الأحد، 30 سبتمبر 2012

Activities to Enjoy Over the Weekends

Are you the type of parents who are too busy with work and rarely have time for your kids? Well, of course, it is understandable that you want to provide good future for your kids so you are doing your best to work hard. Working and providing money for the family is surely part of your role as provider but how about your role as parents? Do you think your children will give you passing scores? Well, do not let things reach that stage wherein your kids ask you for your time. To do this, all you have to do is to make sure that your weekends will be spent with them. You have to make sure that you will do no work during those days because it is your time for your family. Now, what activities could you enjoy with the kids? Of course, you should at least have a great plan to ensure nice and memorable time with the family.

Do not worry because in this article, we will give you some examples of activities that you could surely enjoy with the entire family including the kids.

Play bean bag toss game - one of the most popular and most enjoyable backyard game is bean bag toss game. It is easy to play so the kids will surely grasp the rules of the game easily. The great thing about this game is that it is enjoyable for everyone - kids and adults. The rule is simple - the players will each take turns throwing bean bags to a raised platform with a hole in the far end. Each bean bag in the hole scores 3 points and whoever gets 21 score first wins the game. It is easy yet very exciting for both kids and adults. To make the game more fun, it would be great to prepare some exciting prizes.

Go to some out of town trips - children loves travelling and they love to visit new places especially when those places feature some playgrounds or theme parks. You should prepare well for this kind of activity though since you will need to spend generous amount of time and money. But of course, the smile in the faces of your kids will surely be priceless. You could spare this kind of activity as a reward for your kids once they done great work at school or at home.

Have picnic at the park - kids are not hard to please and you would be surprised at how little things could make them truly happy. One example is having picnic at the park. You could bring packed lunches or some sandwiches and lots of chocolates and candies to share while you are at the park doing some sports or even nothing at all. Speaking of sports, you could also play some sports like badminton, basketball or volleyball at the park. The kids will definitely love to spend Sunday afternoon like that.

You should consider the tips mentioned in this article so you could have quality time with your kids. It is very important to promote balance in your life. You work hard but at the same time, you play nice with your kids too. That way, everyone will be happy and satisfied.

William G. Steinmetz enjoys writing for targettossgames.com/ which sells bean bag toss game as well as a host of additional products.

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السبت، 29 سبتمبر 2012

Mistaken For Each Other

There is one distinction between two words that people typically garble in their everyday speech and they are park and playground. The words park and playground are typically used interchangeably in the vernacular, but do not actually refer to the same places. Typically a playground will be inside of a park, so the mistake is understandable. But, there never will park inside of a playground. They do have one thing in common and that people typically go to either of them to enjoy themselves. Other than that, parks can have a variety of purposes, while playgrounds always have the same purpose.

Playgrounds are expressly used as place for playsets, swings and such, on which kids play. Playgrounds tend to be located in urban areas, school yards, amusement parks and parks. Playgrounds are also expressly geared towards kids. Parents play in playgrounds for the benefit of their kids and teenagers might just because they are being obnoxious. To summarize, a playground is found in the same places and used by the same age group. Also, playgrounds tend to contain roughly the same type of things, playground equipment. Although, perhaps the biggest difference between a playground and park is the that a playground can be found indoors, while it is impossible to find a park indoors..

On the other hand, a park is a broad open space, as in no buildings or buildings of which to speak, used for various purposes. A park is just a piece of land set aside for people to go through it. There are national parks, which are spaces protected by the government, but people travel through them to marvel at nature. A state park are much like national parks, but they are also more geared towards providing a place for outdoor activity than conservation. Lastly, there are city parks. These parks are grassy places, maybe trees. The city park is supposed to a place where people can escape the concrete and breath some relatively fresher air, because of all the oxygen processing greenery. A park, because it is a place of recreation in one sense or another tend to contain at least one playground, although they do not have to have one.

Most people in their daily speech fail to distinguish between a park and a playground and use the words interchangeably. Although both are places of recreation, a park is spot of natural space, having various purposes. Meanwhile, a playground is a place that contains playground equipment on which children play. The name playground summarizes what it is adequately. In fact, park and playground are not interchangeable.

Park Playground - Kidstruction provides clever and stimulating concepts in outdoor playsets for parks and playgrounds. They would love to help you with your new park playground equipment purchase. We will walk you through the entire process from the selection and design of your playset to its installation, so that you can sit back and watch your vision come to fruition. Contact Kidstruction at http://www.kidstruction.com/ or call 1.800.245.8449.

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الجمعة، 28 سبتمبر 2012

Online Backgammon: From The Ancient World To Wireless Networking

Sites that allow individuals to play online backgammon are the result of thousands of years of gaming. Backgammon is a well-respected game that people have loved since old days. Many people have gladly made the shift towards computerized variations. This isn't a new phenomenon either. In fact, backgammon was one of the titles that even the very first of computer game fans got to test.

There were only 4 games for the Intellivision gaming console during the time of its release. ABPA Backgammon was among these games. The name pertained to the American Backgammon Players Association, that provided the game an air of legitimateness that few titles of that time had. The title was even involved with the Intellivision Lives! game parcels that were distributed for certain current systems. The reality that backgammon was between the few titles that were featured implies that the founders understood simply how common backgammon is.

INTV Corporation later converted the software from ABPA Backgammon to create Triple Challenge. There were still probably plenty of people that continued to appreciate the initial game. The success of the Intellivision unit decreased, but backgammon thrived. The Neurogammon program was on the horizon.

In 1989 the 1st Computer Olympiad was arranged in London. Neurogammon defeated all oppositions at that occasion. Gerald Tesauro developed the software. He practiced at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, and he earned a lot of popularity for that institute by writing the initial working backgammon application that used neural net systems. Plenty of individuals consider the software to play at the level of an medium human competitor.

The computer program implemented a procedure that let seven different neural networks to choose the very best motions possible. One of the networks was committed to determining what to perform with the doubling cube. The other 6 analyzed moves from different phases of the game. Tesauro provided a record of 400 games to exercise the networks. He actually played every game independently, and designated the software to mark his particular actions as the finest achievable in a variety of scenarios. His penultimate application was still a couple of years off.

Tesauro finished creating TD-Gammon in 1992. It combined the input characteristics from the earlier Neurogammon application with a kind of unsupervised learning. TD-Gammon played at the skill level of a world-class backgammon athlete. With highly advanced computers, however, no one is required to go through all this hassle to join a game.

The world of online backgammon presents lots of possibilities for fans to play against other people. There are also plenty of websites that also allow one to check out their luck vs a computer. A player can experience his or her number one game anytime there is no one else around either way. Playing in the physical world is still the most pleasurable for some people, nevertheless it just isn't always possible

Play65 manages the leading backgammon community on the internet. Backgammon enthusiasts may play versus real players around the globe. Learn how to play backgammon, pay attention to the backgammon rules and backgammon strategies.

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الخميس، 27 سبتمبر 2012

Easy Steps To Learn How To Jump Higher

For many athletes, vertical leap is the hardest part of their overall training regimen. The reason for this is because they focus on so many aspects of their overall goals that they don't always have time to get into a serious workout for their leaping abilities, and instead they have to overcompensate in other arenas to get the results they need. That's why some athletes can jump far and high, yet lack skills in other areas. However, there is a way to have it all, but it starts with training on a few aspects that will help you in the long term, rather than just isolation training for the purpose of vertical leaps. If you're serious about learning how to jump higher, then consider the following things that will assist you in the long term.

The very first thing that you'll need to do is start running or jogging. This must be done daily, and it must be miles and miles at a time. Without this, you will not be able to establish the leg muscles to build on. This exercise also helps shed unnecessary weight and establish a better overall core cardiovascular system, which you will need if you're looking to be jumping more than just a few times per session or even game.

The second thing that you must get started with is yoga, stretching, or Pilates. You want to be able to elongate the muscle fibers so that they can reach their maximum potential. Without isolating them in this manner, you will surely plateau and be stuck at your average vertical jump for quite sometime. Stretching, flexibility, and beyond will help establish the necessary pieces to getting beyond that plateau stage that many athletes get stuck on. If you're stuck on it, don't worry, keep stretching, and you'll overcome the limits in no time.

The last thing you need to do is get shoes that are specific to your sport. Do not try and cross train your way into better fitness, but rather look specifically for shoes that are needed for your given game. If you're a soccer player, get indoor and outdoor shoes, if you're a basketball player make sure you have proper shoes for the wood floors and the outdoor courts. Without the proper footwear, your training could take longer, and cause injuries to your ankles, calves and more.

While it is not easy to learn how to jump higher at first, the steps are adequately laid out and simple. If you do the above things, and you practice with serious concern about your game, you will end up overcoming initial setbacks and blast ahead. It doesn't matter how tall you are, or how old you are, you can get sick elevation, if you train properly.

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الأربعاء، 26 سبتمبر 2012

Sports Conditioning Training: 4 Essential Elements

Sports conditioning training is complex, and requires athletes to understand many important elements. This is why athletes' conditioning routines are often times a topic of debate. The debate is the result of thousands of different viewpoints from athletic professionals who have their own separate ideas about which conditioning methods are most beneficial for athletes.

In order to understand sports conditioning, you need to learn about four important elements.

The first question is, what energy system is necessary for your individual sport?

What kind of movement does your sport require? Non-linear or linear?

Does your sport require short explosive movements or repetitive single-speed movement?

Do you train year-round?

All four of these questions are essential for developing a proper conditioning training routine.

Uncovering Energy Systems

Every athlete must understand what energy system his or her sport requires. In every sporting event, there are two energy systems that the body uses. The first is the anaerobic system. For something to identify as anaerobic, it must be a movement that last for less than two minutes.

Anaerobic exercises are typically used to increase explosiveness, increase lean muscle mass, eliminate fat storage, and increase overall conditioning levels. This is because most anaerobic routines are of high-intensity. Some popular anaerobic exercises include weightlifting, sprints, or plyometrics.

In sports, some anaerobic movements include hitting a golf ball, swinging a bat, rebounding a basketball, or scoring a touchdown to name only a few. On the contrary, the aerobic energy system is completely different. Typically, a movement is considered aerobic when it lasts longer than two minutes, maintains a singular pace, and is used for a long duration of time. While many aerobic exercises can decrease fat storage, they can also decrease muscle mass. Aerobic exercises are designed to increase slow twitch muscle fibers.

Some aerobic exercises including swimming, cycling, or long distance running.

Sports that rely primarily on the aerobic system include swimming, cross-country, and triathlon athletes.

What is Linear and Non-linear Movement?

Every athlete must determine what type of movements their particular sport requires. By doing so, it will be easier to structure a conditioning training regime that is sport-specific.

Players must understand that linear is any movement that is in a direct line, and non-linear is any movement with immediate change of direction. In reality, the majority of sports utilize non-linear movements. This is why it's important to include conditioning exercises that involve non-linear movements.

Some linear methods are effective like sprints or hills sprints, but for the most part, athletes should focus on gaining quicker change of direction. Cross-country and sprinting are both sports that can rely more on linear techniques since both sports are completely linear by nature. However, it's still important that these athletes utilize non-linear techniques as well.

Does your sport require explosive movements?

This is a pretty easy question to answer because it's obvious whether or not your sport is explosive. Do any of the movements in your sport require you to accelerate into motion or change direct?

If the answer is yes, then your sport is explosive. In this case, your conditioning training should always be structured to increase explosiveness. Avoid running long distance, and pretty much avoid all forms of aerobic conditioning.

Athletes Must Train Year-Round

Athletes must train year-round in order to maintain and increase conditioning capacity. Athletes must not lose their gains during the season, and need to focus on increase their conditioning ability during the off-season.

Don't let all your hard-work from the off-season be lost during the season! Now that you understand some important sports conditioning requirements, you know that your routine is depends on the nature of your sport.

If you have a grasp on the concepts above, then it will be a piece of cake developing your own unique conditioning training routine that will push your game to next level.

For more sports conditioning training, I highly recommend you visit the Conditioning Training Freak: http://www.conditioningtrainingfreak.com/

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الثلاثاء، 25 سبتمبر 2012

Why Steel Tip Darts?

The game of darts first appeared in England during the middle Ages. Soldiers would compete against each other by throwing steel arrows at a point marked on an overturned barrel. It is now a professional sport played the world over. While some players prefer the ease and general safety of soft tip darts, steel tip darts are preferred in both amateur and professional tournaments for their speed and accuracy.

About Steel Tip Darts

Steel tip darts are comprised of a sharp, steel point fixed to the end of a barrel and can weigh up to 50 grams. The best steel tip darts will typically weigh between 20 and 25 grams. Tungsten darts are preferred for their lightweight durability. Considered to be the best steel tip darts available, tungsten darts have a low density that allows for a closer grouping. This maximizes a player's scoring potential. A board comprised of tightly compacted bristle is used when playing with steel tip darts.

Board and Dart Rules

The Darts Regulation Authority governs the rules of steel tip dart play. Although different versions of the game are played worldwide, basic rules apply to all professional tournament play. The dartboard, measured from the floor to the bull's-eye, is to be installed at 5 feet 8 inches, and the throwing line should be marked 7 feet 9 ¼ inches from the board. Darts can weigh no more than 50 grams and could use either a fixed or movable point.

501 Rules

501 is the preferred dart game, played by both amateurs and professionals. The first player to reduce his score from 501 to zero is the winner. Players throw three darts each, and then subtract the total points scored. Darts that bounce off or miss the board do not score and are not re-thrown. Players must remove their darts from the board and tally their scores before the next opponent can throw. The game is won when a player reaches exactly zero by throwing a double. 501 is typically played in sets of three or five with a "best of" overall winner.

Throwing Techniques

Feet should be shoulder length apart with your body at a 50 to 90 degree angle with the board. Your front foot should be the same foot as your throwing hand with the majority of your weight resting on the front foot. The back foot is used for balance and neither foot should leave the ground during a throw. When throwing a dart, the elbow should remain in a fixed position until the arm begins moving. To achieve the perfect curve, your elbow should rise slightly when your arm is in forward motion. Your throwing shoulder should remain in a fixed position throughout the throw. Your focus should remain on the target from the beginning of the throw to the end. Bring the dart back a comfortable distance and do not accelerate too fast. The entire throw should be one fluid motion.

At Kandyvines, we specialize in outdoor/tailgating games, such as cornhole, horseshoes, and bocce ball as well as pool cues, darts and dart boards and table tennis, or ping pong. We have done all of the leg work as far as finding some of the best products on the market and bringing them to you at great prices. Your satisfaction is very important to us and we are committed to providing you with the best customer service possible.

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الاثنين، 24 سبتمبر 2012

Improve Your Speed on the Lacrosse Field With These 3 Lacrosse Workouts

If you're involved in the sport of lacrosse, performing some lacrosse workouts that will help out with speed generation capacity will be important to bring about maximum success. Speed is a critical fitness trait that is important for anyone doing lacrosse training, so something that you can easily work on developing off the field.

As long as you make sure to train hard, get good nutrition, and allow the body sufficient rest to recover, you should have no problem improving this aspect of your physical capacity.

Let's have a look at a few of the main drills to perform during your lacrosse workouts.

Field Run

The very first exercise to do during your lacrosse workouts is the field run. To do this, simply set up five pylons that span across the length of the field and then run to each one and then back as you progress through the drill.

Try and move to all five pylons in a row if you can before returning back to the starting position to take a one to two minute rest before completing it all again. Your mission is to perform this as fast as you possibly can.

Triset For Time

The second exercise to do in your Lacrosse workouts is the triset for time. With this exercise, you'll select three exercises - one upper body movement, one lower, and one core and then perform as many reps as you can for a one minute time period before resting for a two.

So you'd do bodyweight squats for a minute for example, then move into push-ups for a minute, and then do lying leg raises for a minute.

Once that was up, you'd rest for two minutes making a five minute round. Do three to four rounds per workout.

Burpee Intervals

Finally, the last of the drills to consider adding to your lacrosse workouts is a burpee interval. This is a great way to boost your power capacity and will help to improve your anaerobic performance as well.

To perform it, perform 20 burpees as fast as you can in a row and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat ten more times through to complete the workout session.

Note that this will be a very demanding protocol, so do expect to feel quite winded during it. If you have to, use 45 second rest periods instead.

So keep these three protocols in mind as you come up with your lacrosse workouts. Perform them regularly and you will see much better performance capabilities of yourself.

Go Pro Workouts https://www.goproworkouts.com/ collaborates directly with the world's most decorated athletes in their respective sport to create 8-week sport-specific training programs geared specifically for athletes. These aren't cookie-cutter programs. These are the exact same routines the pros do to stay in elite shape. Have you ever wanted to train just like your favorite NFL running-back, NBA point guard, or Olympic skier? Now you can. To try a lacrosse training program today absolutely free go to https://www.goproworkouts.com/.

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الأحد، 23 سبتمبر 2012

How To Construct Full Body Workouts In Addition To Your Sport Specific Training

Regardless of what sport you happen to play, performing some full body workouts along with your sport specific training is a great way to improve your skills and make sure that you stay injury free for the long haul.

Having good muscular development is important for improving speed, power, and agility, all of which are great to have for just about any sport.

Understanding how to go about putting together full body workouts will be important to success, so let's take a closer look into this so that you know just what you need to be doing.

Focus On Compound Movements

The very first thing that you should be making sure you're doing is placing most of the focus on compound movements. These are the exercises that are going to work more than one muscle group at once, thus generating superior strength and conditioning in the body.

Classic compound movements include squats, bench press, deadlifts, shoulder press, and lunges. Perform one major compound lift for each muscle group every workout.

You can add a few isolation exercises to these if you wish such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, lateral raises, and so on, but keep them to a minimum. They won't produce as fast of results as the compound ones will, so shouldn't make up a large component of your workouts.

Lift In The Right Rep Range

Next, when it comes to performing your exercises, it's important that you are lifting in the right rep range. Aim for 6-8 reps for compound movements as this will allow you to generate as much power and strength as possible. Some athletes may choose to go into the 8-12 rep range with compound movements, but just keep in mind that this will then become a more endurance focused workout if you do this.

On any isolation exercises you do complete in the session, you should aim for around 10-15 reps per set. As you will naturally be lifting less weight with these movements, you don't need to be taking the rep range quite so low.

Use The Right Frequency

Finally, the last thing to remember is to make sure that you use the perfect workout frequency. This means hitting each muscle group at least twice per week with your full body workouts. Working at this frequency will ensure that you make clear strength gains and that you are going to keep yourself from overtraining.

Make sure that you have at least one day off between sessions, if not two.

So keep these quick tips in mind as you go about generating full body workouts to compliment your training program and help you maintain a higher overall level of fitness.

Go Pro Workouts https://www.goproworkouts.com/ collaborates directly with the world's most decorated athletes in their respective sport to create 8-week sport-specific training programs geared specifically for athletes. These aren't cookie-cutter programs. These are the exact same routines the pros do to stay in elite shape. Have you ever wanted to train just like your favorite NFL running-back, NBA point guard, or Olympic skier? Now you can. To try a Go Pro Workout absolutely free go to https://www.goproworkouts.com/.

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السبت، 22 سبتمبر 2012

Be a Sport - A Round Up of the UK's Best Sporting Venues

No one can deny that the 80,000-seater Olympic Stadium and the award-winning Velodrome are impressive, but while the spotlight shines on London we take a look at the best arenas that the rest of the UK has to offer. Away from the likes of Wimbledon and Wembley we guarantee you'll still find plenty of sporting inspiration.

Bridging the gap

With a sporting history as long as it is impressive, Nottingham boasts a wealth of venues to rival the Olympic Park. In addition to Trent Bridge, which regularly welcomes a 15,000-strong crowd to watch international test cricket and former Cricket County Champions Nottinghamshire, the National Water Sports Centre is also located nearby at Holme Pierrepont. Here you'll find a 2km regatta lake and a 700m white water course, as well as an array of water sports, from sailing to kayaking.

A steely determination

If you are a football fanatic taking a short trip across the Pennines to Sheffield will certainly be worthwhile too. As well as encountering another fierce local rivalry between Sheffield Wednesday and Sheffield United, you will also be visiting the home of the world's oldest major football ground, which is still hosting professional games today, (United's Bramall Lane) as well as the oldest football ground itself - Sandygate Road, which is home to Hallam F.C.

Yorkshire terriers

In addition to visiting the sailing, climbing and real snow skiing centres, as well as the football and rugby stadia, Leeds is also a great place to enjoy a flutter on the gee-gees at Wetherby Racecourse. The only National Hunt course in Yorkshire, it is steeped in history and is one of the UK's leading jumping tracks. The city really is one of the best cities for sport in the UK and anyone visiting this West Yorkshire gem is sure to have a great time here.

Sent to Coventry

As one of the six chosen venues to be hosting the London 2012 Olympic Football tournament, it is perhaps no surprise that the City of Coventry Stadium is another of the UK's impressive out-of-London venues too.

As well as being the home of Championship football side Coventry City, it has previously hosted international under-21 football matches, the Heineken Cup semi-finals and the Women's FA Cup Final. Its impressive design has also helped it to win a number of awards - and be chosen as the only London 2012 Olympics football venue in the Midlands.

Steve Alexander has been writing about the best places to visit in the UK. Click here for deals on hotels in Nottingham. For more information on accommodation in Sheffield or for great savings on in Coventry, go to Hotels4u.

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الجمعة، 21 سبتمبر 2012

13 Top Benefits of Speed in Sports

"What happens when an athlete gets faster?"

No, this isn't a trick question. It's a question that is often asked, but often not answered. At first glance, it may seem obvious. However, there are a lot more benefits then what first meets the eye. Just a couple of these benefits can create a chain of positive responses and spirals. Whether they are psychological or physical benefits of speed, one positive result leads right into the next positive result. From constantly beating your opponent to improving your vertical jump, to becoming the star player, the advantages of speed are numerous.

Here are just a few of the top benefits often experienced from athletes who become fast.

Top Benefits of Speed:

You are less fatigued (because you run and move more efficiently).Conditioning is not as difficult (because you get in shape sooner which improves the quality of your practice and your game).You go for more plays (because you know you can get there).You have more successful plays (because you go for quality shots because you CAN get there)Your coach becomes more confident with you and calls on you more often (which further increases your success rate and your trust in yourself.)Running becomes your secret weapon (because no one knows exactly how fast you are or exactly when you are going to use your speed.)You often become the team leader - (the "go to" player.)Your identity becomes "the fastest player on your team" (so your teammates feed you the ball more often, which further increases your success rate.)Your opponents have to make adjustments to compete with you (so you become the one in control of the game)You are given more respect -College/Pro Scouts notice you (because of the positive chain reaction that continues to spiral into more consistent successful results.)Your coaches, teammates, and opponents vote you to all-star and all-league teams. (This, in turn, gives you more quality games, against the best competition, which increases your experience, which contributes to more and more great plays).You develop an "I can do it" attitude. (You believe more things are possible on the sports field and in every day life.)You have a better chance of getting a scholarship

When you get over the psychological hurdle, it is amazing how fast you can spiral into positive thoughts, which spirals into positive results, which bumps you up into still greater positive thoughts. Going for great achievements and getting great results becomes a way of natural and habitual positive thinking. It becomes a way of life that changes your life forever. And all because you took the time to get a little faster!

Good luck and "Be Well and Be Fast."

Kenneth Taylor is a SAQ pioneer and Sport Speed Expert who has trained thousands of professional, college and high school athletes for over 20 years. He holds a degree in Exercise Physiology and Sports Science. He was a world class triple jumper and played for the 1985 Chicago Bears Super Bowl XX team and the San Diego Chargers. He is also the author of SPEED: How to Run Faster Immediately. For more information on how to run faster or how to become a Speed Trainer, please visit http://www.thespeeddr.com/.

View the original article here

What to Look for in a Backpack for College

An essential item for most individuals is a backpack. They can transport a number of things including books, a laptop, cell phone and a water bottle among other essentials. Today, are all about functionality and versatility. The trick is in selecting the backpack that is correct for you and will meet all of your needs.

The first thing you must consider is the items that you will need to transport in your backpack. If you are only going to carry a laptop, a large multi-pocket backpack may not be what you are looking for. On the other hand, you have to ensure that the sack you are purchasing will comfortably hold all of your necessities. If you are using the backpack for business or travel, are larger bag with compartments is recommended.

Because you will be wearing the backpack on your back, ensuring that it is comfortable is essential. You may want to fill the backpack with weights and try walking with it. Walking up and down stairs may also be necessary. Try moving in ways that you move on a daily basis to see if it causes pain. Back injury can be caused by a backpack that is too heavy or not aligned properly.

Wide shoulder straps are important when it comes to selecting a backpack. These broadened straps will make certain that the sack's weight is distributed evenly. Padding should also be part of the shoulder strap design. Even when carrying a heavy load, the padding should eliminate pain in the shoulders. The straps should be durable and adjusted to prevent sliding.

An individual may or may not be concerned about the number of pockets. For most people, it is important to have a laptop pocket and to ensure that they backpack being purchased will accommodate the backpack will accommodate the size of your laptop. If you have a number of items to carry, pockets will be important to you.

The quality of any zippers or hardware that is on the bag is important. Test them and make sure their functionality is to your liking.

The quality of the construction of the backpack you are purchasing is important. After all, you want this product to last for several years. Do some research on the bag you are considering. Customer reviews are also a great place to get information about the durability, comfort and the construction of your backpack of choice.

These are just a few suggestions for finding a backpack that will meet all your needs and last for years to come.

Arlene is an author that enjoys writing about health and finance. You can visit her latest site at http://backpackzforcollege.com/ where you can find information on Backpacks for College.

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الخميس، 20 سبتمبر 2012

Bounty Hunter Gold Digger Metal Detector - Why Is This Detector Good for a New Hobbyist?

The Bounty Hunter metal detectors are an excellent choice for someone who wants to try out the hobby of metal detecting. Bounty Hunter has been in the business of making detectors for more than 40 years. They have a reputation of making a great product at an affordable price.

The Gold Digger metal detector is a great one for someone who has a need for a detector, a need to:

• Find property markers

• Find a lost ring

• Find a lost key

• Try out the hobby

• Find some money

• Find buried treasure

Why is the Gold Digger a good one? You can buy a new one on Amazon for under $80, it is easy to use, reliable and durable. Sure, you can spend more money and upgrade but if you are not sure that you will like the sport or only wanting to find a ring, there is no need to spend the extra money.

The best place to learn your machine is in your own back yard or a friend's or relative's back yard. The instructions that come with it are easy to follow. It covers how to assemble it, how the unit works and how to use it. You'll be surprised at the amount of coins, laying out there, that are waiting to be found. You'll also find nails, screws, and foil.

The unit comes with headphones that will allow you to hear the subtle differences in the tones the detector emits. With practice you can tell the difference between the nails and foil to the coins and gold rings. This will save a lot of digging in the long run. The headphones also saves on battery life, it uses two nine volt batteries

This detector has automatic ground balancing, which means that it adjusts itself to different ground conditions. You can go from hard ground to the beach without having to make any manual changes. This is a great improvement in metal detectors.

The reviews on Amazon have an average rating of 4 stars out of 5 with 51 people writing the reviews. Many of the reviewers purchased the detector for their children. The kids are out finding coins and treasures.

However, as with any tool, it takes practice and patience to get proficient with it. You will dig up some trash at first so don't get frustrated. Take the trash with you to dispose of later so when you go over the same ground later there will be less junk to dig up. Please, fill in the holes that you dig and if you're on private property get permission to be there first.

The Bounty Hunter Gold Digger Metal Detector is a good one for beginners because of its low price, its ease of use and the improvements in the electronics built into the detector.

I'm Darwin Poyner and I've enjoyed the hobby of metal detecting for over 30 years. I've found pirates treasure on the beach in Florida and searched for gold in Arizona. I'm a member of Gold Prospectors of America and former member of Quartsite Metal Detectors Club in Quartsite, AZ. You can check out my latest website at Bounty Hunter Metal Detector where I provide reviews and buying advice on metal detectors, including the Gold Digger, Junior, and Tracker IV Metal Detectors.

View the original article here

الأربعاء، 19 سبتمبر 2012

Eagle and Proto Scooter Wheels: The Must Have Accessory to Make Your Scooter Glide

Eagle Sport Scooter Wheels

Want to pimp your ride and improve the performance of your scooter? Eagle Sport scooter wheels are the perfect solution.

Scooter wheels come in a wide range of sizes and colours to suit the style and requirements of your scooter. Eagle Sport designs have all had extensive testing by some of the hardest riders in the world. Hollow tech wheels have even been signed by two of Europe's most talented scooter riders; Benj Friant and Fernando Young. Hollow technology wheels have greater strength and are light weight for an easy, superb ride in all locations.

Anodised, laser etched and decal printed graphs are designed to suit the style of both you and your scooter.

Stand out at the skate park and make all your friends jealous with Eagle Sport metal core scooter wheels. These wheels come in a wide range of colours, and are suitable for both beginner and recreational riders. Unlike soft scooter wheels, metal core designs can be used both indoors and outdoors, making them a great value for money. They are also created with high strength and durability features, perfect for all extreme riders.

Metal core wheels eliminate any problems with shattered hubs and are made with a large amount of polyurethane for a smoother and faster ride.

Proto Scooter Wheels

Proto Sport gripper wheels are as hard, strong and fast as they come. Just like Eagle Sport designs, they come in many different stylish colours and have been signed by top riders in the scooter world.

As well as wheels, Proto also supplies SCS compression kits. Each system features a brass knuckle quadruple compression cap and bolt, clamp bolts and one shim.

Scooter Parts

Many specialist scooter websites supply a wide selection of high quality scooter parts designed by top brands, including Addict, Blunt, District and Razor.

Certain websites also offer a brake fitting service, perfect for setting up your scooter to suit your needs and requirements. Select your deck and brake, then simply sit back and wait while the hard work is done for you. Professional brake fitting tools will ensure your scooter has a high quality finish.

Is your scooter beginning to look old and tired? Want to impress your friends with a new, high speed, cooler ride? Buying a brand new scooter isn't always the answer. These days good scooters do not come cheap, so why not give your ride a much needed makeover? Specialist scooter websites offer decks, bars, wheels, grips and forks.

Treat yourself and look the part at the park this summer.

Rigg My Roll supply a wide range of top brand name scooter parts. Whether you need a new brake, wheel or deck, or just want to modernise your ride, view product range here.

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الثلاثاء، 18 سبتمبر 2012

Why Every Survival Kit Should Have Paracord

Paracord - it's a must for your survival pack!

Paracord is a quick drying and rot resistant nylon rope with a break strength of 550 lbs. It is available in many colors and should be one of the first items you buy for any personal survival kit. It can be, and is, used in a large variety of situations and has even been known to be used by NASA! It was first used as parachute cord (hence the name) in World War II by the US military, whose troops still use it extensively in all manner of situations.

A US soldier without a supply of paracord, is essentially not equipped! Likewise, anyone who pursues any type of outdoor activities, would be well advised to have some paracord on hand at all times, as it is as invaluable as it is versatile, in many emergency situations.

Examples of emergency situations where paracord would be useful:

If you break a leg paracord could be used to tie a splint to the leg.If you run out of dental floss the inner strands can be taken apart and used as a substitute - very handy when you have a piece of meat that you can't quite dislodge.If you cut yourself paracord can be used as a tourniquet to stop excess bleeding and if appropriate to stitch up an open wound.The thread can also be used to repair clothing, replace shoe laces and zipper pulls.If your clothes get wet paracord can be used as a clothes line to dry them.If your dog chew through his lead or his collar breaks paracord can be used.Paracord can be used to secure a boat.It can also be used as a belt to hold up your trousers.

As you can see paracord has many, many uses and in fact, the number of uses of this versatile cord are only limited by your imagination!

You can now buy paracord that has been made into bracelets, necklaces, key chains, watches and other accessories. These have proven to be very popular with emergency response teams and other safety personnel, for obvious reasons. They are also becoming more and more popular with the general public, who may or may not be aware of their extreme versatility.

If you ever see someone wearing a paracord bracelet or other paracord item, don't assume they know the advantages of having a supply of paracord on hand at all times, be sure and ask them do they know of its uses. If they don't, they may be surprised to learn that a paracord bracelet can be unravelled, to be used, if an emergency occurs.

It is now possible to buy paracord that glows in the dark, paracord that is reflective and a highly visible paracord, which is both reflective and glows in the dark. The break strength of these are 400 lbs however, not the 550 lbs of regular 550 paracord. This is due to the different type of fibres included in them to make them glow and / or reflect. However, the usefulness of being reflective and luminous may outweigh the loss of strength in many outdoor situations.

So perhaps a selection of all these different types of paracord would be an added bonus to any hardcore survival kit. However, a word of warning, it is important to know that the glow in the dark version has to be exposed to light, before it will actually glow. Grappling around in the dark for a 'non glowing' glow in the dark paracord, would surely warrant a lot of cussing - so be advised!

When you decide to add paracord to your survival kit, why not buy a paracord survival bracelet or other accessory and give it as a gift to someone you love. They may not be an outdoor enthusiast - but it may just be that little piece of kit, could some day save their life.

Idris Adams is a writer who specialises in sports and outdoor activities. You can check out his latest website Buy Paracord where he provides unbiased advice and reviews on different types of paracord and explains why cheap paracord is not always best.

View the original article here

الاثنين، 17 سبتمبر 2012

An Underdog Makes Good

We all love a story of the underdog who works their butt off and then makes it big. We like to learn of the obstacles they have overcome or the struggles they have endured on the road to success. We want to know how they did it. What was their secret? And, how we can benefit from their experience?

A truly remarkable young man with an amazing story is Tim Duncan. You know him as a superstar basketball player for Wake Forest from 1993 to 1997. But did you know that he never even played basketball until he was 14 year old? And, three years later at the age of 17, he walked onto the Wake Forest Campus for the first time.

Tim was born in 1976 in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. His family was hard working and better off than most. Tim was a bright precocious child who learned quickly and excelled in school. He was advanced a grade in grade school because he surpassed his classmates. So, he would always be younger than his classmates in the future. Long and lean like his 2 sisters, Tim was a great swimmer. He had his eyes on the Olympics early on. His specialty, the 400 meter freestyle. At age 12 and 13 he broke many records and was tops in his bracket.

Fast forward to September 17, 1989 and Hurricane Hugo. The storm devastated the island; including the swim team's pool. Just prior to the hurricane, Tim's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. In the spring of 1990, she died, and Tim never swam competitively after that.

A year earlier, his sister now married and living in Columbus Ohio shipped a basketball goal, hoop and post to him for a gift. This began his interest in the game. His dad helped by anchoring it and pouring cement for the base. When his sister and her husband moved back to St. Croix there was nonstop play on that hoop. His brother in law, Ricky, who had played for Capital University in Columbus, was his practice partner.

Tim played in high school, grew nine inches and excelled as the top player on the island. Crazy stories filtered back to the US and curiosity about this guy developed. Several colleges flew scouts down for a look, and to offer athletic scholarships. But Dave Odom, head coach at Wake Forest, went there personally to look at Tim. Odom liked what he saw and in 1993, Tim arrived on the Wake Forest campus as a 17 year old college freshman. Tim became the 'mystery man' that first season and it took a few months for him to adjust. He was a bit timid but half way through the season everything clicked. He became a force to be reckoned with and Odom was a hero.

As he moved through each year at Wake Forest there was talk about him being the #1 draft pick in 1995; if he would leave school early for the pros. Tim was adamant that he would not be leaving college before graduation, no matter the offer. He was intent on receiving his degree... to honor his mother.

Fast forward to graduation and the NBA draft. Tim was snatched by the San Antonio Spurs and he was delighted to say the least. The rest is history. This remarkable man has grabbed every award and acknowledgment a player can receive. He has kept his dignity and proved to be a shining example of what the NBA can be. He leads by actions, not words. Never boastful or arrogant he credits his parents, family, coaches and teammates for his success. What a refreshing perspective and great role model. This is what the fans would like to see in all of their professional sports heroes.

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الأحد، 16 سبتمبر 2012

Points to Consider While Buying Sports Tickets Online

If you are a die-hard sports fan and love to watch the events live, buying sports tickets online is simply the best idea to get tickets of your favorite sports team. The way to buy tickets has changed a lot today; people use Internet to book their seats in advance, however, it is essential to factor certain points before buying tickets online.

If you love to be a part of the jam-packed stadium and watch your favorite sports team in action, you already have an idea how difficult it is to find tickets for the games that you have been waiting for a long time. Most of the tickets sell out before you arrive at the venue to buy the most sought after tickets of the hottest sports event. It becomes really disappointing if you miss the chance to be a part of the matches of your favorite sports team.

However, with the passage of time, buying sports tickets has become easy as well as fast. Internet has come up as a great option to fulfill all your ticket needs; you can buy tickets online without even stepping out of your home or office. Just a few clicks of mouse and your seat is booked. The major advantage of purchasing tickets online is the convenience you get that is definitely contrary to the earlier time when you had to stand in a long queue outside the ticket window and wait for your turn. Now you can easily search different ticket selling websites and buy tickets from the one that offers best seats at affordable prices.

Although there are plenty of websites that offer tickets for various sports, concerts, theater and other events, but you must factor in certain essential points before taking any final decision. One of the major factors that must be taken into account before buying sports tickets online is the quality of information provided on the ticket selling website. It is important to ensure that the quality and depth of information about the available seats, show duration and other event related information is appropriate. Further, the additional information like performer's biographies must be correct; it in fact makes the website popular among the users.

Another crucial factor that must be given due consideration is the ease of booking provided by the ticket selling website. It must be a simple process for the customers. Moreover, such a website also provides a dynamic visual seating plan to make it useful and easy for the customers to choose from the variety of seating options.

It is advisable to look for the online security before you purchase sports tickets from a website. You must go through the complete website and especially the purchase section to assure security of the process. As there is risk of disclosing of your personal information like email address or credit card details, so it is imperative to know about the security system of ticket selling websites and confidentiality of your personal information. You must inquire about the technology deployed to make security systems strong and reliable.

Before you place your order, it is essential to verify the contact information of the website. It is advisable to go for website that provides contact number and you can call in case any need arises. So, if you want to buy Indiana Pacers or Chicago Bulls tickets, buy it through a reliable ticket selling website. However, make sure that you consider all the factors before booking your seats in the stadium.

The author of this article is associated with JustGreatTickets that is one of the leading online ticket selling websites offering cheap tickets for sports, concerts and theater shows.

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السبت، 15 سبتمبر 2012

Tips And Tricks For Playing Backgammon Online

Though backgammon online does not have several of the characteristics of the physical game, you can still apply many of the same tactics to win western backgammon. The rival's 12-point is typically called the comfort station. Blocking the 5-point and the bar point is quite essential in order to win a game. Players may draw checkers from the comfort station if they have to protect those two points. making the 4-point is considered to be the next logical step in lots of games.

Shifting a blot to the bar point or 9-point is often considered to be bad medicine. Blots are very easy to hit when located on this point. Many skilled players will try to move a single stone out of the inner table to an area by their comfort station. They are very easy to strike otherwise. However, a player must not forget to keep the 5-point and bar point blocked. Sometimes that implies that the comfort station will be emptied. Although the choice could be tough to make, establishing points is generally considered a solid strategy.

There are instances where a player might choose a more defensive game. In those occasions, the comfort station may be a bit more packed. It's essential not to fail to remember your blots. They'll otherwise find themselves on the bar. Occupying different points on the home board is an excellent game plan to prevent the rival from having the ability to return to the table from the bar. A player shouldn't do this without due cause, though. Getting so caught up in forcing a shutout position like this could only stall the game.

Calling for a double could sometimes be a blessing in disguise. Doubling laws can be changed slightly from game to game, but one usually gets the points presented on the doubling cube when their competitors reject an offer. This may be a terrific technique to pick up points in a second. Players who use these maneuvers need to move carefully, since they can easily make a poor position much worse. A backgammon game that one was ready to loose can instantly be worth more than it was before hand.

Some opponents might accept curious doubling proposal. Yet, many players might not and they can be forced to retire in this way. Many people rely on this approach even more online. players can't observe each other's facial expressions over the Internet. It means that many people have an instant facial expression which does not reveal any emotion. They might feel a bit more daring and throw out doubling request that probably would not otherwise make sense. Be careful from this style of game, but don't fear to tryout the doubling cube as well. Players that do not frequently apply it, might find themselves in a position, in which they have to deal with such decision, when playing backgammon online.

Play65 is the largest backgammon community on-line. Backgammon funs can play opposing other players around the world, learn how to play backgammon, backgammon rules and backgammon strategies. Visit us at http://www.play65.com/

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الجمعة، 14 سبتمبر 2012

Attention Ballroom Dancers, Have You Tried The Argentine Tango?

The Argentine Tango is actually a classic dance which emanated on the roads of Buenos Aires during the completion of the 19th century. This dance has actually developed in appeal over time with both social and professional dancers. The music is both varied and also more contemporary than the usual ballroom tango tracks thanks to added components and instruments, which is actually why at some get togethers the Argentine Tango alone is danced all evening.

The movements consist mainly of walks with the feet making close contact with the floor at all times. The follower normally walks with her legs outside of her partners. It is danced counterclockwise around the floor, and cutting across the middle of the floor is strongly frowned upon.

Argentine Tango is a bit different, a bit dangerous and a bit more exciting than the normal tango. The reason for this is that the woman must allow the man to utterly 'control her body.' It is danced in an embrace which can vary from wide at arms length to a very close chest on chest.

Apart from having to balance herself perfectly with his frame, she has to feel the slightest hint of him stepping forward, so that she can shoot her corresponding foot backwards and be ready for any sudden changes.

The lady can occasionally choose to decorate him with her foot or leg, but mostly she is his mirroring puppet. This I know won't suit a lot of strong-willed woman. It's like he is doing all the talking for once.

Some woman will struggle to come to terms with this imbalance, but this type of connection is very necessary to allow for the correct execution of the Argentine Tango.

With the right partner the Argengine Tango can be extremely sexy as well as strangely spiritual. The dancers have to give the audience the impression that they have been lovers for ages.

In Buenos Aires it is the custom to have milongas or gatherings where the Argentine Tango is the dance of the evening. There are however a few rules you need to follow if attending one of these Milongas.

Firstly you have to dance with a partner for at least three songs, even if he dances like a 'hefalump.' Woman are never allowed to ask the men to dance. Men tend to try and avoid rejection by simply looking at you and jerking their heads towards the dance floor if they want to dance with you.

Whatever way you choose, the Argentine Tango might just be the dance for you, and if you enjoy ballroom dancing, then you simply have to give it a whirl.

For more on dance related matters, please visit The Dancers Forum

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الخميس، 13 سبتمبر 2012

Keys To Staying Safe While Tubing

1) Plan

Before you even inflate your tubes, it is important that you know the river. Asking a local or someone that has just floated the river can give you invaluable information that you may not have thought to look up or check. They often know where the majority of tubers float, are aware of current river levels, and know if there are any new potential hazards like a downed tree.

Things to consider

Drop in point - Where is a safe place to enter the river that is easily accessible? It's possible to enter a river from anywhere, but if the river bank is too steep it can be hard to get gear and tubes down to the water. If the bank is narrow it is hard to organize a large group of people for a float.
Exit point- Are there any landmarks visible from the river to help alert you to the river exit? Bridges are great for this if they exist, otherwise a boat ramp or building will do.
Parking - Where should you park cars? How are people getting to the drop in point and how are they getting back to their cars? Is a parking pass required?
Potential hazards - Is there a fork in the river? Is there a downed tree across the river? Some potential hazards are constant, like a fork in the river, while others change from one trip to the next, such as fallen trees.
River flow rate - Is the water level safe for floating? If the level is too low, there could be exposed rocks that would not normally be a problem. The faster the river is flowing the less time you will have to react to hazards or to paddle for the exit. Flow data for most US rivers can be found on the U.S. Geological Survey website.
Local laws - Is a life vest required? What are the local alcohol laws?

2) Prepare

Being prepared will give you the highest chance of having a fun and safe float. The best way to prepare is taking the information you gathered while planning to make a float plan and bringing proper gear.

A float plan doesn't need to be too complicated or in depth, but should include enough detail so everyone in your flotilla has an understanding of what to expect during the float. Be sure to tell someone, not on the float, where you're going and when to expect you back.

A float plan should include

Where you plan to drop in.When you plan to start the float.How you are getting everyone and their stuff on the water.Any known hazards you might have to avoid.Know where the exit is and roughly how long it should take to float to that point.How you're going to get everyone back to their cars.Local emergency contact number

Proper gear is key to staying safe, a short list of must haves include; sunscreen, drinking water, water shoes, a life preserver (if the law requires one or you aren't confident in your swimming abilities), and a helmet if you plan to go down any serious rapids.

3) Be Proactive

Once on the river enjoy your float, but always be aware of your surroundings. It's better to avoid dangerous situations than to react to them. Observing other flotillas down river and their actions can give you a preview of what's to come. Being proactive will give you enough time to avoid dead spots in the flow or give you a chance to go around rapids if they look too big or full of exposed rocks and sharp edges. Although, you won't know what's around a bend, a group paddling hard to the other side of the river could signify a fallen tree. It is best to stay near the middle of the river because the edges are likely to have branches and exposed rocks. Pay attention to what side the current is pushing you towards, by the end of the float you want to end up on the same side as the exit point.

4) Stay cool

If you followed the first three keys to safe tubing, you should be clear from most unexpected dangers. Should something go wrong, don't panic. Keep your cool and work your way to safety. Here is a list of situations you might find yourself in and how to handle them.

You miss your exit - If you know the conditions down the river it might be easiest to float to the next access point and walk back. If you are unsure paddle to the river bank on the same side as the exit and walk back. If the bank is too high to get up, you might have to work your way back up the river. The current will be less on the edge and should be shallow enough to make walking easier.
You happen to fall off your tube - If your tube is still inflated and easily reachable stay with it. The tube can be used as a buoyancy device to help keep your head above water until you pull yourself back up. You can also use the tube as a cushion to prevent you from slamming into any rocks. If your tube popped or you're in rough waters and it's more than a few strokes away don't swim for it. Instead be sure to keep your feet pointed downstream to embrace any collision you might encounter by using your legs as springs. If you can see your group and think you can make it to them, paddle over. Otherwise you need to work your way to the edge of the river.
An accident occurs - If there is a drowning, someone is bleeding or has obtained a head injury, work your way to shore, begin performing first aid and if necessary immediately send someone for help. Remember dialing 911 on a cellphone doesn't help a dispatcher locate you. Use your local emergency phone number, from your float plan. Be sure to have clear information as to what city you're in, what river you're on and what the emergency is.
One final note on safety, if you've ever been on a float, it seems like drinking and floating go hand in hand. If laws don't prohibit you from drinking on the river, and you're of age, be sure to only stock aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Glass bottles sink and if broken are dangerous for tubers. Make sure the river conditions are right for drinking, calm and slow and remember the more you drink, the slower your reaction time and judgement will be. A few seconds could be the difference between a safe float and a dangerous one. Get out there and have a good time.

Be sure to check the river flow rates before you go at http://waterwatch.usgs.gov/. Additional tubing information, gear, advice, checklists and river maps can be found at http://www.protuber.com/.

View the original article here

الأربعاء، 12 سبتمبر 2012

Relic Hunting - Discover a Piece of History

Beside coin shooting, gold detecting or the many other things you can do with your metal detector. There is a large group of people who take their metal detector out looking for old stuff. Not just any old stuff, but memorabilia from the past. This is called relic hunting.

If you're thinking about doing some relic hunting, be careful. Relic Hunting can become addictive. Finding items from long ago, like a button from a confederate soldier's jacket or a belt buckle from the Union army's General is so rewarding. There is such a thrill that you feel when finding these items. It can be absolutely mind blowing.

If you're a romantic like me you imagine images of the men and women who fought on this land; the horses and oxen and cattle that came along with the settlers. The farmers that tilled the ground and the merchants that sold the goods. It takes you back to a historical time. It brings back long forgotten relics from a time of conflict or a time of hope. Recalling a time when settlers struggled to make a life on the new frontier. It's not just an old button, or hat pin, or a piece of metal used or worn; sewn or hammered by our ancestors and the people who settled and built our country. It's a piece of history, and you found it.

In every country in this beautiful world items have been left behind, lost or forgotten only to be found again and remembered. To me, it's finding a bit of history and holding it in your hand. I dream up stories of where a particular button came from. What really happened is probably not as dramatic nor as romantic as I can conjure up, but it's a fun thing to do.

Relic hunters are enthusiasts who hunt for artifacts and memorabilia from past events, primarily battles and wars through the years. They spend a lot of time researching and finding out the history of a given area. Then they go hunting.

The great thing about relic hunting is there is the vast amount of areas you can go to hunt. Old road or paths. Many paths in wooded areas have been there for centuries. Take the long way home and discover Rural America. Old home foundations, old school houses, abandoned stores are great places to take your detector. Look for indentations where there may have been an old cellar. Old cellars can be a wealth of artifacts. Look along river banks or dried up creek beds. Long ago people followed the river to get from one place to another. Ever notice how many small towns are along the rivers of the United States? The river was the source of travel and commerce. The rivers were the life line of the people.

Old railroad tracks can be a great source of artifacts. Look around your area. I'm sure you can come up with a wealth of ideas on where to go. Look on the internet or go to your local library. There is information that can help you find where to go.

As always, don't forget to get permission from the land owner and leave any area like you found it. Don't dig up holes and leave them gaping. Always fill your digs in when you're done. Be careful, be courteous and have fun!

Find Your Treasure Now!

We offer a variety of products and accessories for metal detecting.

Our objective is to make your shopping experience as simple, informative and cool as possible, and to find everything you need for your adventure. Don't have what you're looking for? Let us know and we will send our trusty search dogs out to find it if at all possible.

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Increasing Vertical Jump - Tips For Jumping Higher

Vertical Jump can be used as a means for measuring how powerful a player or athlete is. It may also be a skill required in playing a game such as in basketball. To increase your vertical jump, what you basically need to do is to practice jumping higher numerous times within a week. Soon, your brain will realize what you have been trying to do and to achieve. In response, the brain will signal the body to act accordingly. You will eventually see that your body has been developing strength and needed qualities such as coordination. You will soon find yourself jumping higher, smoother and more effectively.

It all sounds and seems too simple to perform; but if you practice jumping incorrectly, you are more likely not to achieve your goals. This is why it is important to know first how to correctly do the jump practice. It is equally essential to implement some great tips to further help increase your vertical jump.

There are two types of jumping that one can perform. One is jumping from a standing position and the other is jumping while running.

Jumping While Standing

This is simpler compared to jumping while on a run. In this jumping style, keep in mind that you need to stand as tall as you possibly can before jumping in order to achieve excellent results. You have to rise up on your toes and then raise your arms upward surpassing the top of your head. With this, you can achieve better distance for generating downward forces. These eccentric forces will assist in facilitating your use of stretch cycle.

Jumping While Running

Off the run jumping has an obvious goal of being able to use horizontal speed in achieving better vertical jump results. The added variable from the horizontal movement can considerably make jumping more complex than the simple jump while standing.

You can take a look first into the track and field area. Observe the athletes and runners as they perform long jump, high jump or triple jump. Although the three events have varying approaches, you could get the similarity among them to know the best way to jump off from a run.

You need to work on your run up. For the track and field athlete, he first ensures the maximum distance of his jump wherein he will not run into the bar. You can do this, even without participating in the track and field event, by determining the spot where you exactly want to have a takeoff. From here, you can work backwards. You do not necessarily need to do it as accurate as that of an athlete. Choose a spot within the playing court where you can work at your maximum, yet controlled speed.

Controlled speed is crucial because it lets you absorb the force from running and use it accordingly to jump high. Without controlled speed, you might also be hurting yourself as you jump. When you do your takeoff, this momentum and speed you have while running will be transferred to your height in jumping. So, you have to maintain your speed as consistently as possible.

Learn how to achieve additional six inches to your vertical leap with the help of Double Your Vertical Leap. Another comprehensive source of information on vertical jump is Vertical Jump Development Bible.

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الثلاثاء، 11 سبتمبر 2012

Why You Want This Wool Pulled Over Your Eyes

What does wool have to do with an Italian challenge between New Zealand and Australia?

You may think that rugby and the Beldisloe cup is the biggest rivalry between old foes New Zealand and Australia, there is however another challenge between the two countries that is just as fierce.

The Loro Piana Challenge Cup is a competition between Australian and Kiwi merino wool producers for the title of finest wool in the world.

So what's the big deal? Isn't it all just that fluffy stuff on a sheep's back?

Spot on but when it's whipped off the sheep that's when the answer is a definite no, not all wool is created equally and the merino is the king of wool and known the world over for its quality, softness and performance.

To judge how fine merino wool is you measure the diameter which is then expressed in microns. Marino wool is generally lower than 24 micron in diameter. To compare this to other wools a blend used for carpets can measure as high as 45 plus microns.

But that's not where it ends for the quality of Marino wool, there are varying degrees of fineness within Marino fleeces. A guide is that the wool will range between being classed as:

Strong in the 23-24 micron range,

Medium: between 19.5 and 23 micron,

Then we move into the really soft stuff

Fine is 18.5 - 19.5,

Superfine 15 - 18.5

And the impressively named Ultra Fine will measure from 11.5 - 15 micron.

Prized for its uses in athletic clothing, Merino wool has a number of abilities that make it far superior to synthetic fabrics.

Merino wool pulls sweet away from the body and absorbs water but at the same time doesn't lose warmth when holding this water. This soft fabric is excellent at regulating body temperature and has excellent warmth to weight ratio.

Ultrafine merino wool is also coveted for use in high end luxury clothing and suits - that's where Loro Piana comes in they purchase only the best bales of merino wool each year for production of their business suits which can retail for over €15,000 Euro. If you're paying that much for a suit you would want to know that you're wearing the best.

So who has the finest wool? Well don't tell the kiwis but the ledger is stacked a lot higher in the Australian column with the Kiwis having only won once in the last decade, that victory however with a world record 10.9 micron average shows the kiwis know how to win in style.

So whether you love the soft feeling of fabric or love the outdoors - merino is defiantly what you want to be pulling on.

To fins out more about merino wool check out Nz Natural Clothing - based in New Zealand they know a thing or two about Merinos and the great products that their wool can be used for.

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الاثنين، 10 سبتمبر 2012

ATV Basics for Beginner Riders

If you know friends who like to go ATV riding or maybe you recently rode on one yourself and now want to get started, this article is for you! ATV riding continues to gain popularity but because more people are injured while riding on an ATV than any other recreational outdoor sport; you need to make sure you know all the basics.

To begin with, you need to pick out a vehicle. You want to make sure the ATV matches your weight and size requirements. If you are doing mostly recreational riding, a sport quad would probably be your best bet. If you are riding with your kids, a side-by-side ATV would be nice or if you can, purchase their own kids ATV. When first starting out, it's best to buy a used vehicle because you will probably want to upgrade to a different one once you see what others are riding and get more information on the types of vehicles available on the market. Be sure to get a copy of the owner's manual and read it front to back so you really understand the type of ATV model you have. Be sure to take the manual along with you when you got out riding.

Next, take a safety course. These usually run over 3 to 4 weeks, one night a week and while not mandatory to ride at ATV, the information is certainly invaluable. Be sure to purchase the necessary safety equipment like helmet, boots and goggles. You will want to wear a long sleeve top and pants and a chest protector. You won't regret having the right gear that will protect yourself in the unfortunate event you are in an accident.

Now that you have the above steps under your belt, it's time to go out and practice ride on some trails. Bring along an experienced ATV rider or two and remember to always have some supervision when you are first starting out. Those first few hours on the trail is when you want to become very familiar with how it feels when you are riding and where all the controls are, how the brakes and handles work and how to operate your vehicle without even thinking about it. Practice starting and stopping until everything feels as easy as driving a car. Always remember to focus 100% on what you are doing and while it may be frustrating at first, you will soon get the hang of riding your ATV and then after that, there is no stopping you!

When it comes time to do maintenance on your vehicle, make it easy on yourself when you need to replace your ATV batteries by ordering from a reputable online battery retailer.

Mike enjoys motorsports in Jacksonville, Florida. He is an authority on ATV and motorcycle sport batteries. He is especially fond of the website http://www.motobattbatteries.com/ where he can order his batteries online.

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Autographed Sports Memorabilia: Sentiments and Fraud

Autographed sports memorabilia can come in a variety of forms, each one representing a particular point in a sporting event. Anything you can see that is directly related to the sport and which can be carried out by hand from a venue, can be considered a memento. Just try not to grab anything that is not willingly handed out to you or you'll be in big trouble!

Sources of valuable sports memorabilia include the actual sporting venue, hobby shops, sports auctions, and online retailers. Real sports enthusiasts collect these items as keepsakes, a constant reminder of the part they played in that particular sporting event. Other more practical buyers grow their collections in hopes of someday selling them at a higher price.

Whatever your reasons are for getting into this hobby, it is important to know just what items to keep an eye out for to continuously increase your collection.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia: Different Sports, One Passion

Common memorabilia items include photos, jerseys, tickets and event programs. Some of these you can collect yourself by going to the actual sporting events, while others you can scour shops and online retail websites for to satisfy your cravings.

From the collector's standpoint, the value of such items can range from the deeply sentimental to the purely monetary, but when sold at sports auctions and through other retailing methods, any one of these can bring in thousands of dollars for its rarity and time value.

Sports items that belonged to a well-known athlete, or were part of a remarkable sports victory, would make far better investments especially when signed by the athlete himself and authenticated by experts. If you're investing on memorabilia as a business venture, it is far more important for you to watch out for fraudulent merchandise.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia and Fraud

The rule of thumb for all collectors is that, when a deal is too good to be true, it probably is. Large amounts of dollars are lost to memorabilia frauds each year, and many fraudulent retailers are still at large. Your best defense against fraud is to get properly informed. Do your share of research to find out which companies are certified to distribute signed items from famous athletes and take the effort to ensure that's exactly where your memorabilia purchases originally came from.

Memorabilia items usually come with a documentation attesting to its authenticity. Legitimate memorabilia sellers have recently began adopting the hologram system of authentication pioneered by a major sports dealer, making it easier to protect yourself from purchasing fraudulent autographed sports memorabilia.

Are you looking for more information regarding autographed sports memorabilia? Visit http://www.apieceofsports.com/ today!

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الأحد، 9 سبتمبر 2012

Table Tennis Is a Pastime That Never Gets Old

Table tennis, or ping-pong, is a game in which two opponents hit a small ping pong ball back and forth across a table, divided by a net, using ping pong paddles. Created in 1926, table tennis has changed and become more of a sport over the decades and has even been classified as an Olympic sport. While created originally as a favorite hobby for the young and old alike, this game has become a competitive sport, and has been redesigned by many players to accommodate their wants and size of social gatherings. You can even find any type of table to meet your sporting needs.

While the original table tennis table was a hard table approximately 9 feet long and 5 feet wide, many different types have been created to accommodate more than just two players, and to give the player a different feel when competing. There are many options available, such as a triangular table to allow 3 players to play, an octagonal table that allows 4 players to play, and even a hexapong table designed to allow 6 players to compete at once. In colleges across the world, young adults have even created their own version of this multi-faceted game called beer pong. While there are no official rules or table guidelines for this version of table tennis, the general idea is to get your ping pong ball into your opponents beer cup, which in turn has them consume the entire glass of beer. The first person to give up is considered the loser, while the remaining opponent in crowned champion.

Choosing a paddle is just as important as choosing the table you will be playing on because different table tennis paddles offer different speeds, spins, and will be easier to control based on the type of grip you choose. While paddles are generally made up of wood covered in some sort of thin rubber material, choosing a paddle with a straight handled grip is the best option which will give the player more flexibility and control. If playing professionally, choosing something sturdy with a sponge like cover is the best option, while really anything that allows you to hit the ball with ease will work for in-home play.

Ping pong is one of the few pastimes that refuses to go out of style. With new techniques, tables, and rules created with every generation, this sport is sure to stay in style for decades to come. This is truly a pastime that never gets old.

Kevin Wright

Kevin Wright invites you to visit http://www.kandyvines.com/ for your online source of table tennis products. Here you will find a nice selection of paddles, nets, balls, etc. Whether you're a novice or hard core player we have the products you are looking for. Visit now to see our current specials while there don't forget to check out our other recreational games and sports. Looking for darts, bocce sets, pool cues, tailgating games? You can find it all here http://www.kandyvines.com/

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السبت، 8 سبتمبر 2012

Learn to Fly - How Flight Training Made Me A Better Person

When I was younger I used to think about getting my private pilot's license all the time, but something or other would always come up, and after a while I forgot about this dream and went on with my life. Every once in a while I would start thinking about it again, and even though deep down I had this burning desire to have the freedom to fly an airplane by myself, the process seemed really daunting. As such I would continue to put it off, and the years passed by.

Finally in my late thirties, I started seriously thinking about the direction of my life. It is easy to dismiss your dreams when you are younger, after all it seems like you have an infinite amount of time left to accomplish things, it becomes very easy to put your dreams off. But now it was becoming increasingly apparent to me that time was not a luxury that I would have forever. If I wanted to get my pilot's license, and still have some time to enjoy it, the time to do it was now.

I looked at some local flight schools, and after trying a few instructors I finally settled on one and began training pretty regularly. Flying didn't come easily to me, and I frequently thought about quitting. And frankly if I had done this when I was younger I almost certainly would have quit. I was having trouble controlling the plane and maintaining my altitude, pretty basic stuff. But I kept at it, and soon I moved on to flying the traffic pattern around the airport and trying to nail my landings. This is where I hit another road block, I flew the traffic pattern what seemed like an endless number of times, and I just wasn't getting it. Again thoughts of giving up started creeping into my thinking, and this time they were more serious. It didn't seem like I was getting anywhere, maybe I just wasn't cut out for this.

My instructor gave me a pep talk, and told me that about 80% of students quit before their first solo flight. He told me that I was very close, that I was improving, and that I would be able to fly solo very soon. One day it just click for me, and I would wonder why I had so much trouble landing the plane. I was of course doubtful, but I told myself I was going to keep doing it until I got it, no matter how long it took.

Then one day I arrived at the airport, I had a determined attitude, instead of the defeatist attitude I normally had, and I could just feel that this would be the day. Sure enough I nailed about 5 landings in a row, and my instructor got out of the plane and told me to go fly it myself. It was truly a day I will never forget.

I went on to finish up the rest of the requirements for getting a pilot's license, and I still regard it as one of the best things I have ever done. It taught me an extremely valuable lesson that I still carry with me, and has allowed me to achieve much more than I would have otherwise. Before getting my private pilot's license I would quit almost any endeavor once the going got tough, and just assume it was something I could not do. Getting my pilot's license taught me the true value of believing in yourself and sticking with something relentlessly until you get it right. We are truly capable of more than we know, if we just have the courage to see things through we can do almost anything. It is unfortunately that 80% of people quit before the solo flight, they will never know the joy and freedom that comes with flying an airplane wherever you want whenever you want.

John Schmon is a private pilot and FAA certified advanced ground instructor, he maintains a fascinating blog on aviation and travel.

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Running at Night - Tips - Part 2

Running at night to get a little exercise sometimes requires placing yourself out there all alone with just your fragile flesh and bones gradually and slowly moving down the road alongside potentially dangerous rolling metal boxes. To add to this dangerous situation, the rolling metal boxes (motor vehicles) are likely under the control of unpredictable drivers prone to voluntary distraction, unsafe rolling speeds, and just plain absent-mindedness. Unfortunately, this situation is a growing reality that can mean serious consequences for everyone "not" in a metal box; namely those who are now running, walking, bicycling and especially those who choose to go out at night. The threat of physical harm or even death (by vehicle) can be a real cause for concern to many well meaning, yet vulnerable people when the sun goes down. Because of this growing trend, certain cautionary measures need to be considered (or at least mentioned) if you decide to run, walk, or ride a bike after hours.

Common sense should tell you that if one is going to go out at night for any of the above reasons, then your clothes, your movements (including any sudden changes in direction), or shoes need to symbolically "scream out" (to drivers), "Hey look over here; here I am!" For example, if you suddenly want to change your course or direction in relation to where you are (running) at any given time, then try to telegraph your intentions to drivers well in advance of executing the change. Think of it in the same context as that of a driver using a turn signal indicator to let other drivers know their intention to turn well before actually making the turn, in order to avoid any confusion as to your next move. Applying this same principle to runners, means they should avoid surprises and irrational movements such as dodging in and out between parked cars, or deciding to "Jay Run" (like illegal Jaywalking) across the boulevard suddenly and abruptly. These are the kinds of actions that tend to confuse drivers who have little time to react when they are given no warning. So if you do need to change your direction or pattern of running, make sure the driver notices you by your cautiously taking the time to first get their attention and then making sure they know your intention well in advance.

Since running and other activities performed at night present these increased visual challenges (to runners and drivers), certain wardrobe changes may also be in order as well. Here are some suggestions that just make good sense. For starters, always wear bright, white, or luminous clothing capable of reflecting light back at drivers so they will see you easily and clearly. You need to be obvious to them even if it means wearing one of those bright orange or yellow glow-in-the dark vests that city street workers wear. On several different occasions I have seen runners with the "glow" built right in to their sneakers and running attire, making it really easy to see them at night. They are the smart ones.

In addition to making sure that WE are visible and predictable to drivers at night, we should also make sure that drivers and "their" vehicles are visible to "us" as well. Because of our inherent visual limitations at night, we need to rely heavily on our other senses to adequately know what is going on around us in our figurative "blind-spot." Think about some of the scary surprises you have experienced in the past that happened because of a blind-spot in the rear side sections of your car. Runners, pedestrians, and bicyclists too can create a "blind-spot" when they are overly eager, too focused, and enthusiastically "high" as they move on down the road. Due to the limitations of this so called "blind-spot," it is very easy to temporarily lose our awareness of immediate surroundings unless we actively remind ourselves to monitor them continually. Since we do not have eyes in the back of our heads to see the whole picture continuously, we can compensate for this by keeping our ears opened by removing I-PODS, cell phones, head sets, or any other impediment to our "hearing" that blind zone behind us. With this extra set of "eyes" on the sides our head (called ears), we can increase awareness of our surroundings without eyes in the back of our head. Our sense of hearing can actually give us an audible "rough estimate" of things going on behind us when our vision is temporarily occupied in front of us. You should be aware by now, that by having headphones covering your ears when running, you lose this advantage and put yourself at increased risk of harm by passing vehicles. So by all means make the effort to reach your goals, but be mindful of the primary objective to come home healthier, happier, and most of all alive. Be predictable, obvious, and aware of your surroundings (especially at night), and you will be safe and secure to do it all again, the next time.

This is only one of many subjects we discuss on my BLOG "SafeSecureTalk" at http://www.safesecuretalkblog.com/. We also discuss personal Safety and Security Products and solutions such as using Tasers, Pepper Sprays, and Stun Guns to discourage and disarm perpetrators who pose a serious threat to our person and our families. To increase security levels in our homes and businesses we will also be discussing preventative measures such as the use of Surveillance Cameras, Home and Personal Alarms and Spy Gear such as Hidden Cameras.

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الجمعة، 7 سبتمبر 2012

Photographer Sol Neelman Loves Weird Sports and Sharing Them With Us

If you thought you'd seen everything, you probably have not seen the photos from photographer Sol Neelman who travels the globe in search of the world's strangest competitions. There are many weird sports out there that you may never have dreamed existed and now, thanks to Neelman, you can learn more about them through photos.

Here are 10 of the most unusual and exciting weird sports Neelman has to share:

The Kaiju Big Battel is a mix between Japanese anime and professional wrestling that shows off the participants skills in a very humorous way.
Have you ever heard of Underwater Hockey? It's sometimes called "octopush" and instead of pushing the puck around an ice-rink, players are pushing it around on the floor of a pool.
When you combine gymnastics, capoeira and soccer to the sport of volleyball, you get Bossaball equipped with trampolines on both ends of the playing court.
Snow Polo is an amazing game similar to the traditional Polo but players are on top of horses in a snow-covered arena. The horses wear special shoes to help with traction.
The Pillow Fight League really puts on a show when these women gather together, go wild and fight each other with pillows. What an interesting way to cut loose and let out some anger.
Surfing is not just for humans anymore. Both small and large dogs are getting in on some of the action when they go Dog Surfing. In this sport, the dogs surf alone or with their owners and it's one heck of a sport.
One of the "Arctic Winter Games" includes an event called Pole Push in which two teams grab hold of the opposite end of a pole and each team tries to push the other team to the outside of the ring.
Vancouver holds an unusual competition called the Ultimate Firefighter Competition in which the participants compete in a variety of events to see who is the best and fastest.
Soccer is an amazing game that's fun to play or watch but here's something I bet you never thought you'd see. Blind Soccer is one exciting and powerful game that is played by four blind athletes and a goalkeeper who is visually impaired or sighted competing in a game of soccer in a field that has a wall around it.
Racing in a kayak is exciting but when the kayak is make from a giant pumpkin that can weigh as much as 800 pounds, a whole new sport is born called the Giant Pumpkin Kayaking and it's one exciting race.

These are just a few of the amazing pictures that photographer Sol Neelman has to share when it comes to weird or unusual sports. His photography is amazing and the sports themselves are intriguing. I can't wait to see more.

Sports Zone Media is your #1 source for all things sports. Here you will find news, articles, updates and more on your favorite sports topics, professional teams, youth coaching, high school sports and health/nutrition.

Lisa Mason has been writing professionally since 1998 with a specialty in Internet content. A youth coach with a passion for a variety of sports, she founded Sports Zone Media to combine her love of sports and writing.

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Reflective Shoulder Bags

Getting a good bag is important, especially if you know that you are going to be outside a lot and on the move. While some people prefer to have traditional school bags for keeping their items, shoulder bags can be a very stylish alternative. These bags often make you look more sophisticated and more stylish. It is also likely that canvas bags will go with a lot more outfits that school bags do. In fact, if you are wearing nice clothes, the last thing you want is a back pack on your back or shoulder. Comparatively, having a bag on your shoulder only adds to your look, instead of taking away from it.

You can use reflective shoulder bags for almost anything you want. These bags can be used as school bags, tote bags, or a bag that you carry around everyday. Most college students use a type of shoulder bag to carry their books and supplies to and from class. You can also use reflective bags as gym bags. There is plenty of room in these bags to put almost anything you want.

The strap on these canvas bags are fully reflective, which means that it can even be worn as a sash so that you get complete 360 degree visibility of your bag at all times. The canvas on these shoulder bags is very strong, so that heavy items can be carried. There is no chance of your bag getting damaged by carrying a few books. In fact, you can comfortably place multiple large books inside these reflective shoulder bags and still do no damage to the sturdy strap.

All United States safety standards are met by these shoulder bags. Sometimes the disadvantage of a back pack is that you cannot carry large items in it. Most back packs are only safe to carry items if they close completely, or at least half way. With larger items, fitting them into the back pack and closing it can be tough. On the other hand, shoulder bags can easily fit larger items and they are still comfortable to carry around.

Many people recommend using messenger bags or a reflective shoulder bag when biking. One of the reasons is that your view from behind is not blocked, which can be the case with back packs. Also, you can easily access the bag and take out/put in whatever you need to. The only way to access a back pack while biking would be to get off the bike.

At the end of the day, it is all about meshing convenience with style. That is exactly what these bags do. The reflective shoulder bag is an accessory that you simply will not want to do without. Not only can it carry all your items conveniently and comfortably, but it also looks great at the same time. These bags are relatively inexpensive and are definitely an item that everyone should have. So go on and purchase the reflective shoulder bag you want online, you will not be sorry!

I was in nursing school, and was working nights and weekends in a local pediatrician's office and doing some freelance graphics. I dropped out of nursing school, and with Eli's encouragement, began to work on starting a small business from our reflector program. We expanded our line of products and opened as an LLC. We named it Bright Ideas USA LLC (Get it?). We opened our website at that point, naming it BrightIdeasUSA.biz. Several years ago, we renamed our site DontGetHit.com.

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الخميس، 6 سبتمبر 2012

Practical Approach to Preserving Medals and Trophies

Trophies, medals, and other forms of award items are a reminder of an individual's achievements and are meant to be cherished and treasured forever. Regardless of what your award items are made of, you should find a way to preserve them if they are to stay in your possession for generations. Basically, award items can be considered as investments, especially since you worked hard to achieve them. Because of this, it is only right that you protect them from getting damaged by sunlight, moisture, and other external factors. Here are three common ways to preserve award items you have at home:

Frame Your Medals

Medals are among the most common achievement awards found at home. They can come in the form of bronze, gold, or silver. Preserving medals isn't really that complicated, unless you have thousands in your possession. The most basic way athletes preserve their medals is by framing them. Keeping medals inside frames will prevent them from being exposed to elements that can easily damage them such as dust, sunlight, and fluids. Now, it's up to you whether you want to create your own DIY frame or purchase commercially made ones. Obviously, the main advantage of framing medals yourself is that it allows you to save lots of money, especially if you have more than a dozen medals to preserve.

Store Trophies in Glass Display Cabinets

For trophies, you would want to keep them in a glass display cabinet. If you don't already have one at home, you might need to invest in one. Trophies are usually made of wood and can get easily damaged when exposed to too much sunlight or moisture. By keeping them in display cabinets, you will not only protect them from these elements, but from children as well. Today, display cabinets come in various innovative styles. But if you want to preserve the quality of your trophies, you would want to see to it that you also invest in a display cabinet that's made of material that can last long and won't have any effect on the store items.

Clean Award Items Regularly

It is crucial that you clean your medals and trophies prior to storage. Aside from this, you should also make it a habit of cleaning them every once in a while. Most frames are designed with a removable back so that you it would be easier for you to remove and replace your medals when it's time to clean them. This is not an issue with display cabinets since they usually come with sliding glass doors.

By keeping these three things in mind, you can rest assured that the quality of your trophies and medals will be preserved and that they will be enjoyed by the generations to come after you.

Aside from proper storage, you also need to make sure that your award items are made of high-quality materials if they are to last long. And what better place to find quality trophies and medals than the World Wide Web? Whether it's a rugby trophy or a netball gold medal you are looking for, expect to find what you need in this website.

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