الخميس، 20 سبتمبر 2012

Bounty Hunter Gold Digger Metal Detector - Why Is This Detector Good for a New Hobbyist?

The Bounty Hunter metal detectors are an excellent choice for someone who wants to try out the hobby of metal detecting. Bounty Hunter has been in the business of making detectors for more than 40 years. They have a reputation of making a great product at an affordable price.

The Gold Digger metal detector is a great one for someone who has a need for a detector, a need to:

• Find property markers

• Find a lost ring

• Find a lost key

• Try out the hobby

• Find some money

• Find buried treasure

Why is the Gold Digger a good one? You can buy a new one on Amazon for under $80, it is easy to use, reliable and durable. Sure, you can spend more money and upgrade but if you are not sure that you will like the sport or only wanting to find a ring, there is no need to spend the extra money.

The best place to learn your machine is in your own back yard or a friend's or relative's back yard. The instructions that come with it are easy to follow. It covers how to assemble it, how the unit works and how to use it. You'll be surprised at the amount of coins, laying out there, that are waiting to be found. You'll also find nails, screws, and foil.

The unit comes with headphones that will allow you to hear the subtle differences in the tones the detector emits. With practice you can tell the difference between the nails and foil to the coins and gold rings. This will save a lot of digging in the long run. The headphones also saves on battery life, it uses two nine volt batteries

This detector has automatic ground balancing, which means that it adjusts itself to different ground conditions. You can go from hard ground to the beach without having to make any manual changes. This is a great improvement in metal detectors.

The reviews on Amazon have an average rating of 4 stars out of 5 with 51 people writing the reviews. Many of the reviewers purchased the detector for their children. The kids are out finding coins and treasures.

However, as with any tool, it takes practice and patience to get proficient with it. You will dig up some trash at first so don't get frustrated. Take the trash with you to dispose of later so when you go over the same ground later there will be less junk to dig up. Please, fill in the holes that you dig and if you're on private property get permission to be there first.

The Bounty Hunter Gold Digger Metal Detector is a good one for beginners because of its low price, its ease of use and the improvements in the electronics built into the detector.

I'm Darwin Poyner and I've enjoyed the hobby of metal detecting for over 30 years. I've found pirates treasure on the beach in Florida and searched for gold in Arizona. I'm a member of Gold Prospectors of America and former member of Quartsite Metal Detectors Club in Quartsite, AZ. You can check out my latest website at Bounty Hunter Metal Detector where I provide reviews and buying advice on metal detectors, including the Gold Digger, Junior, and Tracker IV Metal Detectors.

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