الاثنين، 10 سبتمبر 2012

Autographed Sports Memorabilia: Sentiments and Fraud

Autographed sports memorabilia can come in a variety of forms, each one representing a particular point in a sporting event. Anything you can see that is directly related to the sport and which can be carried out by hand from a venue, can be considered a memento. Just try not to grab anything that is not willingly handed out to you or you'll be in big trouble!

Sources of valuable sports memorabilia include the actual sporting venue, hobby shops, sports auctions, and online retailers. Real sports enthusiasts collect these items as keepsakes, a constant reminder of the part they played in that particular sporting event. Other more practical buyers grow their collections in hopes of someday selling them at a higher price.

Whatever your reasons are for getting into this hobby, it is important to know just what items to keep an eye out for to continuously increase your collection.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia: Different Sports, One Passion

Common memorabilia items include photos, jerseys, tickets and event programs. Some of these you can collect yourself by going to the actual sporting events, while others you can scour shops and online retail websites for to satisfy your cravings.

From the collector's standpoint, the value of such items can range from the deeply sentimental to the purely monetary, but when sold at sports auctions and through other retailing methods, any one of these can bring in thousands of dollars for its rarity and time value.

Sports items that belonged to a well-known athlete, or were part of a remarkable sports victory, would make far better investments especially when signed by the athlete himself and authenticated by experts. If you're investing on memorabilia as a business venture, it is far more important for you to watch out for fraudulent merchandise.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia and Fraud

The rule of thumb for all collectors is that, when a deal is too good to be true, it probably is. Large amounts of dollars are lost to memorabilia frauds each year, and many fraudulent retailers are still at large. Your best defense against fraud is to get properly informed. Do your share of research to find out which companies are certified to distribute signed items from famous athletes and take the effort to ensure that's exactly where your memorabilia purchases originally came from.

Memorabilia items usually come with a documentation attesting to its authenticity. Legitimate memorabilia sellers have recently began adopting the hologram system of authentication pioneered by a major sports dealer, making it easier to protect yourself from purchasing fraudulent autographed sports memorabilia.

Are you looking for more information regarding autographed sports memorabilia? Visit http://www.apieceofsports.com/ today!

View the original article here

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