الاثنين، 10 سبتمبر 2012

ATV Basics for Beginner Riders

If you know friends who like to go ATV riding or maybe you recently rode on one yourself and now want to get started, this article is for you! ATV riding continues to gain popularity but because more people are injured while riding on an ATV than any other recreational outdoor sport; you need to make sure you know all the basics.

To begin with, you need to pick out a vehicle. You want to make sure the ATV matches your weight and size requirements. If you are doing mostly recreational riding, a sport quad would probably be your best bet. If you are riding with your kids, a side-by-side ATV would be nice or if you can, purchase their own kids ATV. When first starting out, it's best to buy a used vehicle because you will probably want to upgrade to a different one once you see what others are riding and get more information on the types of vehicles available on the market. Be sure to get a copy of the owner's manual and read it front to back so you really understand the type of ATV model you have. Be sure to take the manual along with you when you got out riding.

Next, take a safety course. These usually run over 3 to 4 weeks, one night a week and while not mandatory to ride at ATV, the information is certainly invaluable. Be sure to purchase the necessary safety equipment like helmet, boots and goggles. You will want to wear a long sleeve top and pants and a chest protector. You won't regret having the right gear that will protect yourself in the unfortunate event you are in an accident.

Now that you have the above steps under your belt, it's time to go out and practice ride on some trails. Bring along an experienced ATV rider or two and remember to always have some supervision when you are first starting out. Those first few hours on the trail is when you want to become very familiar with how it feels when you are riding and where all the controls are, how the brakes and handles work and how to operate your vehicle without even thinking about it. Practice starting and stopping until everything feels as easy as driving a car. Always remember to focus 100% on what you are doing and while it may be frustrating at first, you will soon get the hang of riding your ATV and then after that, there is no stopping you!

When it comes time to do maintenance on your vehicle, make it easy on yourself when you need to replace your ATV batteries by ordering from a reputable online battery retailer.

Mike enjoys motorsports in Jacksonville, Florida. He is an authority on ATV and motorcycle sport batteries. He is especially fond of the website http://www.motobattbatteries.com/ where he can order his batteries online.

View the original article here

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