions if they fully expect their kids to do the same.

Set up a code of conduct before the season starts of what kind of behavior is and isn't acceptable during practices and games. Many sports organizations already have policies in place and you can just enforce the rules. Over involved and zealous sports parents tend to be the ones that become "those obnoxious sports parents" over the course of the seasons-the ones that coach from the sidelines, yell at the officials and argue with other parents. You want to prevent that behavior from happening before it has a chance to. Some parents may take offense to being pushed back to the stands, however, simply reinforce that it's for the well-being and safety of their child and other children.

Get them involved in a small way
Some parents can't help themselves...they love their kids! They have good intentions, but they want to be involved in everything their kid is doing, including your team. If you find yourself dealing with a parent that wants to help, find a way to let them participate but in a way that actually helps you or your sports organization. Get them to catch for your relief pitcher or take the soccer players on a warm-up jog around the field. Let the parent handle some of the smaller tasks so you can focus more on the game at hand. It makes them feel involved (and keeps them occupied) and frees up some of your time! Maybe they can help at the snack shop or take on some additional much needed volunteer roles in your sports organization (help is always needed!).

It's better to have a sports parent working for you then working against you. If you can get them involved without usurping your authority as the coach than everyone gets what they want and you don't to worry about a confrontation later on in the season.

Speak to them privately
If you have to talk to one of your parents, make sure it is done privately. Talk to them before or after practice or a game and explain why they need to reel it in a little bit. It's not that you don't appreciate their dedication to the team and their child's athletic career (of course you do!), but they need to treat you like the coach so their child sees you as the coach as well. Again, it's a matter of respecting you as the coach and also a fellow parent. You don't want to do this in front of the other parents or the players as it's embarrassing and might make your parent defensive. Most of the times sports parents don't even realize they've crossed a line, so a quick and private reminder will get everyone back on track.

Every team is bound to have one mom or dad that thinks they missed their calling to be a youth sports coach (you can remind them there is always room for more volunteers!). Involved parents are great, but there is a fine line between involved parent and helicopter parent. As a coach, you have to find a way to remind them that YOU are responsible for the coaching, safety and well-being of the team without causing and friction between you and them.

SportsSignup's ( http://www.sportssignup.com/ ) mission is to make it easy to manage sports programs and events by providing organizers with an online sport registration system that allows them to automate sport management tasks and allows members to complete registration and purchase team gear from any internet-connected computer.

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الثلاثاء، 29 مايو 2012

Treasure Hunts Vs Scavenger Hunts

The Difference between Scavenger Hunting and Treasure Hunting

First off we must let it be known that scavenger hunts and treasure hunts are quite different beasts. In a scavenger hunt, participants get a laundry list of things that they must collect or missions they are required to achieve. After everything is said and done, objects are counted and prizes awarded to the groups with the most objects and achieved the most activities. A treasure hunt, on the flip side, is a more cerebral pursuit. Team mates have to synchronize to solve a list of tricky riddles or clues, that lead to designated mystery spots.

Kinds of Clues

Treasure hunts are a bit more challenging to devise than scavenger hunts. Rather than creating a list of objects, the treasure hunt master will need to invent clues - and not just any clues. They must be intriguing; stimulate interest, and require patient, inventive, problem-solving. Clues come in a smorgasbord of shapes and formats but generally may be sorted as: Trivia, Coordinated-Action, and Puzzles & Code.

Trivia Clues

Trivia clues lead on players' collective experience. Ideally clues ask for participants to bring their plethora personalities to bare - ex. a sports junkie, a TV junkie and a bookworm all bring different angles to the stage. Just like a round of Trivial Pursuit, by making use of these various angles, players collectively have a much better chance of reverse engineering a solution be it concerning sports, arts and entertainment or novels.

Coordination Clues

Coordination clues are based less on knowledge and more on cooperation. Cleverly composed coordination clues lead groups, through physical tasks, to the awareness that certain tasks can't be carried out by an individual.

Visualize being at an aquarium attempting to tally the number of a particular species of marine life in a big fish tank. One person could go bonkers struggling to add up the moving targets by themselves. The same activity would be achieved far easier if approached as a group - via delegation. For instance, perhaps each player quickly tallies only 3-4 fish in a designated section of the tank. This may be a good solution but entails solid communication and strategy among the group.

Puzzling Clues

Puzzle and Code clues necessitate a different mentality and tend to conjure the most diverse, commonly intense reactions!

Consider a clue encrypted in morse code. The dots and dashes can make some turn light-headed yet others might welcome the challenge. The best puzzle and code clues give birth to creative thinking as a product of number-centric players problem solving along side liberal arts oriented players.

Treasure hunts are wonderful for teambuilding given that they make you think, they mandate you to brainstorm - you need to strategize and communicate and frequently take a break and revisit the problem later. Whether you're writing Trivia, Coordinated Action or Puzzles & Code clues - and the greatest treasure hunts cover all three types - recognize that teams collaborating and thinking together should be able to accomplish more than one person can by themselves - and have a better time doing it.

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الاثنين، 28 مايو 2012

Tips for Choosing Sports Kits

Any experienced player or coach can tell you about the importance of players having sports kits. It does not matter whether you are in school, sports club or organization team, you must have one. The kits contain sports gear which is mandatory to wear while playing. Official suppliers such as Adidas, Nike and Errea have dominated the markets over the years but of course still facing challenges from their competitors from the emerging market. Below are some tips which can help you to choose the best kits when you are going to the field.

There are several fantastic varieties of team wear and equipment. Such include sport kits, training wear and accessories. Visiting the showrooms mean that the interested individuals will be able to select the ranges that march their desires. Established and upcoming shops offer fare discounts to the customers. Custom sportswear and personalized clothing can also be tailor made to the interested teams. It is also possible for the interested teams to design their own kit and have the this delivered. The verities that are in place range from sports clothing, sports footwear, sports bags, sports equipment and brands. The online market is a comprehensive means of comparing what different stores have in offer before settling for what works best.

Latest Sports kits ranges can be found in the leading suppliers and in most cases have special offers. Tracksuits, wears for training and equipment complete what the suppliers offer. Sports leisure wear including caps, shirts and T-shirts is also available. The major sports brands have over the years produced quality the wears for the major tournaments across the nations. Several kit brands are being witnessed and the dominant names such as Adidas, Nike and Puma have held the market by storm. The top kit suppliers have their strongest selling strips and enter into sponsorship deals with teams. This means that they continue to supply they teams with the sports gear for the time agreed until the contract expires.

Depending on the relationship that the Sports kits supplier has with the team, they can continue to influence more teams into sponsorship deals. It is difficult to predict the dominant brands in the market today since the competition have picked strongly. The race for dominance on the brand variety has taken a major shift and the kits that were least purchased are today attracting strong attention. The major factor that many teams consider in the kits is the style of the prints. Different brands launch new styles of print to attract teams that have not settled for specific kits.

With outstanding, unique and original style, the volume of sale experiences a major growth as a result. It remains to be seen what the outstanding style of the kits will dominate the market over the coming years. Before walking to the showrooms to select the sports kits, those interested can initially find information online. This offers news about the new brands in the market, including the brands, special offers that are in place and the dates in which to expect new brands.

Visit our website for more information on sports kits

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الأحد، 27 مايو 2012

Outdoorsmen: Tap the Sun to Power Your Vehicles

As the weather warms, countless Americans prepare to rush outdoors to enjoy some outdoor recreation. These days, many people rely on some form of recreational vehicle to enhance or support their outdoor adventures. Most of these vehicles use batteries to power some or all of their functions. Unfortunately, all batteries inevitably die; and when this happens, you'd better hope you have a way to efficiently add power, or you could end up stuck in a dangerous situation.

Motorcycle Riders

If you're one of the millions of Americans who relies on a motorcycle to escape the stresses of day-to-day life, you probably look forward to the spring, when sunny weather replaces the frigid chill of winter. Sun-bathed highways offer motorcycle owners the perfect setting for recreational riding, especially for those who like to travel at high speeds for long distances. That said, sunlight doesn't just make riding more pleasant; it can actually help power your motorcycle and protect you from potentially dangerous situations.

When motorcycle batteries die, riders can find themselves stranded in barren, uncertain territory. If you have a portable solar-powered charger, you have no reason to worry. On the other hand, if you don't; you could end up thumbing for rides. It's important to remember that even new motorcycle batteries can go dead, especially when alternators stop working without warning. Before you head out on a long road trip or a relatively brief Sunday ride, be sure you pack a portable charger just to be safe.


Whether you're a hunter, camper or fisherman, you probably rely on batteries to power your gear. These days, most outdoorsmen rely on some type of vehicle, whether it is a four-wheeler, boat or RV. Because they often find themselves far away from the modern world, outdoor enthusiasts need assurance that a dead battery won't leave them stranded in undeveloped, woodland areas. If you're a hunter, you don't want to be forced to walk over miles of uneven terrain just because your ATV's battery stopped working. If you are a fisherman, you can't afford to end up stuck floating on a lake when inclement weather begins to threaten.

Solar-powered discount marine battery chargers and ATV/RV recharging devices offer outdoorsmen peace of mind when they are far away from home. Modern solar chargers are far more portable and efficient than the expensive, noisy fuel-powered chargers of yesteryear. They are also easy to use and environmentally friendly, which is often one of the most important qualities to people who love nature.

George is a freelance author in Grants Pass, Or. An avid outdoorsman, Mr. Zeed writes on subjects pertaining to all types of motorcycles, boats and rvs and accessories. George is the "go to guy" for help and advice when searching for products like a new motorcycle batteries or a discount marine battery chargers.

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الجمعة، 25 مايو 2012

London 2012 Olympics: The USSR and Russia - Two Giants in the Summer Games

Cold War: The USSR At The Olympic Games

After thirty-nine years of success stories in Olympic sports, the Soviet sport came to its end when the European-Asian country broke apart into 15 independent states in the early 1990s. Women's sport participation in the Olympics was one top priority during the Soviet administration. The former Soviet republics were: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Tayikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Eighty years ago, representing the Tsarist Empire, Russia's squad had earned 8 medals between 1900 and 1912.

Historically, the country, then the Soviet Union, played a key role in the Olympic Movement throughout the 20th century. It began to emerge as an athletic powerhouse at the XV Olympiad which was held in Helsinki (Finland's capital city) in 1952.

Making its international debut in the Olympiad, the Communist State sent a group of fledgling athletes to Scandinavia. The USSR's 295 participants -from 10 Soviet Socialist republics--- earned the most medals in the Helsinki Games, capturing unprecedented 71 Summer Olympic medals (22 gold, 30 silver, and 19 bronze). Almost immediately, this performance had a far-reaching impact not only on Soviet soil but also in the Eastern-bloc countries, from Bulgaria and Hungary toPoland and the German Democratic Republic (GDR). In Scandinavia, the national athletes won the first place in three medal-rich Olympic disciplines: gymnastics, freestyle wrestling and Greco-Roman wrestling. Likewise, they finished second in sports such as boxing, basketball, rowing, and track-and-field. Aside from that, the nation also won its first shooting gold. Under this Olympic atmosphere, there were several sporting icons: Nina Romaschkova (women's discus throw), Ivan Udonov (weightlifting), Ioannes Kotkas (Greco-Roman wrestling), Anatoly Bogdanov (shooting), Yuri Tyukalov (rowing), and Galina Zybina (women's shot put).

Over the next Olympiad in Melbourne (Australia), the 1956 Olympic squad also placed first in the medal standings and gaining four tournaments (gymnastics, kayak, shooting, and soccer). Additionally, the Soviets were runners-up in rowing, basketball, freestyle wrestling, track-and-field, and weightlifting. In Oceania, the nation won its first canoeing gold.Distance runner star Vladimir Kuts was the USSR's top athlete there, earning the respect of international fans and fellow Soviets. He won the 5,000m and 10,000 m golds, becoming the first Soviet to do so. During his sporting career, Kuts was one of the first competitors from his country to set world records. Other major figure was Lev Yashin, a goalkeeper which led the national side to its first win in the men's football championship. Over the next few years, the power of the USSR in Olympics worried America and other countries from Western Europe.

Architect of Cuba's State Sport System

Through the 1960s, the former USSR placed second in the multi-sport events: Italy'60, Japan'64, and Mexico City'68. In this period, there were famous sportswomen such as Inna Ryskal from the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan, who was a four-time medalist in the Summer Games. In fact, she was well-known and a role model for teenagers in her homeland and elsewhere. In the meantime, Tamara Press collected her third consecutive gold medal at Tokyo.

From the 1960s (until 1990), the USSR began to send sporting assistance to Cuba. In fact, this aid had many long-lasting effects on the island. After being recognized as the first "Socialist state" in the Spanish-speaking world, a host of physical education teachers and coaches from Cuba were being trained on Soviet soil. Shortly afterwards, Fidel Castro's Olympic squad was champion in sports in the Third World--- the underdog team finished first in the medal count in the Central American and Caribbean Games and subsequently were runners-up in the Pan American Games (since 1971). Cuba also began to win international medals when the USSR Olympic Committee persuaded the island's sports administrators to give great attention to medal-rich Olympic disciplines at the expense of baseball -- Cuba's national pastime-boxing, canoeing, fencing, gymnastics, judo, track and field, weightlifting, and wrestling.

Hasely Crawford Defeated Valery Borzov!

In the next decade, in the 1970s, the Summer Olympics were won by the USSR's sportsmen and women. At Munich 1972, there were 103 medals (43 gold, 29 silver, and 31 bronze), while in Montreal 1976, the Soviet Union's 47-medal gold was first and ahead of East Germany and the States.

In West Germany, the European country caused an upset in the 1972 Olympics when its national basketball side, led by the future Hall of Fame member Sergei Belov,defeated America in the gold-medal game -which captured viewers across the world. Within the former USSR, Ukraine produced several champions: A major figure, for example, was the nation's sprinter Valery Borzov, gold medalist in the 100m and 200m at Munich'72.

In fact, Olga Korbut was the greatest athlete of the Golden Age of the Soviet sport following her wins at Munich. Like most Soviet sports stars, Belarus' gymnast Korbut had been educated at one of the country's thirty-five top sports-schools during her childhood. By March 1973, the Washington Post journalist Paul Attner said: "Through television the American public saw a fascinating delicate creature (Olga Korbut),the little girl down the street, who seemed as removed as possible from the unemotional, cold Communist stereotype perpetuated by her team-mates. Here was a Russian who actually smiled and laughed and cried and waved to the crowd".

Despite utilizing the latest sporting technology, by 1976, Mr. Borzov failed to defend his Olympic titles: He finished third in the men's 100m at Montreal (Canada), behind Trinidad-Tobago's star Hasely Crawford and Donald Quarrie of Jamaica, two "dark horses" from the Caribbean. Surprisingly, he did not take part in the men's 200m. Meanwhile, Vladimir Salnikov's dream of competing in the Summer Games was realized at Montreal.Here, he was an example of talented swimmer: the Leningrad school-boy qualify for the finals in the men's 1,500m (aquatics), setting a new European record of 15m. 29.45s. In Canada, the up-and-coming Salnikov was one of the youngest athletes.

By the early 1980s, there were 55 million sportsmen and women in the USSR ( exactly Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Under the aegis of the Kremlin, Russia's capital was chosen to host the Olympics at the time.Since then, the nation's Olympic medals had played a part in Moscow's success. Before agreeing to make Moscow the Olympian capital, seven years earlier, the Russian city hosted the World University Games.

Encountering little resistance, at home, swimmer Vladimir Salnikov and his fellow Soviet athletes won the Games, an event boycotted by America -whose ruler led a campaign for it-- to protest the Soviet Union's December 1979 invasion of Afghanistan. Shortly afterwards, over five Western countries and most Third World governments participated in the U.S-led boycott of the 1980 Olympics. In the meantime, Enver Hoxha's Albania, one of the most anti-Soviet rules during Cold War, shunned the Olympic invitation.

According to Moscow's own evaluation, the nation produced a successful Olympiad. Nonetheless, unfortunately, the Kremlin boss, Leonid Brezhnev (one of Europe's worst ever dictators in the past century), used these Summer Olympics as propaganda machine. Despite providing financial aid to most National Olympic Committees from the developing world, only 49 countries from that region arrived in Russia. In meantime, most golds were "second-class medals". Why? Answer: The American-led boycott affected the competition in most sports: aquatics, archery, athletics, men's basketball, equestrian, boxing, field hockey, judo, women's volleyball, sailing, shooting, and wrestling. With the exception of the USSR, for example, had not competitors in the Women's Field Hockey few weeks prior to the Opening Ceremony. To support the host country, many results were marred by the local judges as occurred when inexplicably Mexico's sporting icon Daniel Bautista was eliminated in the men's 20-kilometer walk after leading the event. Also, Nadia Comaneci of Rumania ("Queen at Montreal'76") was one of the victims at Russia. On the other hand, againts all odds, the Soviet-backed Afghan dictatorship sent athletes.

The USSR's representatives would have won more golds if the government officials hadn't boycotted the 1984 Los Angeles Olympiad. The Kremlin said Soviet athletes could not compete because of "gross flouting" of Olympic ideal by Washington. The Kremlin administration's decision was known as retaliation for the U.S. boycott of Moscow four years ago. Likewise, over 10 Communist states, under Brezhnev's pression, decided not to attend the Olympics in the United States. Almost immediately, a handful of anti-American states, among them Iran and Libya, welcomed it. Instead of competing in California, the USSR and its proxies attended the Friendship Games on Cuba and Eastern Europe.

In the Gorbachov Years

After the deaths of Brezhnev (1982) and Yuri Andropov (1984), Konstantin Chernenkowas appointed Chairman of the new rule, buthe passed away during his brief administration. The Chernenko's death in 1985 left the nation without radical rulers. Shortly afterwards, Mikhail Gorbachov was the new strongman in the Kremlin. Under Gorbachov's rule, many things changed in the former USSR. One of his first acts was to improve ties with Western governments and its allies.

In spite of not having links to South Korea's anti-Communist regime, the Kremlin allow the national delegation -a well-prepared squad with Olympic spies-- to attend the 1988 Seoul Games. Seoul's foreign policy with respect to Moscow was difficult due to two major events: The USSR has throughout its history maintained close diplomatic and economic ties to Democratic People's Republic of Korea, one of the most secretive societies on Earth. In fact, North Korea is South Korea's enemy. Secondly, on September 1, 1983, a South Korean Boeing 747 was shot down by Moscow's military forces after violating Soviet airspace.

Up to 1985, the country's hard-line Communists refused to send sporting delegations to South Korea and its allies in the developing world. Losing the opportunity to gain its sixth title in a row, toward the end of the 1970s, for example, the women's national basketball side of the Soviet Union, spearheaded by the future Hall of Fame member Uljana Semjonova of Latvia, could not compete at the Seoul World Championships.

During the international competition, the USSR finished first in medal standings in the Games of the 24th Olympiad with 132 medals ( 55 gold, 31 silver, and 46 bronze). The country's top athletes were Victor Reneiski (men's canoeing/kayaking), Alexander Karelin (wrestling), Alesandr Kourlovich (weightlifting), Salnikov (aquatics), and Sergei Bubka (track-and-field). In team sports, the USSR confirmed its international status a major basketball as well as footballing country. The Soviet soccer side won the gold medal at the expense of Brazil. Additionally, their countrywomen defeated Peru (led by a South Korean coach) 3-2 in the gold-medal match in the Women's Volleyball Tournament, after losing the first two sets. However, one of its most important wins was when the national squad captured the gold medal in the Men's Basketball Championship after its win over the United States of America in the semis.

Post-Cold War: Russia At The Summer Olympics

During Post- Cold War, the 1992 Unified team -made up of 12 former Soviet republics-became the most successful team in the Olympiad in Spaniard soil. One of its international stars was Valentina Yerogova, who was the winner of the women's Olympic Marathon Championship. Upon winning golds in aquatics, Alexander Popov provided one of the more memorable moments for the Unified Team. At the same time, Another major win was to win themen's hammer throw (track-and-field) with Andrei Abduvaliyev (who hails from Tajikistan, a Central Asian region). After the break-up of the USSR, some of the nation's top athletes and coaches left for Europe, America, and Australia.

Having lost its sporting muscle in the wake of the turmoil of the Soviet Union, Russia competed for the first time as an independent (and democratic) nation in Atlanta'96, capturing 63 medals and finishing fourth, ahead of the People's Republic of China and Australia. In this climate, Russia's Karelin gained his third consecutive gold in men's super-hevyweight category in the Greco-Roman Wrestling Championships. Female track-and-field who earned medals included Svetlana Masterkova (800m & 1,500m) and Yeleva Nikolayeva (10km walk).

Dmitri Sautin was the only non-Chinese to receive a gold in the Diving Olympic Competition on Georgian soil. The nation's shooters picked up a total of three golds, two silvers, and one bronze. Nonetheless, Russia's loss of stature on the global stage was illustrated when its volleyball (female or male) did not win medals for the first time after winning 13 medals from 1964 through 1992, including seven Olympic titles.

Entering the 21st century, Aleksei Nemov burst onto the world stage when he amassed many medals (including two golds) and obtained a "big victory" by winning the men's all-around gymnastics competition at Sydney 2000 (on the fourth day of the Summer Games). Four years ago, Nemov, at Atlanta, he had been one of the main gymnasts on the Russian team. At the same time, the nation's long dream of Olympic title in men's hadball tournament was realized in Australia by beating Sweden. Additionally, tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov was one of Russia's most outstanding Olympics when he placed first in the men's singles by defeating Tommy Haas from Germany. Widely regarded as one of the world's top high jumpers, Yelena Yeselina was one of the winners in women's athletics.

In the wake of the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Russia's contingent went to Athens 2004, where was second in the medal standings, behind America. Here, Yelena Isinbayeva was the winner of the women's pole vault. From an international perspective, this pole vaulter is considered one of the global stars in athletics. Other Russia's major athletes were Yuri Borzakovsky (gold in men's 800m), Tatiana Lebedeva (gold in women's long jump), Furthermore, Anastasia Ermakova and Anastasia Davydova confirmed their front-runner status by winning the women's synchronized swimming.

With 73 medals ( 23 gold, 21 silver, 29 bronze), the Russian team, led by basketball player Andrei Kirilenko, placed third in the medal count in the Games of the 29th Olympiad at Beijing, behind China and the United States and well ahead of the United Kingdom (47) and Germany (41). Here, the nation's sportswomen won golds in sports such as aquatics, fencing, gymnastics, synchronized swimming, tennis, and track-and-field. Ysinbayeva, a three-time world gold medalist, won her second consecutive title, becoming one of the most talented athletes from Russia.

The former Soviet Union will send a 600-person delegation (made up of athletes, coaches, sports officials) to London 2012. According to Russia's last competitions (2009-2012: World Championships & European tournaments), it could win golds in the following sports: athletics, aquatics, boxing, fencing, gymnastics, shooting, weightlifting, women's volleyball, and wrestling.

Alejandro Guevara Onofre:Within a span of three years Alejandro has produced a host of high-quality articles/essays about cultures of the world, "re-discovering countries" and exploring exotic locations -from Chad to Vietnam, from Kosovo to the paradise island of Dominica - and new biographies (from such disparate individuals as Lionel Messi, Halle Berry, José Gamarra Zorrilla...). He also has made a name for himself as an expert on Summer Olympics, becoming the top "Olympian author" at Ezinearticles.com; stories based on athletic perseverance and Olympian spirit in global sports, including the United States of America. Under this backdrop, he has declared himself as "the world's No. 1 fan of the Olympics". As a keen sports fan, he says "I am passionate about sport--writing about it, playing it, watching it, and talking..."

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Taking Back My Youth on an MGP Nitro Extreme

It was a cool spring morning which promised to become a very hot early spring day and so the mind drifts to what could be done to make this Sunday a very special one for my son and I.

Having spent most of the day before indoors playing Star Wars on the Wii, Sunday was going to be 'outdoor day' and I was going to be out in the fresh air, not sat in front of a television watching virtual characters battle it out on screen. No, fresh air is what I needed today and so that's what I was going to get.

A few months earlier it had been my birthday and somebody in their ultimate wisdom had decided I was not going to grow old gracefully and bought me a scooter. Not any old scooter, but one with a particularly cool name. Knowing that I had a penchant for gadgets, they decided I needed on that summed up my love of all things 'mega' and 'turbo' and they bought me an 'MGP Nitro Extreme'. Now, when I first saw the words on the box I didn't really understand what it was I'd got. I thought maybe I'd been sent some kind of explosive device seeing as 'nitro' sounds like something we yearned for as kids.

However I soon realised that this was one of those trendy scooters with wheels so small they look like they've been stolen from Action Man's tank and enough metal and rivets to show it had been engineered in the fiery depths of some Pacific Rim volcano. I was going places on this thing, and hopefully not hospital.

As it turned out, the weather never gave me an opportunity to use it and so it lay dormant in the garage waiting for a time when the sun would emerge from the clouds and allow me to go hurtling down the street like a lanky and rather over weight teenager. Oh, and wrinkly. A teenager with a skin problem that makes them look 42. You get the idea.

And the sun came out and I did take my scooter to the skate park to show those whipper-snappers a thing or two about riding one of these beasts. Except just in case it was a bit hard, I went really early on Sunday morning, realising that your average teenager doesn't leave bed until way after midday on a weekend having spent the night before drinking Red Bull in a bus shelter.

So, I climbed carefully to the top of the ramp and holding the bars as hard as I could, I let myself tear down the slope, gravity taking hold of my over-plump frame and dragging me into the curve.

And here, dear reader, is where it went wrong.

You see, these infernal devices are pretty darn quick. They look flash because they are flash and the wheels are greased with the slickest, most frictionless material I have ever known. Before I could take a breath, I was hurtling at incredible speed towards a grassy bank wherein I narrowly missed a metal waste bin, sped off to one side and landed in a soft and slightly muddy patch.

If there was a moral to this story, it might be that people my age shouldn't be dealing in such dangerous sports and should stick to driving 4 by 4 vehicles on highways. But that would be defeatist. Instead, I give you this.

If you do intend to be a stupid as me and ride around like a teenager on incredibly good looking technical equipment - wear a helmet. You look a lot less stupid than someone with a massive bruise on their temple!

http://www.xtremelyboard.co.uk/product.php?id_product=420 - Andy Calloway is the SEO expert and online marketing guru at Calloway Green Ltd, in his spare time he takes part in some ridiculous sports such as riding these scooters.

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الخميس، 24 مايو 2012

London 2012 Olympics: The Kingdom of Tonga - An Olympic Nation in the South Pacific

Discovering Olympic Countries: Tonga

Officially known as the Kingdom of Tonga (also known as the Friendly islands), the archipelago lies in the Western South Pacific, between Niue (overseas territory of New Zealand) and the island-nation of Fiji, being one of Oceania's last monarchies and among the smallest states in the region. The tiny nation consists of a chain of 170 volcanic islands. There are more than 100,000 inhabitants. On June 4, 1970, the archipelago became the world's youngest state when it gained full independence from the United Kingdom. Nuku'alofa is the national capital and largest city.

Politically, it is an ally of America's administration since the early 1970s. Furthermore, Tonga is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Like most of Oceania's island-nations, this land possesses picture-postcard beaches and rich marine life. On the economic side, it is one of the least-developed places in the region. On the other hand, Tonga's long dream of competing in the Summer Olympics occurred in 1984 when it sent a group of fledgling athletes to Los Angeles (CA).

Sport in Tonga: From Rugby to Football

Sport was influenced in large part by the United Kingdom when the archipelago was a Briton protectorate. With the exception of rugby, the island's Olympic sport has a low profile on the continent of Oceania since 2000.

There are five popular Olympic sports on the South Pacific island-nation: soccer (or football), athletics, boxing, weightlifting, and tennis. In recent decades, water sports are a favorite outdoor activity on the island, from aquatics to sailing. Netball is other important sport, especially among women. Nonetheless, the islanders have a "big passion" for rugby -certainly a Briton legacy--- having qualified for the international meets. Since then, this European sport is the country's national pastime as happens in most of Oceania's independent states and dependencies. In fact, football has become a favorite sport for the island's population, who are avid soccer watchers when the men's national football team of Tonga plays, especially during the pre-Cup World tournaments (at home and abroad).

Tonga's major Olympic heroes are Tevita Taufoou and Peae Takaunove Wolfgramm (both boxers). The nation's Olympian athletes majority have been boxers, weightlifters, and sprinters. Like Swaziland's Olympic delegation, the national athletes sometimes wear traditional dresses and "leis" - it is made of flowers (orchids & jazmine) strung together-- as necklaces during the Parade of Nations. Aside from attending the Summer Olympics, the Tongan Olympic Committee competes in the Olympic-type South Pacific Games, and other multi-sport events such as the World University Games and the traditional Commonwealth Games (an event for entries from Anglophone countries).

Tonga At the Summer Games

Most of Tonga's population seem to have an athletic type for sports such as judo, wrestling, weightlifting, boxing, and field events (and American football, of course), Curiously, they are taller and stronger than the other islanders of the Pacific South. Due to this, there are some interesting performances in boxing despite being a sport without international experience.

On the global stage, the first Olympic islanders were who participated in the Games of the 23rd Olympiad in 1984 in Southern California, America (where there is one of the largest Tongan communities outside the archipelago). Its long-awaited international debut was interesting especially when its national star, the fighter Tevita Taufoou, was able to qualify for the first rounds and then to emerge as one of the world's top five boxers in the heavyweight category (91kg/120lbs). He was a key member of the nation's seven-male delegation at Los Angeles '84, an Olympiad boycotted by the Kremlin and its Soviet proxies. Once back on Tongan soil, Tevita was a focus of national pride in Nuku'alofa.

In California, Tevita was one of the most prominent athletes from Oceania in the Olympic Boxing Championship, paving the way for future fighters on the island of Tonga, which just occurred in the mid-1990s when an islander, of German heritage, put the Tongan flag on the sporting map of the world after becoming Olympic silver medalist.

By 1988, a handful of athletes made a trip to Korea to attend the Summer Games, the second Olympian participation by a Tongan squad. In Far East, Siolilo Vao Ikavuka was the first Olympic sportswoman to represent Tonga, a country which was a pioneer in the women's rights when the legendary Queen Salote Tupou III came to power in the first half of the 20th century. It was a milestone in the history of Tonga's sports. Prior to her participation in the women's discus throw in South Korea, where placed in 21st (last), Miss Siolilo defeated many other hopefuls for the chance to become Tonga's first Olympic sportswoman.

Exactly four years on, a handful of national champs were invited to attend the 1992 Summer Olympics on Barcelonese soil, competing in track-and field and weightlifting.

Peae Takaunove Wolfgramm: A National Hero

Without a doubt, the Island's finest hour came during the Atlanta Centennial Games in July 1996 as Tonga became the third nation from Oceania (among 18 independent states and dependencies), behind only Australia and New Zealand, to gain an international status as an Olympic medalist on the global stage upon capturing a boxing medal with Mr. Wolfgramm. No other Tongan had ever won a major medal on the global stage. Tonga sent only five representatives to America, competing in athletics, boxing, and weightlifting.

Wolfgramm came to America promising to compete with Olympic spirit and giving the island something to be proud of itself. He was runner-up to Ukraine's national champ Vladimir Klitchko in men's super heavyweight category in the 1996 Boxing Championship, after beating notable fighters in the first rounds and semis respectively and teaching the world a lesson of Olympic spirit. Aleksei Lezin of Russia and Duncan Dokiwari from Nigeria were bronze medalists in the Global Tournament, respectively. Because of Wolfgramm's single medal, the Anglophone nation was one of the 61st most important Olympic delegations at Atlanta'96, surpassing Mexico, Puerto Rico, and India.

Few days prior t the 1996 Atlanta Games, the Wall Street Journal's sportswriters Roger Thurow and Jonathan Buck wrote an interesting article about Tonga's hope Olympics on Georgian soil and putting Wolfgramm as the nation's main athlete. Following his triumph at Georgia, Wolfgramm was to become a national celebrity by Tonga's people, who had watched only achievements of Fiji's golfer Vijay Singh or when Guam's national delegate, Kimberley Santos, was crowned as the 30th Miss World at London in November 1980.

At the 2000 Australia Games, there were Olympics from Tonga. The national team's September 2000 trip to Sydney was the island's fifth participation in Olympian history. From 2004 to 2008, the English-speaking nation was represented by eighth entries --- almost all were eliminated in the first rounds at 2004 Athens and Beijing 2008.

Tonga will attend the London 2012 Games with a handful of athletes. Because of its poor performance in the pre-Olympic meets, however, most of the island's representatives will be invited by the International Olympic Committee. Ana Po'uhila, a shot put thrower, is the most remarkable athlete, having won two medals (gold and bronze) at the 2011 South Pacific Games on New Caledonia.

Alejandro Guevara Onofre: Within a span of three years, Alejandro has produced a host of high-quality articles/essays about cultures of the world, "re-discovering countries" and exploring exotic locations -from Chad to Vietnam, from Kosovo to the paradise island of Dominica - and new biographies (from such disparate individuals as Halle Berry, José Gamarra Zorrilla...). He also has made a name for himself as an expert on Summer Olympics, becoming the top "Olympian author" at Ezinearticles.com; stories based on athletic perseverance and Olympian spirit in global sports, including the United States of America. Under this backdrop, he has declared himself as "the world's No. 1 fan of the Olympics". As a keen sports fan, he says "I am passionate about sport--writing about it, playing it, watching it, and talking..."

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الأربعاء، 23 مايو 2012

Properly Packing Your Backpack

Proper packing of a backpack could, if one were so inclined, be called a science. To the casual weekend warrior properly arranging your gear inside your backpack might well be an exercise more properly defined as stuffing everything you need into a sack. However, for the gear-geek crowd, the question of how to fit everything you need within the confines of a tubular container is a tantalizing puzzle.

There are as many packing theories out there as there are types of backpacks. Hang around outdoorsmen long enough and you're bound to hear them all. Everyone has their own take on the "correct" method. They include everything from proper weight distribution, using every lash the backpack provides, heaviest items on the bottom, only up the middle, always on top, etc. Everyone that's been using a backpack long enough comes up with their own system that best suits their gear and their sensibilities and they're bound to tell you about it!

Not to be left out, I also have finally arrived at what I feel is a solid and practical arrangement of my gear. After 20 years of backpacking this system is certainly tried and true. Whether it's the best or not, I'll let the critics decide.

Likely before a conversation can begin about how to pack your gear, what type of backpack you'll use should be decided upon. That topic is actually quite involved and is a stand-alone subject needing its own article. For the purpose of this article I'll define the type of backpack you'll be using. A lightweight pack without too many bells and whistles in the 4000-5000 cubic inch range. A top loader with a hood, and if you're so inclined, side zipper access. I've found that a backpack meeting this criteria will suffice for 90% of trips if you're carrying only your own gear. If you're taking kids you'll likely need to bring more gear then a 4500 cubic inch pack will comfortably carry or if you're on a climbing trip and have a very large rack and group gear, you might not have enough suspension on a lightweight pack to support the added weight. Those situations aside, if you're looking to spend a week or two out and you're only going to be carrying personal gear - and that gear is fairly lightweight in nature, then this method will work.

I like to think of the inside of my backpack as having 3 layers which run vertically up the pack. The bottom layer I use for all my sleeping related items. The middle layer has my heavier/larger items and the top layer is mostly food. I start by putting my camp chair shell and sleeping pad in to the pack in a semi-circle. Looking from the top down, these two items follow the curvature of the outside wall of the pack. I then place my tent and sleeping bag vertically into the remaining cavity. I always use a sleeping bag compression sack as I've found without one my bag is simply too large to stuff into this configuration. With those items in place I then stuff clothing items into any of the small remaining spaces. If properly stuffed, there's zero space remaining on this bottom layer. Every available cubic inch is used.

The next layer is composed of my stove, collapsible water container (for camp water), my water reservoir, first aid kit and extra clothing items. Again, every inch of space is used. If we're doing cross-country routes I'll also use this space for my climbing harness and a small rack and extra webbing.

The uppermost layer is primarily shopping bags of food. On long trips we generally only take freeze-dried food along with bars, and other dried items. No cans, no boxes - nothing that isn't easily packed out after we've used it.

In the hood I put my "possibles" bag, rain cover, rain/snow jacket or shell and any other small items that need a home. On one side of the belt I have a belt-pouch which holds my hat, gloves, maps and extra bars for the trail. On the shoulder strap I also have a small pouch which carries the point and shoot camera. On the opposite side of the belt is a water bottle pouch.

To round it all out I have a small pouch lashed vertically to my compression straps on the side/rear of the bag. This holds my water filter for easy extraction. If we're climbing and a rope is needed I put that between the hood and the main body of the pack, all tucked away so it won't snag on branches and the like.

With this configuration, nothing (other than the small water pouch) is strapped to the outside of my pack. This not only gives the pack a great center in terms of weight distribution but not having gear lashed to the outside means I can easily toss my pack, pull the pack with rope, etc. As we do a lot of off-trail hiking, having all the gear on the inside affords a better overall ride. The total weight of my pack hovers in the mid-thirty pound range. Slightly less for short trips and up to ten pounds more for longer trips or with extra gear for climbing.

In a nutshell, that's my packing configuration for the majority of our trips. There's always slight modifications depending on the trip's purpose. If fishing, the pole will be lashed to the outside. If winter camping, I'll have snowshoes/skis and a shovel lashed to the outside. However the basic configuration for all my other gear remains the same. Give it a try the next time you're out. I hope it works as well for you as it has for me.

Check out our Site dedicated to Outdoor Products and Advice - http://gearcollect.com/ or our blog at http://gearrevere.com/

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الاثنين، 21 مايو 2012

How To Register Your Homebuilt Boat

A common question that seems to get raised is, after finishing their homebuilt boats, builders ask how to register them with their states or regions. Every state in the US and Province in Canada has slightly different rules and regulations but all follow a common thread. This article goes through the general procedure and requirements that are most common, and offers resources on how to find out how to obtain the forms in your specific region.

Since I have no experience doing it outside my own state in the US, but I have discussed it with many builders in the US and Canada, and have done some research so can offer advice in these areas, this will only apply to the US and Canada. In other western countries, I suspect it's very similar to the US and Canada, but have no direct knowledge of these processes. If you go to your State or Province's website, you will be able to navigate to the specific regulations you need to follow, and in just about every one I've looked over, you will be able to download the appropriate paperwork to apply for a boat registration.

Firstly, not all boats require registration. Check your local State or Province regulations, but in general, boats that are oar, paddle or pedal powered and boats that are smaller than a certain size often do not require registration. It's a good rule of thumb, though, that if you are planning to put a gasoline, diesel, or electric motor in your boat, it will need to be registered.

Nearly all registration forms begin with a unique hull number. Since you built the hull, it will not have a number. In some States, you can number your hull yourself, but in other's a State assigned inspector will have to come look at your boat to ensure it was truly built by you, and will assign you a hull number. When you receive this number, you must permanently affix it to the hull. In some cases you can carve this into a main beam, attach name plate or some other permanent method.

It is very likely that the government inspector will ask to see your receipts for materials that you built the boat from. After Hurricane Katrina, the state of Louisiana clamped down on people finding boats, pulling off the numbers and claiming they built them themselves, so keeping records of your purchases or where you obtained materials is important.

You will also want a Carpenter's Certificate. Some places (like Alaska) require one, and for other's it's a useful piece of documentation. Carpenter's Certificates have been used for hundreds of years certifying the name of the builder of a vessel. If for no other reason than tradition, it's a good idea to create a Carpenter's Certificate for your homebuilt boat. Find an appropriate Carpenter's Certificate form, fill it out and sign it and it becomes a permanent part of your boat's history.

The registration authority may request a calculation of the displacement and load carrying capability of your boat plus a calculation of the maximum horsepower of the hull. If you have built one of my boats, just email, and I'll send you this information. If you have built some other designer's you can ask them or calculate these numbers using the U.S. Coast Guard Safety Standards for Backyard Boat Builders publication. This is available for download from the US or Canadian Coast Guard's website or from some designer's sites as well.

Once you collect all of this information and fill out the registration application, all you need to do is file it with your State or Province, along with their filing fee, and sometimes use taxes depending on whether you paid sales taxes on the materials you purchased, and the state will issue you license numbers along with their rules on how the ID numbers need to be affixed to your boat, and a registration form identifying you as the registered owner of the vessel.

Jeff Spira is a naval architect and operates Spira International Easy-To-Build Boat Plans website. The site offers downloadable plans to home build small power boat, sail boat, kayaks, canoes, and dories for the home builder. Since the majority of customers have never built a boat before, so the e books, manuals, videos, photo-essays and reports are all geared for the first-time boat builder. There are many free downloads on the website including a Master Carpenter's certificate, and even free plans to build several boats.

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الأحد، 20 مايو 2012

3 Ways to Overcome Stage Fright and Boost Your Performance

Whether you are an amateur or professional, a sportsperson or musician, nerves can strike and mean that your performance is not the best you are capable of. How would you like to learn some techniques to overcome those nerves? Let me show you.

If you can practice well you can perform well.

In my hypnotherapy practice, I work with ice-skaters, horse-riders and football players. All of them have at least one thing in common - they are really good at what they do. In the practice area, they can do all the moves expertly. But when it comes time to compete or perform in front of an audience, they turn to jelly - as one of them puts it! I myself am a keen horse-rider and I too have suffered from these problems - that is why I went into hypnotherapy as it had worked on me.

Technique 1 - Breathing to centre.

One of the most effective techniques you can learn is how to get into the right state of mind before a performance. Try this - stand up in a safe place and place on hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Now breathe in and hold your chest still and allow your stomach to expand. Breathe out in the opposite way - push your stomach in and keep your chest still. Feels good doesn't it? Practice this often and try it just before a performance - it really helps you focus and the nerves just disappear.

Technique 2 - Take a different view.

When you are performing and competing, it is easy to think that the judges are out to get you, or the other competitors are looking down on you. Take a moment to 'step into their shoes' - those other competitors may well be more nervous than you! They certainly don't have time to worry about you. The judges are probably looking forward to a really good performance - and that is going to be yours, isn't it?

Focus makes all the difference.

Top players, actors and performers in a spheres share the ability to keep their focus no matter what. If something goes wrong, they put it to one side and perform the next movement as if nothing happened. Too often, people can go to pieces after one small error that was barely noticeable. So focus needs to be cultivated until it is second nature. That brings us to our final technique -

Technique 3 - Focus, focus, focus.

Your best work comes when you are 'in the moment' so try this tip to regain your focus. Take a deep breath into your stomach. Grow tall and imagine tying that error onto a balloon and letting it float away. Now into the next movement, perfectly.


There are many more techniques you can learn but why not give these a try - they have worked brilliantly in horse-riding competitions, and my performers I work with have really benefited too.

So, you leave the under-performing behind you and your self-confidence will grow and grow. Your fellow competitors will look at you in a new light, and the judges will look forward to your performance.

Ken Scott is a Master Hyponotherapist and NLP Master Coach who practices online and at clinics in Sheffield, UK. He specialises in sports psychology and works with actors and singers too. Have a look at http://ashesscott.com/

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السبت، 19 مايو 2012

Silverstone British Grand Prix Winners: Sebastian Vettel - A Winning Career And Personality?

German Formula 1 driver, Sebastian Vettel has won the British Grand Prix at Silverstone twice, in 2011 and 2009. As of early 2012, he has won the title of world champion twice.

Born on 3rd July 1987, Vettel will turn 25 just a few days before competing at Silverstone, in the 2012 Formula 1 Santander British Grand Prix. How will this young F1 legend fare against the British boys, Jenson Button, Lewis Hamilton and Paul di Resta on their home circuit?

He started "training" for his career aged three and a half in a miniature kart in the yard of his German home, Heppenheim, southwest Germany. His father Norbert was a keen kart racing enthusiast in his leisure time and a carpenter by trade. Norbert and his wife, Heike, and Sebastian's siblings, Fabian, Melanie and Stephanie could see his talent and it was made a family focal point.

British Grand Prix 2009 and 2011 And World Champion 2010 and 2011

Vettel currently holds the title of World Champion and is driving for Red Bull Racing. He has set a variety of age related records, one of which is the fact that he was the world's youngest champion in 2010. He also holds the record of most poles in one season.

In 2009 when Vettel first won at Silverstone he made the comment that: "It's never easy it's a long race - you have to stay focused and keep your eyes open all the time."

Silverstone Grand PrixVow By Vettel Considered Bad Omen For His Rivals

Before the 2011 British Grand Prix at Silverstone, Vettel had warned his rivals that he expected to dominate as he had been doing during the season. One of the UK newspapers ran a headline which said that this was considered a bad omen for his rivals.

However let's not forget that at that time Vettel could have retained this top championship position even if he had been absent from the next 3 races. This was a remarkable situation for him to be in yet he had the maturity not be become complacent about it.

The New Schumacher?

He has been constantly compared to his fellow German Schumacher because of his concentration, driving style and how he is behind the scenes with the engineers in his team. There are a number of similarities and even though Schumacher was one of his childhood heroes, he would prefer to be seen as the new Vettel. One interesting difference between the drivers is that Vettel actually names his car.

His 2012 car is named Abbey, and as Vettel is a huge Beatles fan one could be excused for thinking that it is after Abbey Road. However when asked was this or the Abbey corner at Silverstone the inspiration for this, he said: "Neither. It's just a cool name."

In the early stages of the 2012 season, Vettel lashed out at Narain Karthikeyan after a collision which caused him to be relegated to 11th position. He described Karthikeyan as an idiot and the Indian returned the compliment calling Vettel a cry baby. However mostly Vettel is known for this winning personality. He has an enthusiastic, youthful personality which sits comfortably with his cool, steel focus to win.

Are you a F1 fan? Would you like to meet Jenson Button? Check out how at Silverstone Grand Prix hospitality - a unique and wonderful experience.

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الخميس، 17 مايو 2012

The Best Play Areas And Plastic Commercial Playgrounds For Small Youngsters

If you have a toddler or very small child, you know how hard it can be for them to have fun at a normal playground. Just going down to the closest park isn't always simple. Many community playgrounds are designed with equipment that is just too high and dangerous for them. Play sets and other kids can both be dangerous. Slightly bigger children are often rowdy and don't watch out for smaller toddlers on the equipment. There are plenty of other locations for smaller kids in almost every community.

Many places are offering indoor playgrounds and equipment for younger kids. Some locations like Gymboree hold designated playing days and games for younger children. Your kid can have a fun afternoon with children the same age. You should also check out the neighborhood mall for small indoor play stations. These playgrounds are usually small enough for toddlers. It is rare to find older youngsters playing here. The mall can be fun for both kids and their parents.

It would be ideal if you could find playgrounds. A plastic gym set is less dangerous for a child. They are normally designed for smaller ones. These play sets can be found in businesses and also at area community centers. If you have a YMCA or city recreation place, you should make your way over and discover what they have to offer. Most of them offer something great for a smaller child. It is easy to find the best spot.

You should also look into preschools and elementary school grounds. Sometimes, a school playground can be your best bet. The play sets are designed with really strict guidelines for safety. A preschool will have the ideal type of equipment for a tiny child. See who stays open after school hours. This may be your best bet for finding a perfect place for your child to play on a playground and be safe. Some schools will even offer after-school programs on the yard for children to play in. This can be ideal for playtime under supervision.

Before you head out the door, find out all your options. Most toddlers won't have fun at a regular playground. With oversized equipment and wild older kids present, your young one can be intimidated and possibly in danger. With indoor gyms and plastic playgrounds, a toddler will be able to totally have fun and excel. This is a good time for a young person to get some physical exercise while socializing with other children their own age. It will help them grow into happy, confident grown-ups.

ParknPool's goal is to provide unparalleled integrity and competence throughout the entire purchasing and installation process. Our mission is simple, but powerful - to create happy school playground clients. Our unique "Power Promise" ensures that we accomplish this. We promise that we will provide you with consistently high-quality commercial furnishings like playgrounds and portable bleachers. We will identify your needs and match them with relevant products. We will create realistic expectations - and then we will exceed them!

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While Choosing Roller Skates for Your Child

Roller skates are the equivalent of fun for people of all ages from kids, teenagers to adults. While it provides ample entertainment and fun it also adds to your fitness as it can strengthen the muscles on your back as well as increase the heart beat rate. It gives exercise for the whole body and thus help you in keeping fit, and that too in an eco friendly way. However, while it is fun, it is also dangerous and thus not free from risk. Without adequate practice and experience you cannot let your children go for roller skating. Similarly, it is important that you buy suitable roller skates for your child that would ensure their safety while practicing.

Roller skating involves proper moves and balance without which grave accidents might happen. And for this same reason you need to pay proper care and attention while purchasing roller skates for your children. Here are a few factors that might help in purchasing the right skates:

Pick out the right type

Today when you go out to purchase roller skates you'll find different varieties of skates for different users. These are categorised according to the moves practiced and age of the users. There are ranged from the ordinary children's skates to the quad speed skates that are used by experienced skaters. When you purchase the skates you need to be sure of the expertise of your child in roller skating.

Choose the right size

Skating, as you are aware, is a sports where balancing is what matters in providing optimum performance. It is necessary therefore to get the skates of right size for better performance as well as the safety of your child. If they are too tight it starts hurting the legs and if they are too loose they might come off the feet, making the skater fall in the process. For this reason, it is better to take the child with you while purchasing or at least you should be certain about the size you need.

Give priority to quality

Just as in the case of size, quality is of utmost importance in the case of roller skating. It is an outdoor sports item and includes rough moves, which therefore require stronger and sturdier skates. There might be hundreds of products that are stylish and colourful and it is easy for children to fall for those stylish ones. However, though it might seem expensive, a branded product is the best when it comes to roller skates. Not only will it be durable but also strong to support the falls and rough use that it might be put through while learning and practicing the sport.

Purchasing roller skates today is not so difficult as there are hundreds of stores out there, both online and offline. While the buying part could be tricky, you can easily browse for them online, visiting different stores without roaming from one store to another. For making your purchase perhaps you could visit the store with your child so that you could get the right size and type. Even if it is an additional effort, considering the safety of your child, it is worth it.

Skates R Us specialises in the online sale of extreme sports equipments such as roller skates, powerisers, skateboards, ice skates, sports protective gear, etc.

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الثلاثاء، 15 مايو 2012

How to Build Muscle the Conventional Way!

Knowing how to build muscle is an essential to all men wanting to boost their self-esteem. The reason is pretty obvious and that is aside from looking physically good, the body would also be in a state where resistance is at its highest. There are many ways to develop muscles and all them, fortunately, are not mutually (or more in terms of number) exclusive. It always involves the interplay of diet, activity, workout proper, and rest.

Eat Right

If a friend asks you what to eat in order to build muscle, how will you answer back? It is simple. Just know the rule of thumb all body builders take note of and that is maximum protein. Protein is the building block of muscles so it follows that the more you eat protein, the more potential for muscle growth. However, not all proteins cause one to get buff. There are so-called complete and incomplete proteins. The former comes from dairy products, fish, chicken, and meat. This is the protein you would want to take because they load up your muscles' ATP and power. On the other hand, incomplete proteins are those proteins that are almost useless for body building usually coming from vegetables.

Working Out

The beef of your conquest towards bigger muscles is working out. More or less, you have an idea how this goes. But just to remind you: always start with lighter weights and gradually shift heavier on a week to week basis; breathe well every repetition; do not be shy to ask for a spotter if necessity arises; and lessen the reps if the weight is too heavy for you.

DO NOT Forget to Rest

The belief that "more time for workout, lesser time for muscles to grow" is not completely true. It should understood as "workout for only an optimal time and do not abuse your body". Resting in this context should then be at least one day after workout.

Some smarter gym rats do this routine: They workout on one specific muscle group, e.g. upper, one day and still go to gym the next day with a different target, e.g. foot muscles. This method is somewhat effective considering the fact that the day 2 workouts did not touch the muscle group previously subjected to strenuous exercise.

Conclusion, Safety First.

You should always put your health first in deciding how to build your muscle. Rushing always has its downsides, so you better take note of that. Patience is a virtue that most body builders had on their minds. If it worked out for them, there is no reason why such would not apply to you.

But still, there are those seeking how to build muscle quickly the harmful way. These may involve performance enhancing drugs (PED's), steroids, or excessive testosterone shots. The mentioned procedures guarantee an almost instantaneous result but it risks the health in a humungous scale. Certain side effects were proven like soggy skin, decreased size of testicles, and sometimes excessive aggression with the continuous use of harmful substances. Not only that, it can result to addiction, atrophy (the sudden shrinking of muscles) and withdrawal effects once intake is stopped.

If you want to learn more on how to build muscles have a look at the available information on body building on the web today!

View the original article here

الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Making Use of an Old Mat

Have you ever thought of any other application to a trampoline mat other than bouncing like a rubber ball, making your neighbors think they were right about you? No? Me too. Until one evening a couple of years ago.

While living and working in Wildwood, NJ I once walked along the coast relaxing myself after a long busy day. I'm not an American, I come from Belarus and I'm not used to such a level of life when people can afford everything they want without thinking about tomorrow. I'm used to make money on my own, but also won't refuse something coming into my hands itself.

That evening that 'something' was a used trampoline mat. It wasn't something to be a completely throw-away-thing so I thought: "There's Morey's Piers not far from here, one of the largest and most successful amusement parks on the East coast. Perhaps they bought a new one in the beginning of the season and this one was no longer needed". So I grabbed it and took it home.

One should have seen me walking through the street with a trampoline mat on my back, but the thought that sometimes you can find some really unexpected application to old things, which I later successfully did, kept me going. I got home exhausted cursing my stubbornness. I just threw the thing into the yard and forgot it for a couple of days.

Did I mention I like reading books? Of course I didn't. It's an article, not a novel after all. But this fact played not the last role in my future "creative designer" carrier. I was sitting in the backyard reading a book a couple of days later when my sight caught the mat again and the first thought I had: "What for?" But the next even more surprising idea was one those which come after an apple falls on your head. I thought I should make something of it.

I saw a couple of trees not far from each other, then the mat, again the trees...and the mat. A perfect plan arouse in my head. Yes, I have to make a hammock from it. I was already imagining myself lying in it in the shadow of the trees reading and sipping juice or even...doesn't matter. I put off the book and took everything I could have needed to make my plan come true.

It turned out not so easy as I thought it to be. But this time my stubbornness was on my side and after a couple of hours I finally managed to install the mat, pardon, the hammock between the trees, just like in the books I read. This even improved my self-confidence. Earlier I thought my hands were suitable just for tapping the buttons and playing the guitar. To be honest I still think so.

Nevertheless the improvised hammock was installed and I spent and still spending my free time lying there and doing nothing. I bought a trampoline since that time by the way hoping to apply it as a trampoline, only as a trampoline. A great experience I should say for those with inexhaustible energy and fantasy. The only thing left is to combine both the hammock and the trampoline practicing a nice bounce dive straight into the hammock.

P.S. This is the place where I found the trampoline - http://trampolinepartshop.org/ and any trampoline part for it!


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Purchasing and Caring for Your Kayak

So, you have finally decided that it is time for you to purchase a kayak. Using one of these kinds of boats to travel down a river can be both a fun and exciting experience. However, before you spend any of your hard-earned cash on a kayak, you should make sure that you are making the right decision. You will have to do some research before choosing a kayak to make sure that you choose the best one for you. Once you have decided on one to purchase, you will then have to make sure that you maintain it properly.

If you choose to purchase a used kayak, you will have to check it out to make sure that the previous owner has taken good care of it. You do not want to spend money on a boat that will not last you very long because it has not been properly maintained. Purchasing any kind of boat is no cheap investment, so it is a good idea for you to take your time when you are choosing one. In many cases, it is in your best interest to purchase a new kayak because then you will know for sure that it will last you for many years to come.

One of the main points that you should know about keeping your kayak in good condition is how to store it. It is a bad idea for you to store your kayak sitting flat on the ground. This is because the hull of the boat will become soft, and it will flatten out to match the shape of the flat surface. It is always best for you to store your boat hanging up by nylon straps on its side. You should also make sure that you use straps to hold it securely when you are transporting it anywhere. The main part that you will have to worry about with your kayak is the hull becoming deformed. Even when you are transporting it, you should make sure that you do not allow your kayak to be in the sun for too long. The heat from the sun and the roof of your car can cause damage to your boat. You will not be able to repair it, and you will end up having to purchase a new one. You should also make sure that you wipe your kayak down with a protectant that will help to keep the sun from causing any kind of damage to it.

I purchased the Trak Kayak few days ago; please visit our website to read the Kayak Reviews here.

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What It Takes To Be an Athlete

Being an athlete takes a lot of time, dedication, and perseverance - pushing your body to the limits to perform at your very best and excel in your chosen sport. There are many things that an athlete can do to help them achieve greatness. Whilst being an athlete might not be something we all aspire to, even partaking in some of the exercise, stretching and diet that athletes do will assist us in our day-to-day lives. Below are just some of the ways that athletes can assist themselves to reach peak performance.

Practice is, of course, the most important part of achieving sporting prowess. Literally hundreds of hours are spent by each and every athlete honing their skills in their chosen field. Runners will hit the road many times a week, pounding their way through many, many kilometres, swimmers rise before the sun to do laps, ballerinas will practice their craft for hours every day. All athletes have a very special dedication to their chosen field. And it's not just the professionals, even those who exercise for fitness or to achieve a personal goal such a running a marathon also put in the hard yards to reach their goals.

Clearly practicing is vital to improving your fitness and form however it's not the only element. Other types of exercise are also important to build up fitness, strength and stamina. Many athletes will also undertake gym routines, participate in other sports and other forms of exercise to develop and strengthen other muscles not necessarily used in their sport.

Strengthening and flexibility training is also undertaken using yoga, pilates, and other forms of body conditioning. Flexibility is vital for nearly every form of sport, it assists the body with many things such as range of motion, good posture, it decreases the chances of injury, increases blood circulation and assisting with the transportation of nutrients to the joints, and assist with helping the mind and body relax.

Diet and nutrition also assist all athletes, whether it's someone who is in it for fun or a professional sports person. Eating a well balanced diet helps keep most of us healthy but athletes, particularly those to compete regularly require a special diet, supplements and nutrients to assist the body to build strength, fuel up for the event they are participating in be it a game, a performance or competition and then also to help the body recover quickly afterwards.

Stretchaflex is a simple but effective flexibility device to help athletes achieve maximum flexibilty.

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Picnic Ideas For A Fun Day Out

A picnic can be loads of fun once you explore the plethora of picnic ideas and options. Depending on who will be at your picnic (i.e. family, friends, adults, children, work colleagues) you can make a really fun day with just a little advance preparation.

There are many alternatives when it comes to a setting/location for your picnic. One of the most traditional places for a picnic to be held is in a public park or garden. Whilst a park/garden is a lovely "green" location and one that will not become outdated, why not do something a little different on your next picnic. A beach is a wonderful place for a picnic. Children can run around, build castles in the sand and of course everyone can swim if they choose to. Another idea is to picnic at the zoo or a similar tourist attraction. Many such tourist places have public lawn areas you can utilize for your gathering. Another idea is to picnic in your own back or front yard. You can provide the venue and your guests can contribute by bringing a range of picnic food.

Themed picnics can be a lot of fun and provide a reason for organizing a gathering. You could hold a birthday picnic, or you could celebrate a special occasion such as Easter or Christmas or even a do a Halloween or New Year picnic. There is no shortage of events and celebrations throughout the year to provide you with lots of great picnic ideas. You could ask everyone to bring a plate of picnic food that is in line with the theme of your picnic and theme activities and decorations around the celebration. An example of this is to hold an Easter Egg hunt for Easter or a Kris Kringle present ceremony for Christmas.

A simple picnic in itself can be a lot of fun so there is nothing to say that you need to organize additional activities. Should you wish to provide some entertainment for the group or for the children, you could bring some outdoor toys such as balls or a cricket set. Do remember that you will need to be able to carry the picnic food and all of your extras to the picnic location so don't bring too many additional items.

Regardless of what sort of picnic you decide on, there is no shortage of great picnic ideas to get you going. With a little pre-planning, your day will be sure to be special.

Click on the link to read about more great Picnic Ideas. Click the next link for a range of delicious recipe ideas for your Picnic Food.

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الأحد، 13 مايو 2012

8 Ways to Crash a Model Airplane

Flying radio control model aircraft is a hobby enjoyed by thousands of enthusiasts. RC pilots earn a tremendous amount of satisfaction through designing, building and flying a wide range of radio control model planes.

Model aircraft crashes can and do occur. Following are eight sure fire tips on how to "re-kit" (i.e. crash) a model plane. If you want your model to avoid this sad fate, learn from the mistakes of others!

1. Do not preflight your model plane. The number one cause of model aircraft crashes is skipping the all important preflight check. A preflight check of any aircraft is mandatory before taking to the skies. Develop and follow a simple checklist to ensure you cover all items. Check that everything on the aircraft is securely fastened, that there is no fuel system leakage and the wing is properly mounted.

2. Do not check the flight controls before takeoff. This simple check is accomplished before taxing out from the pits. Standing safely behind your model with the engine running, ensure that all the flight controls move freely and in the proper direction. It is surprisingly easy to inadvertently set up the ailerons to move opposite of the control input. Should this error not be caught during the flight control check, the model will bank away from the transmitter's aileron control stick input. It is very difficult for any pilot to catch and correct for this during takeoff.

3. Do not check the weather. Having suitable weather is an important factor for a safe flight. An RC pilot needs to ensure there is adequate visibility as you must maintain sight of your plane during the entire flight. Wind is the biggest weather consideration for model aircraft aviation. Larger and heavier RC models can fly in higher winds. You will discover your personal wind limits over time as you gain experience.

4. Do not check your battery's charge state. All radio control model planes have an on-board battery to provide electrical power for the receiver and servos. Simple devices exist to monitor the level of charge. Ensure the battery is fully charged before flight and check the remaining energy level between flights. Remember that if the on-board battery fails, you will lose radio contact and control of your model plane.

5. Do not check for aircraft traffic. All RC pilots strive to avoid a midair collision with other model planes. Some in-flight collisions cannot be avoided. But many times a pilot will neglect to check for conflicting traffic on the runway or in the landing pattern, and inadvertently takeoff and run into another airplane. Always clear your flight path to avoid causing a midair crash.

6. Do not practice on a flight simulator. Computer based radio control flight simulators have revolutionized RC flight. For a modest cost, RC pilots can purchase a very capable flight simulation program for their home computer. These simulators offer a robust and realistic flight experience and allow any RC pilot to easily maintain and build their flight skills. RC simulators are especially helpful when transitioning to more complex and higher performance model aircraft.

7. Ignore the advice of your flight instructor. Flight instructors are a valuable resource of aviation experience and guidance. Flight instructors observe how a fellow pilot performs and pick up on subtle errors or bad habits that can lead to an unsafe flight. Ask one of these more experienced flyers to monitor your practice flights from time to time.

8. Do not practice. A sure method to crash your RC model plane is to not practice flying. Piloting skills fade over time. It is imperative that RC pilots take to the air on a regular basis to ensure they retain the necessary skills to safely maneuver their aircraft around the flight practice area. If you do step away from RC flying for an extended period, consider using a safety pilot to monitor your initial recurrence flights.

The above list is by no means exclusive. Pilots should always follow a few simple rules to ensure they and their aircraft are safe and ready for flight. If in doubt, take a moment to have someone else review what you are doing and possibly offer a better way ahead. The time you take on this could prevent an airplane crash.

Tim McKay is an expert radio control model airplane designer, builder and pilot. Find further information, construction tips, free plans and over 30 instructional model aircraft videos at: => http://www.indoorflyingmodel.com/index.html

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Using Outdoor Activities to Stimulate Childhood Development

In regards to childhood development, it is crucial that children get a well-rounded mix of time outside as much as inside, including in periods away from school, and over the weekends. Either playing video games or sitting in front of the TV, spending all of their personal time inside doesn't provide the same level of developmental benefits a child receives from going outside and being active, either at the park, or just playing around the block.

There's much a child may do to stay active around your own home, either by playing basketball or catch in the driveway, or even using their imagination to make an entire other kind of arena to play in, whatever the case, there truly is no limit to what a child is able to do when provided with the best means to express themselves. Do not underestimate the value of imagination in a child's development and how it may help them in other areas down the line, but by being able to exert themselves in an outdoor setting, free of boundaries and the level of structure they are accustomed to in the remainder of their lives.

When attending school, kids are expected to conform to a great deal of rules, and even in preschool, they're starting to learn about structure, but the time spent on playgrounds for preschools is just as valuable as the rest of the day's activities. This continues all throughout the rest of a child's educational career as well, from recess in elementary school, all the way through P.E. in high school; the importance of outdoor activities during adolescence should be appreciated for providing children with more than just physical exertion, but also with important problem solving skills that they could apply to many facets of everyday life.

When not in school, children could also make the most of all that their neighborhood parks have to offer, with even the most basic plastic outdoor commercial playground delivering enough to get them out there and active instead of being closed up all day inside. Getting them outside on a regular basis would help them gain an appreciation for all that they might learn and explore in the world outside in order for children to truly make the most of their younger years and get used to staying active and healthy.

The benefits of an active lifestyle will be brought with them, even into adulthood, and the skills children develop here will be used all throughout their lives.

ParknPool's goal is to provide unparalleled integrity and competence throughout the entire purchasing and installation process. Our mission is simple, but powerful - to create happy commercial playground clients. Our unique "Power Promise" ensures that we accomplish this. We promise that we will provide you with consistently high-quality commercial furnishings like playgrounds and portable bleachers. We will identify your needs and match them with relevant products. We will create realistic expectations - and then we will exceed them!

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السبت، 12 مايو 2012

The Effects of Racing on the Body

Some exercise is better than none at all because it reduces your cardiovascular risk by a factor of three. However any exercise vigorous enough to train the anaerobic threshold, especially treadmill cardio and racing, actually increases your cardiac risk by seven, according to this study presented at the Canadian Congress 2010 in Montreal. This is a powerful lesson to anyone who engages in cardio exercise, because as it turns out regular cardio workouts are excessive (when we don't take the necessary precautions first) and may actually be counterproductive.

For example, compelling evidence now shows that high-intensity interval training, which takes but a fraction of the time compared to conventional cardio, is FAR more efficient, and more effective. You can literally reap greater rewards in less time. The same can be said for the super-slow form of weight training, which mirrors many of the health benefits of high-intensity interval training. Research published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases recently concluded that the best fitness regimen is one that mimics the movements of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, which included short bursts of high-intensity activity, but not a lot of long-distance running.

Movement simply for the sake of movement always disrupts homeostatic pH balance because muscle contraction, body temperature, and circulatory imbalance between the heart (deep organs) and working muscles produces pH acidity. Exercise, believe it or not, is the fastest way to balance body pH. Exercise is also the fastest way to imbalance body pH. It all depends on whether your exercise is a partial body fit or an exact body fit. An exact body fit will always restore acid-base equilibrium, and a partial body fit will always disrupt the chemical equilibrium.

Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands as a sole conditioning principle cannot achieve pH fitness because the kidneys take hours or even days to restore acid base equilibrium (even if you drink lots of water) disrupted by anaerobic acid stress, especially when combined with all the other day-to-day stressors that are unavoidable.

Over time even mild acidity can cause such problems as cardiovascular damage, clogged arteries and high blood pressure, weight gain, obesity, insulin disorders and Diabetes/ liver, bladder, and kidney conditions/ depression, frequent headaches, sinusitis, indigestion and constipation/ osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, joint pain, aching muscles/ MS, ALS, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's / hormone imbalances, prostrate problems, low energy and chronic fatigue/ free radial damage, immune system damage, and ultimately DNA damage and pre-mature aging.

To their credit, even without contemporary scientific knowledge, the traditional modalities like Yoga and Qi Gong were able to, if performed slowly over long hours, balance body pH acidity and prevent cellular wear and tear from exceeding metabolic rate of repair. However the limitations imposed on our lifestyle in a technological world make it inappropriate and inaccessible to practice these disciples consistently. Traditional disciples simply don't have the necessary speed and compression.

The physiologic mechanisms that can balance body pH chemistry fast are very precise. Refinement of exercise design needs to account for all the elements that raise the anaerobic threshold without stress. These include equalizing V02max specifically in all the muscle groups as well as deep tissues, along with integration of the interrelations of all organs and glands at a new metabolic peak in perfect homeostatic balance. In other words, just any random combination of exercises cannot achieve the exact body fit for pH fitness in a few short minutes pre and post physical training. The missing element is Body'Fit pHx, which combines 100% aerobic (organ oxygenation) with the sequence of explicit movement and breathing patterned to achieve Aerobic Peak Metabolic Potential™ homeostatic-ally in deep tissues, as well as working muscle.

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Rafting in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg

The Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area in east Tennessee offers a wide range of fun family activities, making it a great destination for your next vacation. Whitewater rafting is one of the most popular options for summer trips. It allows you to explore the outdoor beauty of the Smoky Mountains and the thrills of rapids on the Pigeon River. There are many different tours to choose from, so it's easy for every vacationer to find something that suits their preferences.

Beginner Rafting
The Lower Pigeon River offers a laid-back option for beginners who don't have a lot of previous whitewater rafting experience. It can be a lot of fun for families with young children or novice rafters, and requires no special skills. The rafting company will supply the raft, paddles and all the safety equipment you need.

Trips on the Lower Pigeon River go through five miles of the Cherokee National Forest and Smoky Mountains, providing beautiful mountain views and the possibility of wildlife sitings. This area of the river is dam-controlled and includes only Class I and Class II rapids. Only basic paddling skills are needed to handle the raft on a beginner's trip. Plus, it's easy to take time out to splash, swim and cool off in the river water.

Children as young as three can take a trip down the Lower Pigeon River, but may be frightened by some of the rougher areas. Infants and other very small children aren't allowed for safety reasons. Family and friends groups can easily schedule a simultaneous Upper and Lower rafting trip that allows more adventurous members to enjoy rough water, while beginners and kids have fun on the calmer sections. Both trips finish up at the same time, so you can enjoy your evening together without scheduling problems.

Advanced Rafting
The Upper Pigeon River is less controlled than the lower portion, with continuous Class III and Class IV rapids suitable for thrill seekers. You can expect medium to large waves, drops of three to five feet and long stretches of exciting rapids. This is a great trip for anyone who's been rafting before, especially families with older children or groups of adults. Many Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg tour companies don't allow young children to raft on the Upper Pigeon River for safety reasons.

Trips down the upper section of the river are fast and full of fun. They start out with a basic safety training course to make sure you have a wonderful journey. You'll then get the change to raft through Class III rapids such as Too Late, Razor Blade and Power House, as well as the Class IV Acclerator and Lost Guide, as well as many others.

There are periods of flat, calm water along the Upper Pigeon River, so you can take time to swim, relax and take it easy before heading back for more thrills. Many tour companies provide complimentary picnic and barbecue meals after the energetic trip down the river.

Rafting tour availability in the Pigeon Forge area varies by company, but you can generally expect to take a trip from about March to November. During the winter months, the water is too cold for rafting. Spring and fall rafters should consider wearing warm clothing to help them stay comfortable in the rapids.

Combination Tours
A whitewater rafting trip is even better when combined with other fun activities. Many companies operate more than one tour, and will allow you to combine rafting trips with zipline glides through the Smokies, ropes courses and many other activities. When you schedule your rafting trip on the Pigeon River, consider asking about package plans that can help you save money and have a lot of fun.

If you're visiting Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge with your family or friends, don't forget to spend a little time on the river. Rafting in this part of eastern Tennessee is safe, fun and filled with thrills. It's a great way to spend a hot summer day with the people you like best. Find out more about rafting on the Upper or Lower Pigeon River and ensure that your vacation will be a great one.

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