الأحد، 23 سبتمبر 2012

How To Construct Full Body Workouts In Addition To Your Sport Specific Training

Regardless of what sport you happen to play, performing some full body workouts along with your sport specific training is a great way to improve your skills and make sure that you stay injury free for the long haul.

Having good muscular development is important for improving speed, power, and agility, all of which are great to have for just about any sport.

Understanding how to go about putting together full body workouts will be important to success, so let's take a closer look into this so that you know just what you need to be doing.

Focus On Compound Movements

The very first thing that you should be making sure you're doing is placing most of the focus on compound movements. These are the exercises that are going to work more than one muscle group at once, thus generating superior strength and conditioning in the body.

Classic compound movements include squats, bench press, deadlifts, shoulder press, and lunges. Perform one major compound lift for each muscle group every workout.

You can add a few isolation exercises to these if you wish such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, lateral raises, and so on, but keep them to a minimum. They won't produce as fast of results as the compound ones will, so shouldn't make up a large component of your workouts.

Lift In The Right Rep Range

Next, when it comes to performing your exercises, it's important that you are lifting in the right rep range. Aim for 6-8 reps for compound movements as this will allow you to generate as much power and strength as possible. Some athletes may choose to go into the 8-12 rep range with compound movements, but just keep in mind that this will then become a more endurance focused workout if you do this.

On any isolation exercises you do complete in the session, you should aim for around 10-15 reps per set. As you will naturally be lifting less weight with these movements, you don't need to be taking the rep range quite so low.

Use The Right Frequency

Finally, the last thing to remember is to make sure that you use the perfect workout frequency. This means hitting each muscle group at least twice per week with your full body workouts. Working at this frequency will ensure that you make clear strength gains and that you are going to keep yourself from overtraining.

Make sure that you have at least one day off between sessions, if not two.

So keep these quick tips in mind as you go about generating full body workouts to compliment your training program and help you maintain a higher overall level of fitness.

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