الخميس، 27 سبتمبر 2012

Easy Steps To Learn How To Jump Higher

For many athletes, vertical leap is the hardest part of their overall training regimen. The reason for this is because they focus on so many aspects of their overall goals that they don't always have time to get into a serious workout for their leaping abilities, and instead they have to overcompensate in other arenas to get the results they need. That's why some athletes can jump far and high, yet lack skills in other areas. However, there is a way to have it all, but it starts with training on a few aspects that will help you in the long term, rather than just isolation training for the purpose of vertical leaps. If you're serious about learning how to jump higher, then consider the following things that will assist you in the long term.

The very first thing that you'll need to do is start running or jogging. This must be done daily, and it must be miles and miles at a time. Without this, you will not be able to establish the leg muscles to build on. This exercise also helps shed unnecessary weight and establish a better overall core cardiovascular system, which you will need if you're looking to be jumping more than just a few times per session or even game.

The second thing that you must get started with is yoga, stretching, or Pilates. You want to be able to elongate the muscle fibers so that they can reach their maximum potential. Without isolating them in this manner, you will surely plateau and be stuck at your average vertical jump for quite sometime. Stretching, flexibility, and beyond will help establish the necessary pieces to getting beyond that plateau stage that many athletes get stuck on. If you're stuck on it, don't worry, keep stretching, and you'll overcome the limits in no time.

The last thing you need to do is get shoes that are specific to your sport. Do not try and cross train your way into better fitness, but rather look specifically for shoes that are needed for your given game. If you're a soccer player, get indoor and outdoor shoes, if you're a basketball player make sure you have proper shoes for the wood floors and the outdoor courts. Without the proper footwear, your training could take longer, and cause injuries to your ankles, calves and more.

While it is not easy to learn how to jump higher at first, the steps are adequately laid out and simple. If you do the above things, and you practice with serious concern about your game, you will end up overcoming initial setbacks and blast ahead. It doesn't matter how tall you are, or how old you are, you can get sick elevation, if you train properly.

View the original article here

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