الاثنين، 13 أغسطس 2012

Be Safe When Exercising in Hot Weather

Are you thinking of exercising in hot weather? When hot weather approaches, you need to take steps to prevent yourself from illness from the heat. It is a good idea for everyone to consult with their physician about outdoor activities during the summer months. For certain health conditions, your doctor might recommend that you exercise indoors on the hottest days.

Talk to your doctor if you suffer from asthma. Excessive heat as well as humidity can make it even more difficult to breathe than usual. Make sure you do not workout outside unless your doctor has given you the go ahead to do so. Otherwise, you will need to look for some indoor activities for the hottest and muggiest days.

You still need to practice safe outdoor exercise even if you are in good health and/or your doctor has given you a thumbs up to keep running, playing basketball or taking part in whatever exercises you enjoy. Listen to your body; if it is telling you that it is too hot to be outside, opt for hitting the gym or some other form of indoor exercise. If you are participating in an outdoor activity and start to feel poorly, stop exercising. Get inside where it is cool and have someone with you for a while to make sure you are simply feeling a little overheated.

Increase your fluid intake if you are going to be exercising when it is hot. You can become dehydrated easily in these conditions especially if you sweat a great deal. Drink a good deal of water before and during your exercise routine. If you feel thirsty, take a few minutes out to drink while you are working out. Staying hydrated can go a long way in keeping you well and is especially important when exercising in hot weather.

Try to exercise when temperatures are at their coolest, early in the mornings or later in the evenings. Avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day.

When there are heat warnings in your local area, do not exercise outside. If people are being advised to only be outside when necessary, you should exercise inside. Find somewhere to exercise where you can be in air conditioning or in a room maintaining healthy and safe temperatures.

Find help if you were or are exercising outside and are feeling extremely unwell. If you feel as if you are having trouble breathing or feel as if you cannot stay awake, get help immediately. Call emergency services or ask that someone call for you to make certain you get the help you need. You should seek medical help if you are feeling extremely dizzy and/or have a headache that is not improving. Other signs of heat related illness can include severe muscle cramping, elevated body temperature, and a decrease in blood pressure, vomiting, fainting and a heart rate that will not go down.

If you have been exercising in hot weather and are unwell, get medical attention.  Do not attempt to drive yourself to the emergency room.  Have someone with you.  Heat stroke and heat exhaustion can happen even if you are trying to stay hydrated and to exercise at a more relaxed rate than usual.

Try to avoid the risks by not exercising outside on the hottest days of the year. Even when it is hot but not scorching, you should stay hydrated, try to find shaded areas to exercise and rest and lower the pace of your exercising a bit. Stay safe when exercising in hot weather by following these tips.

Hi. I'm Dani Mills, author of http://www.weightlossanddietpills.co.uk/ and http://www.ehomeremediesforpiles.com/

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