الأحد، 2 سبتمبر 2012

Coin Shooting - Finding Lost Coins

Metal Detecting - Coin Shooting

Coin Shooting. What is Coin Shooting? No, it's not throwing up a half dollar into the air and shooting a hole in it like in an old Western, although, I must say, I always wanted to do that. Coin Shooting is searching for lost coins using a metal detector to detect metal items below the surface. Searching for old coins lost by people who lived years ago is becoming a popular, fast growing hobby. Coin shooting is a hobby that can not only be lots of fun, but quite lucrative as well.

To be a successful coin shooter, you must learn basic detecting and pinpointing techniques and maintain search coil discipline.

When coin shooting you should choose a metal detector that is able to discriminate between coins and worthless metal objects. There are many out there on the market very reasonably priced. If you are new to metal detecting, you will learn that by getting familiar with your metal detector and paying attention to your finds, you will soon be able to distinguish between worthless metal and the coins you are looking for.

Some of the best places to go coin shooting are places where people spend money. For instance, sporting events, county fairs, outdoor festivals and events are great places to find coins. If you have schools in your location that are 50 years old or more there could be treasure of coins hiding under them. Research your area and find out about the history.

Here are some tips for a more successful coin shooting adventure.

1. I suggest marking off an area of about 10X10 feet to begin.

2. Make sure your detector is optimized for hunting. Fresh batteries and proper tuning for ground conditions are essential to success. Use as little discrimination as possible.

3. Slow down your coil sweep speed relative to the coil size, especially in trashy areas. Do not cover the ground faster than twice the diameter of the coil. In other words, five inch coils should move no more than ten inches per second, and so on. This allows the detector to read more than one target in an area.

4. While slowing down your coil sweep, overlap your sweep area by at least 50%, especially in trashy areas. Overlapping will help find deeper buried coins.

5. When sweeping your site, hunt in several different patterns/directions; north to south, east to west, diagonally, circles, etc.

Searching for old coins can be a fun and rewarding adventure. Pack up your bag with everything you need, secure a place you believe may hold promise and start coin shooting. Good Luck!

Find your Treasure!

This article is written by Candy Lindsey. Candy and her husband, Rick offer a variety of products and accessories for metal detecting.

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View the original article here

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