الجمعة، 31 أغسطس 2012

Quick Ways To Find Ice Skates For Sale

Skating on ice looks beautiful and graceful with the skaters gliding over the ice with the perfect combination of balance and poise. This balance and poise don't come easily through a shortcut. Often it takes years of training and practice to be able to reach that level where you could move on ice without embarrassing yourself. While most people practise ice skating as a hobby, some take it to the next stage where you make it your career and perform in ice hockey, other figure skating tournaments and shows. For such people a good set of ice skates is a must and finding quality ice skates for sale is therefore very important.

Amusingly, skating on ice is not something new to the world. Man has been practising to move on ice since centuries. The earliest forms of ice skates were made of bones and wood and were a far cry from the current those that come in very advanced forms. The various features of today have made them quite expensive and not affordable to all. And hence if you could find them for sale, it is a golden opportunity not to be missed.

If you have been practicing ice skating for some time now, you would know where and how to find skates of the finest quality. After all, the quality of your performance depends on the quality of the skates you have. Finding ice skates is quite simple as there are so many stores, both online and offline, that provide them. However, when it comes to ice skates for sale it is not so simple. Here are a few tips for you to find them for sale in online stores.

Consulting the experts

If you know some experts in ice skating, consulting them would be the easiest way to find skates that are cheaper. Most probably, if you have been practicing skating on ice so far, you are likely to know someone, or at least your peer group in the practicing ground. They could either tell you how to find skates at affordable cost or lead you to someone who knows.

Online forums and chats

Another way to find out a reliable place from which you could purchase ice skates without emptying your pockets is internet. There are several online forums and chat groups that you could join and start a conversation. Most professionals in all industries would have online presence and you are sure to find a helpful group that could provide you with the necessary directions.

Social media websites

Most businesses today have an account in social media websites like Facebook and Twitter. Hence, if you go for a random search for ice skates you'll find various companies that sell this skating equipment. You could give a 'like' for some of them you found impressive. Very soon you'll get updates from them regarding their latest developments which often include sales and offers on selected products. This is an easy way to find skates from quality brands like SFR, Lake Placid, Easton, etc. at reduced cost.

While keeping in touch with the local store that sells extreme sports equipment and accessories might help, this is not a reliable method as they get hundreds of customers daily and might not remember to update you on their latest sales. This is, in fact, where online stores gain advantage over the offline stores. However, online or offline, when you are purchasing ice skates for sale, remember to double check the quality of the product as its quality and reliability can affect your performance and safety.

Ice skates for sale from the best online sports equipment provider, Skates R Us, specialises in the online sale of roller skates, kick scooters, skateboards, etc.

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Feel The Adrenaline of White Water Rafting

If you are looking for a really fun way to feel invigorated and yet taste that adrenaline rush of risk and danger, then white water rafting is the sport for you. It is what has become known as an extreme sport, a little like sky diving whereby the risk of danger is not so extreme as to threaten you but care and safety measures need to be in place. With accident preventative measures, the right equipment, knowledge and responsibility, threat of injury can be largely eliminated except at your own risk.

It is the rush of adrenaline, together with the sheer enjoyment, of course, that makes it such an attractive sport and rafters tend to love this activity and return for more and more. Naturally, as with most sports, the more experienced you become, the safer you can keep yourself. However, when considering white water rafting, whether a beginner or a seasoned regular, it is the standards of the venue that is important. An independent organization, with world class white water rafting facilities should have the required safety standards; these will be incorporated into the infrastructure of raising levels of physical activity in the community and providing an excellent management service. The tricks and techniques of the activity can be learnt and practice will help to perfect skills over time.

Safety guidelines are in place at top level centres with professional back up and expertise to ensure your safety and the safety of others. Certain guidelines have to be met and adhered to, to ensure the safe usage of the facilities and this reflects reputation and calibre of a centre and is always best to check out if you are in doubt.

As a general guide, for white water rafting, all participants must be aged 14 years and above, be able to swim 25 metres, and weigh no greater than 16 stone. At a professional establishment all participants should complete and sign (or be signed by a parent/guardian if under 18) an 'Activity Medical Consent Form'.

However, this shouldn't put anyone off going to experience the joy and excitement of rafting. There is a fantastic new development in the north which has just had a £4.6 million redevelopment and is raring for action. In fact it is one of the UKs newest and best centres. Experience the thrills, spills and the obstacles and drops of world class rafting and a taste of real fun.

Zoe Robinson is an enthusiastic writer in the subject matter of white water rafting. Find more information about white water rafting today.

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الخميس، 30 أغسطس 2012

History of Table Shuffleboard

Shuffleboard is a game that is enjoyed in bars around the world. Although loved by many even in the 21st century the game of table shuffleboard dates back as far as the early 1500s. Shuffleboard began in England. At first the game was played using a penny or other coin that was shoved down the table. This version of the game was called shoveboard. Table shuffleboard was mostly played by the very wealthy and in pubs. Some of the tables that have survived from that era are inexplicably ornate.

As the culture in England began to turn towards war the King outlawed the game of table shuffleboard, then called shovelboard for fear that it kept the troops and peasants from focusing on their duties at hand. The wealthy were growing tired of the game, and began focusing more on billiards and less on shovelboard.

When English settlers came to the United States so did the game of table shuffleboard. The game grew in popularity across the ocean from England, and was soon found in taverns across the settlements. In the 1800's the game was even brought to the courtroom by a man who was charged with running a gambling operation. The judge decided that table shuffleboard was a game of skill not chance making it legal to have in his establishment.

As the Great Depression struck America, many people were forced to cut down on luxuries such as eating out and visiting taverns. To attract more customers, these establishments often had a few shuffleboard tables. Many times people would forgo eating out, or having a few drinks but they would spend a little pocket change on table shuffleboard. It was not only an inexpensive way to keep oneself entertained, it helped to keep their minds off of the economic crisis they were facing.

Shuffleboard could also be found in casinos on the East Coast. The game was a favorite among visitors because it involved more than just luck. Many people would boast about their skill as a table shuffleboard player.

During World War II, the game of table shuffleboard experienced a rejuvenation. Soldiers who were stationed in Europe became enamored with the game. As they began to return home at the end of the war, they brought the game home with them. Ordering shuffleboard tables from across the ocean led to a big change in the game. The table was originally 32 feet long, but was shortened to 22 feet due to packaging restrictions.

Shuffleboard table could be found on military bases, rehabilitation hospitals, senior citizens centers, and taverns all over the United States as soldiers returned home from World War II. Despite its popularity in the 1950's people began to lose interest in the game. This could be partly blamed on a lack of cohesive rules.

The game of shuffleboard once again faced a revival in the 1990's and the first part of the 21st century. It is one again a popular past time of people everywhere. Now the game of table shuffleboard can be enjoyed in taverns, and casinos all over the United States. Many people join leagues, where the game is played in the utmost competitive style with rules that are predetermined. The game of shuffleboard has come a long way since it began.

Tom Stevens is an active shuffleboard player and writer. For more information about shuffleboard or shuffleboard history, visit Shuffleboard.net

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Garden Jenga - Fun to Play With Your Family

When you are looking for an option that can keep you, your family and your friends busy or that can get all together, you might just think about some activity that one can perform in his garden which is capable of occupying everyone around. A game would be a better idea as this is something that people among all ages enjoy. From kids to the middle aged, all enjoy getting involved in games. So, it would be a good get together or family time for all.

There are a number of games that one can take up in the garden. But keeping in mind the age factors as well, there is one game that everyone would be keen on trying. This game is known as Jenga. Leslie Scott was the founder of the game. Since then, it has been widely acclaimed by people all over the country and around. The garden Jenga involves a lot of physical and mental skills. One needs to be calculative to be a winner of the game. The number of players to this game is not limited. The greater number of players you have, more fun would you have.

The kit that you receive on buying the game would include minimum 54 blocks and a tray. The size of the blocks may vary depending upon the manufacturer. The general ratio of the size of each block is three times the width of the block to its length; and one-fifth of the length is its thickness. Depending upon this ratio, different companies have different sizes for the blocks of the game. To start with, you have to arrange the blocks in the given tray in a tower of 18 levels.

The blocks should be arranged in such a manner that if at the first level, the blocks are placed in the north-south direction, then the next level should be in east-west direction. As the game progresses, each player has to take out one block from the tower at each turn. The first player, to start with the game is the one who built the initial tower. The player must use only one hand to pull out the block. He can place that block back in the tower at the same place if he feels he needs to pick up a different one. But this must be done within 10 seconds of picking it up or before the other player touches the tower. Once a block is pulled out, it has to be placed on the top level.

If the tower falls or partially falls, i.e. if either of the blocks fall out, the game is supposed to have ended. The winner of the game is then declared to be the one who placed the last block successfully in the tower. It is calculated that the maximum number of moves that are possible in this game is 6 * (X - 2) +2, where X is the number of initial levels that were set out at the beginning of the game. If you wish to purchase a set of garden Jenga for yourself then you can either look for it in a local store or even order it online.

The Author of this article show you exactly how garden jenga involves a lot of physical and mental skills. If you wish to purchase a set of garden jenga for yourself then you can either look for it in a local store or even order it online.

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الأربعاء، 29 أغسطس 2012

The Ups and Downs of Jeremy Lin!

If you follow basketball at all, you have most certainly heard of the young phenom, Jeremy Lin. Playing for the Knicks, he attracted a flood of attention and had an immediate following of young players admiring him; as well as older players in awe of him. But who is this young man and where did he come from? It seems he just appeared out of nowhere... but that's not the case.

Born in Los Angeles in August of 1988, his parents had come from Taiwan to the US in the mid 1970's. They settled in Virginia, and then moved to Indiana where they both attended college. Now, since they were not especially tall, Jeremy's height was unique. His grandmother's family was tall and his mother encouraged him to play basketball. Even forming a junior program in Palo Alto when they moved there. Academics were number one, but basketball was very important to Lin.

Lin's high school basketball experience was stellar. He was the team captain at Palo Alto high and in his senior year they won the CIF Division II state title. He was named first-team All-State and Northern CA Division II player of the year. He averaged 15 points, 7 assists, 6 rebounds and 5 steals when his senior year came to an end. With great attention poured on him in CA, athletic scholarships were the next goal.

Lin put together a resume and DVD of highlights of his high school play to all Ivy League schools, U of C, Berkley, Stanford and UCLA. The PAC 10 schools wanted him to walk-on... they didn't want to recruit him or offer a scholarship. Harvard and Brown would guarantee a spot on the basketball team, and Ivy League schools don't offer athletic scholarships. Lin had a good understanding of the recruiting system and the NCAA rules and regulations. And, he also understood that if a coach watched him play only once, he would not see all of his skills and potential.

With doubts about Lin's ability some schools interest waned. Many felt that Stanford would offer Lin a scholarship and because it was close to his home, he would accept. But, with a 4.2 GPA Lin had his eye fixed on Harvard. Coach Bill Holden was able to see Jeremy play in a tough, competitive game and saw his killer instinct kick in. He definitely wanted Lin. UCLA dropped the ball, too. Harvard got him!

On to the pros, agent Roger Montgomery and the draft. In 2010 he went un-drafted. After a summer of play he was noticed and some offers came his way. In July of 2010 he signed with the Golden State Warriors. With that he added a contract with Nike. And here's a noteworthy point... Lin became the first American of Chinese or Taiwanese descent to play in the NBA. He was an immediate fan favorite as chant and cheers for him were contagious.

As a professional, Lin didn't shine like he did in high school and college. His teammates and opposing players were great players... many better than he. So, he fit in but didn't stand out. There were many ups and downs while he was with the Warriors. Although he was an attention getter for the team he wasn't the star. He developed a huge fan following and the "Linsanity" was played on by the media. Some faux pas by reporters that bordered on racial slurs gained lots of attention. And many uncomfortable moments occurred when well-known's tweeted, blogged and otherwise put their foot in their mouths with inappropriate comments.

During the 2011 lockout, Lin rehabbed a knee injury. He played for the Chinese Basketball Assoc. And was courted by Yao Ming, former NBA player and Shanghai Sharks president. Once the lockout was lifted and the NBA got cranking again, Lin found himself free and he was picked up by the New York Knicks. He plays well, and has been an asset to the team. How long he will be there is unknown. Another injury to the knee sidelined him for the season and will limit his play.

His future is unknown at this point but with his agents help and some wise strategy he will shine again.

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Boston Freedom Trail - The Historic Attraction in a Nut Shell

Boston the largest city in Massachusetts is a beautiful place with so many things to do that it is really bizarre to ask yourself what to do in Boston? You have plenty of choices and you can do things according to your choice and budget. Boston is well endowed with historic spots, hangout areas, museums and events that keep this place always full of life.

Being the oldest city of American Boston is fully rich in culture and heritage. The rich historical spots have made this city the most awaited place for historic lovers. So just join the free trail to enjoy the royal history and get a glimpse of sixteen historic sites. It is advisable to start the trail in the morning. The Freedom Trail is distinguishable by red bricks and begins from the Boston Common a beautiful park area and ends up at Bunker Hill monument.

The Boston common is the oldest park of the country. It is almost 50 acres in size and offers fun and recreation to thousand of visitors. It is the starting point of the Emerald Necklace a string of 7 miles local parks. Along your journey you will enjoy the majestic historic spots such as the Massachusetts States House, Park Street Church, Granary Burying Ground, King's Chapel, King's Chapel Burying Ground, the Old Corner Bookstore, Old South Meeting House, the Old North Church and many more. Here I will describe few of them and increase your desire to suck the nectar of Boston's history.

The Massachusetts states house - It is an outstanding museum decorated with marble stones reflects the rich culture of Massachusetts. It is one of the important spot for the leadership and I hope your visit to this historic place will be enjoyable, informative and memorable.

The park street church - It is an attractive church from inside as well as outside. It is nice to see lots of students flocking. The preaching from the Bible is great here and it is a place worth to see.

Granary Burying Ground - It is the third oldest burying ground of Boston and contains graves of many famous people. The ground is so beautifully decorated with fine trees that it definitely imparts peace to the necropolis.

The other historic places are equally attractive so do not miss them out. If you combine your free trail with museum visit that will awesome.

The museums of Boston are really super like and most of them provide free entry on some specific day. The Boston Public Library was the first large free municipal library in America. In addition to its 6.1 million books, the library boasts over 1.2 million rare books and manuscripts, a wealth of maps, musical scores and prints. It offers free passes to cardholders, which provide access to the Museum of Science and New England Aquarium on first-come first-served bases. The Museum of Fine Arts provides free access from 5pm - 9pm and the Harvard University Art Museums allows free entry on Saturday from 10am -12am.

Apart from free trail there are myriads of cool things to do in Boston and everyone's enjoyment is assured here. So it is no wonder that Boston is on peak.

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الثلاثاء، 28 أغسطس 2012

Early Verbal Commits: The Arranged Marriages of College Sports

If you were a college coach 10 or 15 years ago, you might have a talented sophomore on your radar and you made a note to follow his progress junior year to see how he developed as a player. If you decided to start recruiting him you called him after junior year and brought him out for an official visit during his senior year. The player took 4 or 5 official visits to different schools, met the coaches and his future teammates and then made an informed decision where to sign in the spring of his senior year.

Fast forward to 2012, now if you find a sophomore with potential, it's not uncommon to see he has already verbally committed to a competing school. You realize you better start making a play for these young players if you want to stay competitive.

Or maybe you are a parent of a sophomore lacrosse player. During Saturday morning sideline conversation another parent informs you that Michael, another sophomore, has already committed to Duke. You feel a little panic rising, if all the recruiting is happening now, you better get busy or your athlete is going to get left behind.

If you run a competitive club team, it's a feather in your cap if you can boast about how many kids you have committed to colleges. Let's face it, many parents want to join clubs that give the best potential for getting a college scholarship. Lots of college commits coming out of your program translates into more money.

Meanwhile, you have a wide-eyed, fifteen-year-old kid who likes to play soccer or tennis or hockey, and they're being asked to decide on a college program without even having the experience of an official visit. It's really the athletic equivalent of an arranged marriage - sometimes it works out, but it's usually because it's just too difficult to leave.

Whenever I have this conversation with a parent or coach, they always end up shrugging and saying something to the effect of, "I know, I don't like it, but that's the way it's done now." The school saves money by not paying for official visits, the club coach gets to add another early commit to his resume and the parents can relax, knowing that they are locked in. But are they really?

How solid is an early verbal? There is absolutely nothing binding to either party, (hence the 'verbal'). What assurance is there that the coach will hold up his end of the bargain? The people I've talked with who committed early (and really want to believe it's a solid deal), will tell me the coach won't risk his reputation by reneging on a verbal. On the other hand, if a better player becomes available, will the coach be willing to suffer a little ding to his reputation if it means he can put a stronger team on the field? Winning, as they say, is a great deodorant.

There is a steep learning curve when it comes to college athletics, especially at the top academic schools. Get the information you need to be successful at Tier One Athletics

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Beginner Golf Lessons - Fundamentals Of The Correct Golf Swing

If you have recently caught the golf bug then you may be looking for some beginner golf lessons that will teach you how to play better golf. It can be so frustrating investing time practicing only to find yourself blowing up on one hole when you get on the course. While watching coverage of the many golf tournaments screened live on the television, it has struck me how many different swings you will find amongst the professionals.

To the untrained eyes of the week-end, social golfer it may appear that each professional has his own peculiar swing. However, once you have had a few beginner golf lessons, you will come to realize that there are some core fundamentals which make up the correct golf swing. If you look again at the star golfers it becomes clear that a successful drive comes from a swing that has certain key fundamentals in it.

So then you might ask what are these key fundamental concepts of a good golf swing?

The manner in which the swing is executed is immaterial as long as the club face impacts the ball correctly. Aligning yourself in the direction you want the ball to go. Turn your body on the back swing and execute the swing with a smooth tempo. So, before you desperately try to implement the latest new technique, remember that good golf is based on these unchanging fundamentals. Remember that how you get to the impact position is not nearly as important as the square position at impact.

So, when you are studying your beginner golf lessons do not be too concerned about what your swing shape is as long as you have the correct position at impact. If you can achieve this position at impact then you are well on your way to a good golf swing.

Another key point to bear in mind, as you take your beginner golf lessons is that the supposed correct golf swing cannot be repeated so as to make an exact copy each time. This is one of the best features about the game of golf - that it is so inconstant.

There are two main methods that will achieve this fundamental correct position at impact

Open-To-Closed Clubface Movement

This movement is achieved when the clubface begins square to the ball, then opens by turning clockwise with the backward movement of the club on the backswing. As the clubface comes down again, it moves in an anticlockwise direction and so it closes until it impacts the ball square once again.

The movement of the clubface as described here happens naturally when the club is taken back, the body turns and the arms swing freely along with the cocking of the wrists.

Closed-To-Open Clubface Movement

This movement is the opposite of the first action described above. The clubfaces closes as it is taken backwards and then opens on the downswing, but again impacts the ball squarely.

So, as you can see there are two main fundamental movements of the clubface to achieve the correct position at impact. In your beginner golf lessons take notice of getting the correct position at impact rather than concerning yourself too much with other details.

Discover more beginner golf lessons tips by visiting Golf Swing Videos & Tips where you will be able to sign up for your complimentary copy of "17 Audio Golf Lessons"

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الاثنين، 27 أغسطس 2012

Beeman Air Rifles

I was listening to two guys chatting on the radio a few days ago and the gist of their conversation was that as they got older, then they more they were interested in things that reminded them of their childhood. I am certainly in that club and I have been doing more of that the older I have got.

Air rifles do hold a special place in my own memory and I started to smile a lot when I remembered shooting at a tin can and the pleasure of just nailing it every now and then. That in turn got me looking at current air guns and even if they were still available.

To my amazement not only were they still around but they have developed so much I was quite taken aback. When I was younger I had a Daisy air rifle and there are some other great manufacturers out there including Gamo, Benjamin and Crosman. It was the Daisy version I had and in truth it was a very low end rifle that I owned when younger.

The rifles that caught my eye were however the Beeman air rifles and the actual quality of these rifles was right at the top of the range, yet the price remained good value at around $100-150. All of that range are of course in the 0.177 caliber range and most of the Beeman have a speed velocity of around one thousand feet a second which is pretty impressive for an air rifle.

The biggest improvement I have seen however is in the actual sights as they have come on leaps and bounds. They are now fiber optic and different colors for front and rear which just makes life a great deal easier. They also all come with cases and the Monte Carlo type stocks are about as good as I have seen. When I think back to the old ones that I use to fire these look like something from a new age.

Many of the Beeman range come with scopes and rings and have automatic safety built in. They should of course always be used by an adult or at least supervised by a responsible adult because these rifles can indeed be lethal.

I think what I liked most about the Beeman range is that they do a number of combination packages which very quickly with a few simple adjustments can give you two rifles for the price of one. The manufacturers have designed this range for either small game hunting or vermin control. Personally I use these for just a bit of fun target practise. I was surprised how quickly it was to adjust the rifle to suit my own eye. I also happened to find a whole range of targets that you can buy and these add an extra piece of interest to the hobby.

For more detailed reviews you should visit the Air Rifle Center and read Beeman Air Rifles Reviews

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When News Sounds and Fury Propaganda Infiltrates Major Sports Media Venues

Not long ago, I was at Starbucks talking to a graduate student in broadcast journalism. The gentleman I was talking to loved sports, and rather despised the news. We talked quite a bit about the Olympics, and the various commentary along with how that sporting event was being characterized by the mainstream media. He explained to me that all too often the news of sound and fury, and propaganda infiltrates such major sports media venues, where armchair coaches and political pundits chime in on things they know nothing about. Indeed I agree, as probably you do to, but let's talk about this for second shall we?

My acquaintance said that he didn't trust the news, and didn't want to have anything to do with it. He didn't like the business news, nor did he like the TV news which had disaster of the day somewhere around the globe, or all the negative stuff they put on prime time. He wanted to stay away from that during his career, and as an intern he was working hard in the sports venue, and he liked that quite well. He also noted that many of the local TV stations simply cannot afford the staff levels of before. In broadcast journalism he learned how to give an interview, interview himself, and cover a sporting event without any help.

Often he would go to multiple sporting events in the evening, watching one game until half time, and then going to another. He would set up the camera on a tripod, write it up, do the announcements, prepare the highlights, and then deliver it to prime time TV. He did it all, mostly because the TV station has cut their staff to bare-bones due to budget cuts, as fewer and fewer advertisers are paying the big bucks they once were. Many of the advertisers have gone to the Internet, major cable stations, and divided up their remaining advertising and marketing dollars amongst newspaper, radio, TV, and Internet.

When you are working as a sports media personality the competition is tough, and this gives him the advantage because he is younger and is able to work cheaper, and some of the old-timers are retiring. Nevertheless, he is working three times as hard as they ever did, without the support staff to get it done, as now he has to do it all. Because of all this it allows prime time news casters to make comments about sporting events, and they often get the story wrong. That's always been common for news events let's just hope it doesn't continue in the sports venue. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's topic. http://www.worldthinktank.net/ - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance. Currently, Mr. Winslow is working on a non-fiction eBook about the Future of Human Sports.

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الأحد، 26 أغسطس 2012

Smoothie Bike Tutorial

They are fast becoming a regular at outdoor festivals and events both in the UK and the US so we are going to learn all about the different names we've come across that represent a pedal powered blender, the different varieties you will see at events and finally we'll take a look at what it can actually do and what it can help illustrate.

The machines we are looking at today are comprised of bicycle parts and blender components which have been fused together in a moment of sweet tenderness to produce (probably the most accurate name for our friend) a blender bike. Essentially it is a bike that also blends. Now the bike part (if it still has it's 2 wheels intact) can theoretically still be ridden along, while you also blend up some lovely fruit and juice in your blender attachment. This could be termed a smoothie bicycle as it still rides just like the incredible invention - the bicycle.

However most of the juice bikes (probably the least accurate name) you will have seen are stationary... meaning, less chance of spilling your hard earned beverage all over the garden path. It also means they are great at events - you don't need a big space to have one as an attraction on your stand, and people can gather round to watch their friends have a go without a full stretch, warm up and 3 months of running training in the bank. These stationary smoothie bikes typically come in two types; number one the normal bicycle on a bicycle stand, but with a blender shoehorned onto one of the wheels. Now this approach poses some problems - it doesn't look great... and stability along with riding position can be compromised. Number two and our preferred approach, is the custom made bike blender (slipped another one in there). These machines have been built with the end goal in mind, meaning that riding position, aesthetics, and blending efficiency have all been taken into careful consideration during construction. Of course there are better and worse quality of design and manufacture between these types of machines, so we recommend you go for the most pleasing to your eye and comfortable for your body.

So those are your main terms - Smoothie Bike, Blender Bike, Juice Bike, Smoothie Bicycle, Bike Blender. They can all be used to describe the same thing.

So now we know what they are and what they are called, what do we use them for?

The first use is clear... you blend smoothies on them! It's a lot of fun, you don't need electricity, you can galvanise people at events, they are a great visual attraction AND you get a fruity reward for your hard slog behind the handlebars. All of this is true, but there are also some great underlying messages being subliminally transmitted to the user. Firstly sustainability - no electricity used here and we are creating some seriously high rpms in that blender jug! A great way to communicate green energy, pedal power, what we can do ourselves without electricity. Secondly exercise, you are singing for your supper here, no pain no gain, you burn calories before you put some fresh ones in - exercise helps make you fitter, faster and more productive. Finally healthy eating - the double whammy, not only have you exercised but the blended drink you receive at the end is made from pure unprocessed fruit - no additives, no preservatives, just all the good natural stuff from mother nature.

This is why smoothie bikes are such good experiential tools for people in all walks of life and all ages. They are a light hearted way of illustrating some key ideas that benefit everybody, perfect for a big corporate wellbeing initiative just as well as a village school summer fete.

Visit http://www.lovesmoothiebike.co.uk/ for more information on smoothie bikes, pure fruit smoothies and other ways to add a healthy kick to events.

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Finding The Best Odds: As Important As Picking The Winner

Sports fans, we really do like to bet don't we?

Apparently we're happy to stake our money on anything from bullock racing to a bullfight. The consulting firm H2 Gambling Capital released statistics recently which reveal that the average UK adult or the US adult will lose around US$400 gambling each year. But they're nowhere near the Australians (the most prolific bettors) who will lose more than $1,400 for every adult this year.

All these losses add up and popular sports betting markets like English Premier League soccer, NFL football, NBA basketball, NHL hockey, and MLB baseball turn over billions of dollars each year. And, as in other billion dollar industries, the competition for your custom is fierce. Online bookmaking operations today are slick, sophisticated, and making a killing. They employ expert staff to set appropriate starting prices and use complex statistical models to manage their risk in real time.

However, all this effort from the bookmakers is nothing in comparison to the time expended by punters themselves. Consider the time you spend turning a bet over in your mind before you place it and then multiply that by the number of bets placed each day. Hundreds of thousands of man-hours are spent trying to predict the outcome of sporting events every day.

But could this effort be better utilised?

There are only two things which determine the expected payout of a bet. The first is the likelihood of the predicted result and the second is the odds accepted for that result. Improving on either one of these factors improves the expected return of the bet. Yet, for all the effort expended attempting to predict the right result, it seems that proportionately very little effort is expended securing the best possible odds.

This is hardly logical. It is not possible to anticipate the result of a sporting event with any meaningful confidence and even guessing at the likelihood of a particular result is extremely hard. At least some of the time spent trying to predict the outcome of a sporting event would be better spent comparing the odds offered by the various bookmakers and selecting the bookmaker which offers the best return on this particular bet. It's quick and easy to shop around the many online sportsbooks, compare odds, and find a better offer. There are even plenty of services out there that will do it for you for free.

Professional gamblers often have accounts with multiple bookmakers, pay close attention to the odds offered by each, and seek out the best odds before they place a bet. But the average punter tends to mindlessly accept the odds offered by his usual bookmaker. This is a large oversight and a costly missed opportunity.

Bookmakers often post noticeably different odds for the same event and it's common to find mismatches of up to 10% from one bookmaker to another. This percentage is there for the taking and it mystifies me that more people aren't shopping around for better odds.

Tim Crisp is the founder of Mashbet, a free online service that allows bettors to compare odds across multiple online bookmakers. Find the best odds with Mashbet and secure the best possible return on your bet.

View the original article here

السبت، 25 أغسطس 2012

A Quick Look Into the History of Quad Roller Skates

Are you a big fan of roller skating? Or is there someone in your family who is crazy about roller skates? If so, perhaps you need to know a little more about skating than the common info that it is just footwear with four wheels attached to it. In fact, there are a lot of cool and amusing facts behind this little invention that became one of the integral parts of extreme sportslater. If you have already been practicing it you would know that there are two main types: quad roller skates and inline roller skates. While quad skates have two wheels on the front and two wheels on the back, inline skates, as its name indicates, have four wheels in a single line.

Let's check out more about quad roller skates, as they are more common and ideal for all, especially if you are planning to purchase a set for a beginner or a child. The credit of introducing the quad skates to the world belongs to James Leonard Plimpton in New York City in 1863. Plimpton was trying to improvise on the existing roller skates, and his attempt obviously turned out a success for it stood supreme among skates for almost a century. In fact, quad skates are still popular among youngsters who are beginning to learn roller skating. Even parents of little children prefer quad skates for the ease and manoeuvrability that they provide. They became such a hit that even a new, and the first of its kind, public skating rink was opened in 1866 in Rhode Island.

Once it made its appearance among the youth of the era, quad skates went through several changes to become what it is today. For example, in 1876, in Birmingham, England, there was a new design for the wheels of skates where two bearing surfaces of an axle, moving and fixed, were kept apart. This feat was achieved by William Bown with the support of Joseph Henry Hughes. It is Hughes who drew up the patent for a ball bearing race for carriage and bicycle wheels in 1877. The motorbikes and automobiles that we see around us today evolved from the efforts of these two gentlemen.

The next development was the toe stop that helps the skaters to stop the skate by tipping the skate to the toe. The toe stop, which was introduced in 1876, became one of the inevitable parts of roller skates and despite the various changes that came to skates in the coming years, toe stop remained so for a long time to come. In fact, even now you can find them on quad roller skates of today and even on a few types of inline skates.

It didn't take long time for this cool item of entertainment to become a rage among the youth. In the 1880s, roller skates started getting manufactured in huge numbers to meet the public demand. Besides the fun part of it, these skates were also becoming a convenient and cheap way to commute. It is the name of Micajah C. Henley, who belonged to Richmond in Indiana, that became famous first as the seller of quad skates. Also, his skates were the first to have adjustable tension with the help of a screw that later led to the kingbolt mechanism used on skates of today.

Next came the steel ball bearings in the wheels of roller skates in 1884 in order to reduce friction as well as to increase the speed. This brings us to Richardson Ball Bearing and Skate Company that started providing skates with the steel ball bearing. Richardson's skates have had millions of customers, including professional skaters of the time. Ever since then, the basic design of quad skates has remained the same for a long time.

Today, quad roller skates come in various designs and styles. They cater to all types of skaters, boys and girls of all ages. Not only are they seen on roads in residential areas but also for skate racing, which has become a favourite rage for many youngsters of today.

Skates R Us specialises in the online sale of extreme sports equipments such as quad roller skates, kick scooters, skateboards, ice skates, etc.

View the original article here

Golf Swing Lessons To Help You Break Eighty Shots

Once you are bitten by the golf bug, you will be looking out for tips that will help you to play better golf. As the game of golf involves many different aspects to it, it is not an easy game to pick up quickly. It does get a hold of you and soon you will be looking for golf swing lessons that will help you to break that magical barrier of eighty shots in a round.

Here are four quick tips to help you reduce your handicap.

Have you noticed how focused the professionals become when playing their golf. Those who become really good at it seem to be able to control their emotions. Whether you get frustrated or excited, these emotions can drain you of energy and act as a distraction from that all important concentration that is so vital on the golf course. Have you observed how serene some of the players become? Their faces are actually quite boring and expressionless! Try to emulate these players and you will find you are better able to keep your focus at all times.

Even if you are playing well there may come a time when you need to hole a difficult putt to save par. If you are struggling to read the putt you need to make, take a look behind the hole, and often you will be able to see it better.

Before an important match or competition, take some time to set up your game plan. Get a course planner and figure out what you can do where and when to score. If you get off to a good start, remember to stick to your game plan - don't start playing too cautiously because you are trying to keep that score. Similarly if you are driving the ball well don't decide that this gives you licence to attack each flag disregarding the risk attached to it. Always stick to your game plan that you set up before which would have taken into account the pin position, the wind direction and the overall difficulty of the hole.

A round of golf can take on average four hours to complete so it is important to guard against mental and physical fatigue. Drink plenty of fluids throughout your round, and try to take breaks between shots but remembering to refocus before each shot.

So, there are four tips you can implement to help you break the eighty barrier and play your best round of golf yet.

Now I invite you to sign up for your complimentary copy of "17 Audio Golf Swing Lessons" by visiting Golf Swing Videos Play the audios over and over again while practising until you master them.

View the original article here

الجمعة، 24 أغسطس 2012

Rally Racing

Rally racing, also called rallying, is an exciting form of auto racing. The excitement is based in large part by the fact that the races are held on public open roads. There are different types of rally racing and in addition to traditional point-to-point races where the quickest time wins, other versions exist where drivers look to hit a predetermined time, based on a predetermined ideal drive time. Other rallies include logistical aspects.

One of the earliest races that still exist today is the Monte Carlo Rally, which began in 1911. The sport evolved in the 1920's, primarily in Europe and many of the basic features used today were developed. Through the war years rally driving and racing's popularity ebbed and flowed, but took hold again in the 1950's and has seen steady growth and participation since.

While many British drivers and manufactures took part in European rallies in the very early days, Britain's maximum speed limit of 12 miles per hour put a practical ban on any rally racing. In order to popularize automobile travel, in 1900 the Auto Club of Great Britain sponsored a 15-day rally between major cities. The seventy entries were made up mostly of manufactures entering to showcase their vehicles. There were 13 stages and the aforementioned 12 mph legal speed limit was enforced. The stages included hill climbing and speed tests. Through the 20's this form of rally grew, but failed to attract many racers from outside Britain.

After WWII rallying again became popular in Europe, but British law prohibited closing public roads and highways for special events. This meant that the more popular form of race rallying was absent from the UK. In 1951 the Royal Automobile Club Rally was made into an international event. The event featured more technical rally challenges such as navigation, night map reading and maneuverability tests. This limited its popularity. In 1961 a breakthrough was made when Jack Kemsley successfully petitioned for the opening of public roads under Forestry Commission control. Today the Rally GB is a popular international event.

Today's top drivers and manufactures compete in the World Rally Championship, a series organized by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile. Many countries also host their own national championship races. The season typically consists of 13 rallies and there is a Driver and Manufacturer champion crowned, based on points earned during the season.

Rallying is popular among amateur racers. Depending on the rally type, few modifications are needed to one's vehicle to compete. Most compete as part of a club, and events emphasize teamwork, navigation and logistics rather than out and out time on course.

To get a taste of rally driving, a number of private schools have been opened that allow one to not only learn the basics of rally driving but experience an open road course. These tend to be for people who want to experience high-speed driving and rally techniques such as handbrake turns and drifting on dirt and gravel courses. These use highly prepped rally cars that mirror those used by professionals. There are a number of schools operating, and courses run from one-day sessions to multi-day camps that feature a competition amongst the group at the end.

TreatMe.Net offer a full range of driving experiences days, including rally driving experience days, supercar driving days and even driving experiences for juniors.

View the original article here

Let's Go Metal Detecting - Where Should We Go?

Finding good places to go metal detecting can be difficult. Depending on your location dig sites can be a difficult task. There may not be any shorelines where you live and it may be hard to find private properties where the owner is willing to allow access to metal detecting, but with a little bit of thought and research, you can find numerous places to look, without traveling too far.

PARKS: Are there any parks in your area? Parks are a great place to find treasures, however gaining access to an area park may be more challenging. If the park is historical then it is doubtful that any metal detecting will be allowed. Check anyway, it doesn't hurt. If you are in an area that has a non-historical park check with the local authorities. Your local Parks & Rec department can help with information. You may need a permit. This permit will probably cost you a small fee, but is probably well worth the trouble. If you're looking for information go to FMDAC (Federation of Metal Detector and Archaeological Clubs, Inc.). They have a web page outlines state laws and regulation in regards to metal detecting and lots of other useful information.
PLAYGROUNDS: Children parks are a good place to hunt. Around swings, jungle gyms, and teeter totters are great places to look. Park benches, hiking trails, shaded areas are all good places too. You may not find a gold bounty, you're sure to find lost jewelry, and coins.
PRIVATE PROPERTY: There are lots of homes in your area, I'm sure, that have been around a long time. Some for centuries. These are great places to find treasures. Your own back yard perhaps? In any event, always get permission. You don't want to be arrested for trespassing. Just think of the history in those back yards.
ROADS AND HIGHWAYS: One spot most people don't think about is along highways in the ditch areas. Things are falling off fingers, out of hands and bags from car windows. I personally know 5 people who lost their high school ring out a car window. Research the area and find out where the old roads were. There are lots of old roads that have been closed where a super highway was constructed.
FARM FIELDS: Farm fields are also good places to hunt. Going after a good rain or after the ground has been tilled is a good idea. Before going get permission from the farmer. Written permission is the best practice.
RIVERBANKS: Along riverbanks where things have washed up. Around old marinas or fishing spots.

These are just a few places to give you some ideas. I'm sure you will be able to come up with some of your own. Just be sure to do your research, get permission and always be a courteous treasure hunter. Leave the area like you found it. As always, have fun and find treasure.

Happy Treasure Hunting!

We offer a variety of products and accessories for metal detecting, as well as other outdoor sporting activities.

We promise we will work hard to form and maintain a long, happy connection with you, our customer. Our objective is to make your shopping experience as simple, informative and cool as possible, and to find everything you need for your adventure.

We resolve to combine honesty and value in all our communications with outstanding service before, during, and after the sale.

View the original article here

About The Gold Sluice

About the gold sluice, well I know I don't just speak for myself when I say that heading out into the outdoors with gold pans and a gold sluice is my favorite pastime. Just being outside enjoying the wilderness is such a relief from our everyday busy lives we live. Throw in a gold pan and gold sluice into the equation and you have the makings for a very fun and could be very profitable day. That's right profitable, a day in the right creek or river with a sluice box will usually send you home with some of that heavy gold stuff. The use of a sluice box makes it way easier to recover gold than a gold pan and makes for a greater recovery. There are several types of gold sluices but they all work and do the same thing that is, COLLECT GOLD.

In order to use a sluice box it is important that you know how one works and how one is made. You may ask yourself what is a gold sluice so if you read along I'll tell ya a little bit about one. A sluice box can be made out of wood, aluminum, plastic or steel. The most common boxes are made out of aluminum. Basically you need to make a 4 foot long channel about 10 inches deep and 18 inches wide. Then you'll need several slats of steel or aluminum or whatever material you're using to make riffles witch are set at 45 degrees that run the width of the channel and held in place by a rail on either side. Welding them is the best way to keep them there. Make the riffle assembly removable from the channel so it is easy to clean and easier to uncover all your gold. Another thing you can do is lay a length of miners moss underneath the riffle assembly to help catch gold as well, this works really well.

The next thing you need to do is find a creek or river that you think is gold bearing. Now that you found one place and position your gold sluice box in the water (using rocks or small logs)at the correct angle and use the flow of water and gravity to your advantage while you just shovel material into the top of the sluice. When placing a sluice box i the water the angle of the box needs to be 1 inch of drop for every foot of sluice box. This angle will help the tailings to move down the box. It is also the proper angle for the gold to settle into the riffle trays. A 48 inch gold sluice requires almost 4 inches of drop between the flare at the top and the end of the riffle tray.

Just writing about the gold sluice box is giving me a little gold fever.

I hope you enjoyed this reading and if you would like to read up some more on gold sluices you can visit http://gold-sluice.com/.

View the original article here

الخميس، 23 أغسطس 2012

Drake's Game

Sometimes it is better to travel slowly in life, and savour the moment. There is no finer example of this than lawn bowling, or as it is often simply known, bowls. This ancient game provides a much needed antidote to the stress and hurry of modern life. Though the exact origins of bowls is uncertain, it is known that a basic version of the game existed in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The game of bowls or 'Bocci ' as it was then called, is assumed to have travelled across Europe with the legions of the Roman Empire.

What is known, is that by the 13th century, lawn bowls was an established sport in England. In 1299 AD the Southampton Old Bowling Green Club was formed, and remarkably, this club still exists today, after 713 years of play! It is, not suprisingly, the oldest known lawn bowling club in the world.

The game itself continued to grow in popularity from this point.Though there were many attempts made to restrict the practice of bowls in the 14th and 15th centuries. At the time it was considered that archery, vital to the armies of the time, was being neglected in favour of bowls. Fortunately the prohibitions were largely symbolic, and the game continued to be played. In Scotland however, even these restrictions did not apply, and in many ways it is to these early scottish enthusiasts, that we owe the development of the modern game.

Simple in essence, yet requiring considerable skill in execution, lawn bowls is played on a prepared green, which is usually between 34 and 40 yards square. The bowls, which look entertainingly like canonballs, are bowled towards a small white target ball known as the 'jack'. This can be placed on the green anywhere from 75 - 108 feet away. The challenge is to place your bowl as near as you can to the jack itself, with points awarded accordingly.

The bowls themselves are 'biased', which means that they are made with one side slightly flattened. As the rolling bowl slows down, it will turn inwards towards the biased side, in a curving motion. Here lies the skill of the game, in being able to judge not only the distance, but also the 'turn', as it known, of the bowl as it runs towards the target.

Perhaps the most famous game of bowls, was played by Sir Francis Drake, and Sir Walter Raleigh, at Plymouth Hoe in July 1588. Legend has it that a messenger arrived on horseback while they were playing, to inform Sir Francis that the Spanish Armada had been sighted in the English Channel. The Armada was the greatest fleet ever assembled for the invasion of England, it was considered to be invincible. Sir Francis is said to have calmly insisted on finishing his game of bowls, before taking command of the English fleet. He won, both his game of bowls, and the subsequent naval battle. Lawn bowling, a traditional pastime of patience and skill, with much to teach us in today's world. It was Drake's game, could it also be yours?

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Autographed Sports Memorabilia and Its Place In Sports History

Nothing represents a man's love for sports better than a display case filled with autographed sports memorabilia. Whatever type of sporting event makes your heart spin through extremes of emotions, there is sure to be a valuable piece of it you can take home and keep in your special trove of memories, usually under lock and key.

While some may think that these items as mere luxurious expenses, and that one should love sports for the simple reason of loving it, enthusiasts will be quick to argue that indulging in these luxuries is a necessary part of preserving sports history.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia-Where It All Began

Collecting sporting mementos began in the early 20th century, when baseball first began to carve its niche as America's favorite pastime. Tobacco companies wasted no time in cashing in on this hype and began inserting baseball cards into their cigarette packs to increase their sales. Bubble gum companies caught on to the idea in the 1930s, and soon kids were caught knee-deep in completing their baseball card collections, with equally passionate adult sports fans not far behind.

The hobby soon grew into a full blown market of various sporting items, spanning all other types of sports. Everything with a team's logo in it is considered collectible merchandise and it was not rare to see hordes of enthusiasts flocking into hobby shops in their eagerness to get their piece of sports history. For them, these are not just mere items bearing their team's logo. It is a testament to the fact that they were there to witness and experience every thrilling event of a sporting victory.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia vs. Collectibles

With the slew of sports items popping up in shops and auctions each year, it soon became necessary to distinguish between signed memorabilia and mere collectibles. Although the two terms are usually used in place of the other, an important distinction lies in the fact that one of them is the real thing, and will collect more rarity time-value than the other.

The term 'collectible' is used for items that are mere replicas and are usually unsigned, or when signed is not authenticated. A memorabilia, on the other hand, is usually the actual thing used in the sport by a particular athlete, which usually bears his authenticated signature.

Investors who are into the hobby mainly for the monetary benefits often place their investments on autographed sports memorabilia from reputable sources, as this would most likely attract more passionate enthusiasts in sports auctions.

Are you looking for more information regarding autographed sports memorabilia? Visit http://www.apieceofsports.com/ today!

View the original article here

الأربعاء، 22 أغسطس 2012

Youth Sports Coaching - The Golden Rules

Youth sports coaches in recent years have come under more scrutiny than ever before. From four year old teams to high school and college coaching ranks, there has been a magnifying glass honed in on the leader of the squad - the youth coach. Obviously, that can be a good thing. We entrust these men and women with our kids for a few hours a day. We want them using good judgment, protecting them from avoidable harm and providing them with the guidance they are entrusted to provide. As with any situation such as coaching, however, there is the flip side, where you read stories of confrontations from parents, unheard of competitive pressure to win at all costs or coaches who simply think they are the next Vince Lombardi or Bobby Knight.

Being on both sides of that fence as a parent and as a youth sports coach, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I have had parents come to me as a coach and thanking me for my efforts with their child. I have heard parents yell at me from the stands during games. I have seen a parent want to go after one of the opposing team's pitchers during one of our baseball games because that pitcher had just hit his son as he was batting.

As a parent, I've seen coaches who try and practice 48 different plays to a group of 6 and 7 year basketball players who can barely dribble a basketball. I've seen coaches who pretty much act as babysitters, letting the kids do what they want without any credible coaching or guidance. I've seen coaches work with compassion, commitment and focus with kids.

Youth sports are filled with coaches of all abilities. They are human like the rest of us, remember. So, what do we want out of our coaches? What do we think makes a coach that either we would like to be or, as parents, we want our kids to have?

As hard as it may be, I think the main trait in a youth coach is being as upfront as possible. Whether you are in a younger learning type league or more advanced competitive league, be clear and precise. The players and parents will know exactly where you stand and what your goals are. That way, if you are coaching the five year old soccer league, you want to make sure that everyone knows that you are doing a lot of teaching during the season and not carrying on about winning.

Conversely, if you're in a more competitive environment, make sure you let players know where they stand. They might not like the fact that they are sitting the bench more than they are starting, but tell them what their role is and why. If needed, let them know what they can do to get into the starting lineup. But, again, be realistic. If you know that a kid, no matter how hard they work, will not develop the skills needed to break into a starter's role, don't snow them by thinking that might be the case. That might sting at first, but they will respect you for being straightforward with them.

The key ingredient here is to be consistent. Staying the course and being consistent in your philosophy day in and day out is huge. The kids, and their parents, will pick up quickly if you're flip flopping goals on a weekly basis. You will lose credibility and lose respect from your players, their parents, and perhaps your administration, as well.

Obviously, staying consistent with the big picture but also with the regulations and rules that you have set forth is important. You do not want to have the "Jordan Rules" when it comes to players, especially when it comes to the more talented players on your team. Again, this relates more to those youth coaches in a more competitive environment. Staying true to your overall goals as well as the detailed rules of the team goes a long way in keeping the attention of your players.

As a parent, we appreciate the coach knowing the game they are coaching thoroughly. However, what we do not appreciate is someone who really doesn't want to be around kids. If you love the game of baseball, for example, but really don't get into having a bunch of ten year olds asking you a million questions about everything from techniques to what snack they're getting after the game, then maybe you need to look for another way to get involved in the game. Perhaps look at a different level to coach. I've seen basketball coaches in an 8 and under developmental league trying to get so sophisticated with their drills that they lost sight of who they're coaching. When you're trying to coach the Phil Jackson triangle offense to kids who struggle to dribble, I think you may have some issues.

I love baseball, but do not want to coach any league under twelve or thirteen years of age. It's not where my strengths lie as a coach. I am not going to attempt to do it and provide those kids with inadequate coaching because that is just not my strong suit as a teacher of the sport. Enjoy the sport, but also enjoy the age group you are coaching.

Teach, teach, teach. That point cannot be emphasized enough. I had a nephew who had two coaches. One was a teacher on the field (this was baseball). The other was the king of clich?ï?½A©s and sarcasm. He THOUGHT he was coaching but all he was doing was spewing out every coaching clich?ï?½A© in the dictionary. When kids did something wrong, he was quick with a sarcastic put down and a clich?ï?½A© thrown in for good measure. It may sound simplistic. You're the coach right, so you of course are teaching. But actually get in there and teach, demonstrate and point out to kids how to do a skill the correct way. As a coach, make sure you and your staff are constantly teaching. As a parent, this is what we look for in a coach. We are looking for someone to get our kids to improve as well as enjoy the game.

Coaching can be an unbelievably rewarding experience. Using these simple steps can go a long way toward having that happen.

Get your training off to a fast start! Grab your free "Jump Start Your Training" guide at http://www.athletictrainingnow.com/

View the original article here

Flying Remote Control Planes Alone (Part 1)

Two basic options are relevant to the subject; the first is "Will you be flying alone or with a group of flight enthusiasts?". If you are flying alone, there are some basic considerations that must be taken into account. We will cover flying in groups later in a separate articles.

When flying alone, a few things to keep in mind are as follows:

a) Location: If there is a good runway without obstructions, high voltage lines, or lots of people then you are most likely safe and good to go. Let's explore this a little further. Obstructions must be flown around and if your skill level is not top notch, it is very likely that you will cause a catastrophic loss to your aircraft. High voltage line while easy to miss do pose a threat as they can interfere with your transmitter which again will create a likelihood that you will crash. Remember that people are obstructions and the more people the higher the possibility that you may crash your plane into a crowd causing injury and possible lawsuits. It is fun to have people watch your flight and many people will gravitate to the lure of flight; but, you need to be proficient. If you are just starting out, make sure you are alone or with trusted friends standing behind you.

b) Pre-Flight Checks: Just as pilots of full size aircraft complete a pre-flight check list, you must also do the same before taking flight. The reason is simple; mechanical and electrical devices are prone to failure. Ensure that the transmitter controls are in a neutral position. Example: do not have the throttle at full speed. Then place your plane on the ground and turn on the transmitter and connect the battery on the plane to the appropriate connection. Check your transmitter battery power level as weak batteries could bring your plane down. While your plane is on the ground, test out the controls on the transmitter to ensure they respond as expected. This applies to three, four, or even six channel controllers. Select a good take off runway and taxi your plane down the runway and back without actually getting enough speed to leave the runway. If everything seems to be operating as expected, go down the run way with a little more speed and gently lift off the ground and then land again. Do this several times. Things you want to look for when you lift off are shifts in your planes direction (left or right). Adjust any shifting issues with the trim controls on your controller. If this does not fix the problem, you may need to adjust the hard linkage to correct the problem.

Good luck (skill) to you and expect more to follow on this subject.

View the original article here

الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2012

Love Sports? Why Not Visit New Orleans?

There's no better vacation, or lost weekend bang-for-the buck than an excursion to the ultimate party city of New Orleans, Louisiana! With sporting events like the Super Bowl, NFL home games with the New Orleans Saints, thrilling nights of NBA action with the New Orleans Hornets, or simply following your favorite PGA Golf favorites, this city has it all - plus some of the best food and music in the entire northern hemisphere! If you plan to "hit it hard" when you arrive, (as many do), just remember these four very important words: Party Bus: New Orleans. Why? Because keeping it safe is your best bet when you're traveling with your friends.

When attending any of the many sporting events available in The Big Easy, you'll have a better and safer experience if you're hiring a charter or limo bus. Our drivers know the area, the traffic patterns and the safest routes to get you and your comrades to and from your chosen venues - in the shortest amount of time - while you sit back and enjoy the ride.

Keep in mind that a trip to any city you're unfamiliar with can be as daunting as it is exciting. The last thing you're going to want to do is memorize shuttle bus routes and complicated schedules. And let's face it, after a night on Bourbon Street or partying at a sports complex, you may find that not all taxi services are going to be as "passenger friendly" as you'd like. Longer routes, overcharging or impatience with you and your partying buddies can often become unpleasant experiences. This is why a New Orleans Party Bus is your best choice when traveling with the gang.

A Charter Bus takes all of the guesswork out of your travel experience. Arriving at New Orleans International Airport, you'll be properly greeted and then guided directly to your shuttle bus, where you'll be safely transported to your hotel by a courteous New Orleans party bus driver.

Another option is to complete your New Orleans bus rental agreement locally, which will take all the hassle out of airport travel and security checks. Instead, your group can relax, converse or even sit back and watch a DVD movie on multiple monitors strategically positioned around the bus while you are transported to your destination. You'll arrive in New Orleans refreshed and ready to take on the town!

When you're not at your favorite sporting event, your New Orleans party bus rental can also take you on a tour of the renowned French Quarter, or perhaps a historical tour of the areas most affected by Hurricane Katrina might be of interest?

Why not take-in some fantastic music? As you know, the city of New Orleans is celebrated for its many jazz and blues havens along Bourbon Street. There's never any need to worry about "cutting loose" when there's a designated driver at your beck and call. You can enjoy any event with the peace of mind that you'll be safely returned to your hotel in the comfort of a climate-controlled coach bus by a courteous, professional driver.

Finally, sports fans don't forget about New Years Eve celebrations in New Orleans, as well as the ever-popular NCAA Sugar Bowl! In addition, New Orleans will play host to the 2013 NFL Super Bowl, so why not plan ahead?

There's never a shortage of things to do or sporting events to attend while in The Big Easy!

In fact, any event you may choose is made safer and much more convenient by a New Orleans party bus rental.

So take the guesswork out of your future travel plans by checking out our easy-to-navigate online reservation system, where you can choose your bus, get real-time access to price quotes. Due to the competitive nature of our business, always remember to book your New Orleans party bus in advance!

We are able to help you get to every sporting event you want to go to. http://www.limopricesneworleans.com/

View the original article here

How To Gain A Mental Edge Over The Competition

While many people quickly chalk up being a superior athlete to simple physical prowess, one thing that must not go overlooked is the mental component of thing. Physically you can be the absolute best athlete out there, but if you fall apart mentally when push comes to shove, you aren't going to be winning any races, games, or competitions any time soon.

Having a mental edge of your competition is one of the key factors to get in place for success, so this is something that you should be training for as well.

Let's look at a few of the key points to keep in mind for how you can put yourself on top from a mindset point of view.

Practice Visualizations

One of the absolute best techniques to be using as an athlete training hard is mental visualizations. For these, you're going to find some place quiet where you can sit or lay and then close your eyes and imagine yourself performing to your best of abilities.

When you actually 'see' yourself doing this in your mind, you'll boost your confidence level that you can actually do it and it'll be more likely to take place in real life.

Furthermore, since your mind does actually control all the movement patterns you make, by rehearsing the mental element of execution, you can also boost your performance as well.

The mind is a very powerful tool and when yours is in the right place and confident, your body will perform that much better. You can also use these visualizations to see yourself overcome obstacles as well, so it can help out in that regard also.

Tune Out Distractions

The next thing you must do to overcome your competition is to tune out distractions. Before a big game or race, go someplace where it's very quiet where you can focus in on what you need to do.

Some athletes will listen to music that serves to motivate them and get them in the mood to work hard. Do whatever is right for you - but try and center yourself and your body. The less distractions there are around you, the easier this will be to do.

Use Motivational Devices

Finally, consider using motivational devices to gain a mental edge over your competitors. This could be watching videos of superior athletes perform for inspiration or simply re-reading your own personal goals and self-boosting statements.

Or, maybe you have inspirational quotes that you need to read to remind you of certain things to help keep you focused and performing your best.

Try a few different things and see what works best for you. As silly as some of these may sound, they can really help out.

So make sure you aren't neglecting the mental aspect of your game. It really is critical to your success.

Go Pro Workouts https://www.goproworkouts.com/ collaborates directly with the world's most decorated athletes in their respective sport to create 8-week sport-specific training programs geared specifically for athletes. These aren't cookie-cutter programs. These are the exact same routines the pros do to stay in elite shape. Have you ever wanted to train just like your favorite NFL running-back, NBA point guard, or Olympic skier? Now you can. To try a Go Pro Workout absolutely free go to https://www.goproworkouts.com/.

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الاثنين، 20 أغسطس 2012

The Future of Sports Referee Employment Just Got Ify

The other day I was talking to a radio personality who has a radio sports talk show. She was explaining to me why it was so important to stop the cheating in sports. Yes, we got on the subject of the upcoming Olympic Games, bicycle racing, baseball, and all of the pretend fouls we saw in the World Cup in South Africa. You know what I'm talking about, when a soccer player gets barely touched, rolls around and falls down on the ground as if they broke their ankle, trying to get the other team to catch a foul and a yellow card. Okay so let's talk about this for second shall we?

Obviously, there's no way a single "human" referee, or even a couple of "human" referees can see every single foul or all the interactions going on with all the players all the time. They can only call the fouls as they see them, and this is why folks watching on TV might see a foul that the referee doesn't, or that there is a bad call once in a while. What if all that was automated with some of the revolutionary technology we have these days used to scan crowds, or pick out faces and airport to stop terrorism?

Well, it turns out there are lots of military grade technologies which may find their way into professional sports, military transfer technologies. We may even start seeing this in amateur sports, or high school sports, or maybe even kids playing soccer in the AYS0. Seriously, some of the technology out there is ripe for the sports venue.

FastCompany had an interesting article recently titled; " Moneyball 2.0: How Missile Tracking Cameras Are Remaking The NBA - A new camera system is adding a whole new level of analytics to basketball. We talk to insiders using it," by Mark Wilson which stated;

"The technology was originally developed to track missiles. Now, SportVU systems hang from the catwalks of ten NBA stadiums, tiny webcams that silently track each player as they shoot, pass and run across the court, recording each and every move 25 times a second. SportVU can tell you not just Kevin Durant's shooting average, but his shooting average after dribbling one vs two times, or his shooting average with a defender three feet away vs five feet away. Their system captures the X/Y coordinates of all the players 72,000 times a game."

Yes, when I read that I was quite excited as I am working on a radio segment discussing the future of sports, and how technology will change everything from the Olympic Games to folks playing tennis just for fun. Having such technologies will level the playing field, and prevent the cheaters from taking control of the game. Indeed, when you step on the court, you will be agreeing to allow the ultimate spy machine to watch your every move. So don't pick your nose, because it will all be on camera. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Sports Topics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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الأحد، 19 أغسطس 2012

Facts About Cornhole

Cornhole is a game that has been played for a very long time now. Though its popularity may have decreased in the recent years, it still remains to be one of the simplest yet very fun games of all time. This game is played by many people in different countries. Many people loved it since it could be played by anyone and can be played in many different places with enough space. The materials used for the game is not that hard to find and can even be made by the players themselves if they want to. It is ideal for different occasions such as birthday parties, team events, and even a regular gathering of friends and family members. Even if you have not heard or tried this game, you can easily learn it. Rules are relatively simple much like other corn toss games and games like horseshoe and washer toss. Children will definitely have a great time playing it as well as adults.

The game is played by 2 opposing players or teams. A special platform is made for this game which is has an angle of inclination of about 45 degrees and has a hole. 2 platforms are placed on opposite sides and a string may or may not connect them together. The distance between the 2 platforms would depend on the players' preference but they are usually around 15 to 20 feet apart. Each team would have 4 all weather bean bags each which are filled with corn kernels. Players take turn in throwing all their bags. If the bag goes inside the hole, the player who threw it will be given 3 points. If the bag does not go inside the hole but remains at the top of the platform, it is considered as 1 point. If the bag settles at the edge of the platform, the platform is lifted to determine whether the bag stays on top or falls off of it. No point is given if the bag falls off the platform.

In order to win the game, a team must score 21 points. A round is over when each team throws one bag each. In a round, the total score that is given to a team is the difference of the points gained by each team. For example in round 1 team A scored 3 points and team B scored 1 point, 2 points will be awarded to team A for that particular round. This game is usually played in a lawn but it could also be played in other venues which have sufficient space. It is great for team building activities and parties as well. It would also be ideal if you want to pass time with your friends.

Cornhole is a type of game that will be loved by future generations. Though it is old and simple, it is very fun to play. It is a great alternative to video games and it is also a way to have quality time with people who are special to you.

William U. Steinmetz enjoys writing for http://www.targettossgames.com/corn-toss-games.html which sells all weather bean bags as well as a host of additional products.

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السبت، 18 أغسطس 2012

Autographed Sports Memorabilia - Rare Items Vs Mass Market

Experts advice that not all autographed sports memorabilia make a sound investment. In fact, some items that are not even signed by an athlete may sell for more if auctioned right. Take for example what is now considered the most expensive sports memorabilia ever sold in history: Babe Ruth's first jersey.

Babe Ruth was a well-known and well-loved baseball player in the 1920s, who broke a number of sports records during his career. The jersey that sold for $4.4 million was the first he ever wore when he transferred out of the Boston Red Sox to come and play for the New York Yankees.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia-Appraising Their Value

Some authentic signed items are just one of many similar pieces autographed by a marketable athlete at any given time, and may not be rare enough to shell out large amounts of money for. Sometimes, not even the most passionate memorabilia enthusiasts would show interest in this type of mass market collectible.

If you are a collector looking to sell your items in the future, you will do good to seek out investments that collect monetary value instead of dust. Find the rarest items out there: jerseys that were actually worn by players, gloves that actually made impact on flesh, balls, pucks and other sporting equipment that were actual part of the game. Any one of these will make a more valuable investment and a worthy addition to your memorabilia collection.

It is also a good idea to keep a record of when and how each item was obtained. If you can take a picture of yourself in the event where the item came from, or standing alongside the athlete who used to belong to the jersey, any one of these should serve as authentication enough that your item is the real thing. This will attract more bidders in sports auctions.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia-When and How To Sell

When you are planning to sell a valuable memorabilia, it helps to put it on display first where it's most likely to attract more bidders. This is an important aspect of selling that all memorabilia sellers should keep in mind. The Babe Ruth jersey was undoubtedly one of its kind, and used to be up on display at the legendary players birthplace. It now belongs to a collecting firm who happened to offer the highest bid on it-a bid that made history, just like the athlete who first owned the jersey.

It also helps to sell your items during the season for the sport it is associated with. Autographed sports memorabilia should also bear a level of rarity for it to be considered valuable enough to attract the most passionate high bidders in sports auctions.

Are you looking for more information regarding autographed sports memorabilia? Visit http://www.apieceofsports.com/ today!

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الجمعة، 17 أغسطس 2012

Autographed Sports Memorabilia - A Sense of Camaraderie and Loyalty

The continuously growing industry of autographed sports memorabilia serves as a testament to our undying love of sports. More than just a luxurious collection, collecting signed items from sporting events and famous athletes is a way for enthusiasts to feel more involved in their chosen sport and more attuned to the passion that they have for it.

The most passionate memorabilia collectors would feel no qualm at all about spending thousands of dollars each year on dozens of rare items to add to their collections. Whatever type of sport a man happens to be enthused about, there is sure to be every piece of it stored in his display case under lock and key. Some even value these items enough to get them insured. And if you want to annoy a collector out of his wits, touch an item from his collection with grubby hands and all hell will break lose.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia-Why So Serious?

Sports represent many things to many people, and collecting memorabilia items is a way of turning these sentimental feelings into something tangible. A collector can spend hours in front of his collection, mentally reliving a memory associated with each item. Even the conquest of acquiring these items can ignite a feeling of victory that makes a collector even more connected to his sport.

Part of what makes people so enamored in sports is the feeling of belongingness it gives. We all deal with unpleasant things at work and in the news everyday, all dealing with disharmony and corruption among people. Sports fans find solace from the stresses of reality by watching sports, where fraternity is respected, and loyalty and hard work actually pays off. The brotherhood extends outside of the sport itself when fans meet with each other to discuss the technicalities and other interesting details of the game.

Autographed Sports Memorabilia-More Than Just A Hobby

People watch sports for their own personal reasons. Some turn to it for a little inspiration, an assurance that there is still a place in this world where justice and fairness still dictates the rules of a game. Some people feel more alive after spending a couple of hours with the adrenaline-inducing actions on a sporting field. Still others watch for the sake of learning more and earning more through gambling.

Whatever their reasons are for indulging in sports and in autographed sports memorabilia, sports fans will always keep this industry alive with their enthusiastic support, and some tangible indulgences on the side.

Are you looking for more information regarding autographed sports memorabilia? Visit http://www.apieceofsports.com/ today!

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الخميس، 16 أغسطس 2012

How Can Sports Parents Benefit From Online Sports Registration?

Sports organizations and league coordinators aren't the only ones who can benefit from an online sports registration system. An online registration solution makes the whole process easier for everyone involved in youth sports, including your team parents! Let's be honest, sports moms and dads are the ones who help keep your league running because they are the ones actually registering their players. Anything you can do to make the registration process a little easier for them is a win-win situation for everyone.

Here are 4 reasons sports parents will be grateful for an online registration solution:

Convenient Signup
An online registration system gives sports parents the ability to register their athletes whenever is most convenient for them, even if it's 10:30 at night or 6 in the morning. Hectic parents don't have to worry about coordinating schedules to make it to the park district office on time or wait until the last minute to register their youth athlete.

No More Paperwork
How often do registration forms get accidentally thrown away, lost at the bottom of a purse or briefcase? What happens if they filled out the wrong form or filled out the form wrong? Online sports registration solutions get rid of the headaches that come with paperwork. They are easy to use and easy to update so parents never have to worry about making a mistake that could potentially delay the registration process. It also means there is a lot less paperwork you're your leagues have to worry about creating, organizing and filing each year.

Flexible Payment Options
Parents can register using whatever payment method they choose with an online sports registration system. If they want to use the credit card and build miles for a trip to Florida or pay directly with a debit card, the choice is up to them. This makes it much easier to keep track of who has paid, who hasn't and makes processing payments a breeze.

Access to Practice and Game Schedules
Parents never have to worry about losing a practice schedule again! League coordinators can post team practice and game schedules online, which are then accessible through the online registration system. Coaches can also use the online sports registration solution to contact team members directly en masse, guaranteeing that everyone is getting the same email with the same information. An online registration system keeps sports parents in the loop!

Having an online registration system in place is only helpful for your sports parents if they know about it. Be sure to spread the good news with email blasts, mentions in community newspapers and newsletter, new phone messages and more.

SportsSignup's ( http://www.sportssignup.com/ ) mission is to make it easy to manage sports programs and events by providing organizers with an online sport registration system that allows them to automate sport management tasks and allows members to complete registration and purchase team gear from any internet-connected computer.

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الثلاثاء، 14 أغسطس 2012

What Spearfishing Wetsuit Should I Choose?

There are hundreds of different spearfishing wetsuits to choose from in the marketplace so how do you know which one is right for you? How do you know what colour, thickness, cut, fabric or size to select? And what do price and brands have to do with quality?

What seems like a very complicated decision - "what wetsuit to choose?" - becomes a bit more understandable when you look at how neoprene fabric is manufactured. Neoprene is made from foaming synthetic rubber with nitrogen gas while it is still in liquid form, before it is set. These trapped bubbles are what helps keep the warmth within the suit. Of course the thicker the suit, the warmer it will be, but also the more buoyant it becomes, as there is more gas trapped in there, so extra weights are needed. For tropical regions you may only want a suit of 1mm to 1.5mm thickness, but divers in the cold waters may require 5 to 7mm suits to keep warm. Everyone else will want something in between, depending on the person, the time of year, exact location, depth and the amount of time spent in the water, etc.

Better quality neoprenes have smaller bubbles of nitrogen and more synthetic rubber material, so generally the heavier a suit feels for its thickness, the better the quality of neoprene. Poorer quality wesuits have large bubbles in them, so they will seem light for their thickness. These large bubbles easily explode when diving, so very quickly these suits compact and lose their thickness and effectiveness as wetsuits. Don't be fooled - it may seem like you are getting a bargain, but a wetsuit made of cheap quality neoprene simply will not last very long. You will save in the long run in not having to replace your wet suit as often, by investing a little bit more into a quality neoprene suit.

Additionally, neoprene fabric used in wetsuits can have various finishes. Smoothskin or closed cell means it has the skin that sets on the outside of the synthetic foam rubber. This is very smooth and quite soft yet still fairly tough, it will seal pretty well against the skin. It is often used for the inside seals around the wrists, ankles and face as it seals yet will not get damaged too easily. A whole wetsuit, with a complete closed or smoothcell finish on the outside, is great for extra warmth, especially if you want to keep out the wind when travelling between dive sites. Smoothskin also gives smoother, slicker movement through the water. Sometimes the neoprene is painted to add colour or pattern.

Imagine cutting the skin of the foam rubber to reveal all the bubbly bits, this is what opencell means. The finish is generally used on the inside of suits, is very soft and flexible and it grips and seals extremely well against the skin. It sticks to the skin, so not allowing any pockets of water to get in or move around and disturb the warmth. Opencell finish makes for an extremely comfortable and warm wetsuit, particularly as the joins are glued so there is no stitching against the skin. But this finish is very soft and can be damaged by your nails, so make sure you are careful when putting on and removing your suit and keep toe and fingernails short. You will also need to use lubrication to put on your suit.

The most commonly available finish on wetsuits is to have a knitted fabric glued to the outside of the neoprene. Most commonly this is nylon, sometimes lycra or other fabrics are used. Neoprene with coatings of fabric will be very durable, but not as flexible, stretchable or comfortable. The seams will be stitched to protect the edges of the fabric from unravelling. Wetsuits with fabric coating inside won't be as warm as uncoated, as the knitted fabric doesn't stick to the skin as well on the inside so can allow some water to get inside the suit. They are also not windproof, but can take a lot more wear and tear than uncoated neoprene and don't need lubrication. Knitted fabric on the outside of the suit will protect the neoprene and give pattern and colour to the wetsuit.

Finally, slick coatings - are mostly silver or gold finishes applied to opencell insides of suits. These are a great feature and worth paying extra for. The advantages are you will combine most of the comfort, softness and flexibility of an opencell finish, with gaining the added warmth of closed cell, while achieving a finish that is much tougher and doesn't always require lubrication. They will have glued seams as well for comfort.

Along with quality, thickness and finishes of the neoprene, the style and cut of a wetsuit need to be considered. A one piece suit is simple, quick and easy to put on, usually with a back zipper. But it won't be as warm as a two piece suit.

Look at the features of a suit, not just the fancy patterns or colours to help you make your decision. Hood attached jackets, with face seals, keep the head protected and keeps the whole body warmer by allowing less water inside the suit. A jacket with a beaver tail stops the jacket from riding up and should have good quality closures that will last. Shaping through the body means the suit will sit tighter and fit better, thus allowing less water inside. Wrist and ankle seals keep legs and sleeves in place and help to keep water out of the suit. Preformed or shaped elbows and knees provide better fit through the arms and legs, so keeping them warmer. Long john pants give a bit of extra warmth on the chest but high waist pants can be easier to put on and off. Abrasive resistant fabrics or coatings on the elbow, arm, knee or leg area will help to prolong the life of your suit. Padded, slip and abrasive resistant chest loading pads are a fantastic feature for a spearfishing wetsuit to protect and make speargun loading easier on your chest.

For a great selection of quality wetsuits and other spearfishing gear, as well as many other helpful hints, please visit our website: http://www.spearfishingproducts.com.au

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الاثنين، 13 أغسطس 2012

Be Safe When Exercising in Hot Weather

Are you thinking of exercising in hot weather? When hot weather approaches, you need to take steps to prevent yourself from illness from the heat. It is a good idea for everyone to consult with their physician about outdoor activities during the summer months. For certain health conditions, your doctor might recommend that you exercise indoors on the hottest days.

Talk to your doctor if you suffer from asthma. Excessive heat as well as humidity can make it even more difficult to breathe than usual. Make sure you do not workout outside unless your doctor has given you the go ahead to do so. Otherwise, you will need to look for some indoor activities for the hottest and muggiest days.

You still need to practice safe outdoor exercise even if you are in good health and/or your doctor has given you a thumbs up to keep running, playing basketball or taking part in whatever exercises you enjoy. Listen to your body; if it is telling you that it is too hot to be outside, opt for hitting the gym or some other form of indoor exercise. If you are participating in an outdoor activity and start to feel poorly, stop exercising. Get inside where it is cool and have someone with you for a while to make sure you are simply feeling a little overheated.

Increase your fluid intake if you are going to be exercising when it is hot. You can become dehydrated easily in these conditions especially if you sweat a great deal. Drink a good deal of water before and during your exercise routine. If you feel thirsty, take a few minutes out to drink while you are working out. Staying hydrated can go a long way in keeping you well and is especially important when exercising in hot weather.

Try to exercise when temperatures are at their coolest, early in the mornings or later in the evenings. Avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day.

When there are heat warnings in your local area, do not exercise outside. If people are being advised to only be outside when necessary, you should exercise inside. Find somewhere to exercise where you can be in air conditioning or in a room maintaining healthy and safe temperatures.

Find help if you were or are exercising outside and are feeling extremely unwell. If you feel as if you are having trouble breathing or feel as if you cannot stay awake, get help immediately. Call emergency services or ask that someone call for you to make certain you get the help you need. You should seek medical help if you are feeling extremely dizzy and/or have a headache that is not improving. Other signs of heat related illness can include severe muscle cramping, elevated body temperature, and a decrease in blood pressure, vomiting, fainting and a heart rate that will not go down.

If you have been exercising in hot weather and are unwell, get medical attention.  Do not attempt to drive yourself to the emergency room.  Have someone with you.  Heat stroke and heat exhaustion can happen even if you are trying to stay hydrated and to exercise at a more relaxed rate than usual.

Try to avoid the risks by not exercising outside on the hottest days of the year. Even when it is hot but not scorching, you should stay hydrated, try to find shaded areas to exercise and rest and lower the pace of your exercising a bit. Stay safe when exercising in hot weather by following these tips.

Hi. I'm Dani Mills, author of http://www.weightlossanddietpills.co.uk/ and http://www.ehomeremediesforpiles.com/

These are just two of the topics I like to write about. If you would like to see more or let me know what you think, please visit my sites.You are very welcome to leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.

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