الأحد، 5 أغسطس 2012

3 Tips to Becoming a Better Clearing Lacrosse Goalie

As a lacrosse goalie, clearing the ball up the lacrosse field is one of your most important jobs. It doesn't really matter if you save the ball like an MLL goalie if you can't move the ball up the field.

When your team is getting ready to clear, it is important for you to take an active role in the clear. A lacrosse goalie is a lot like a quarterback in football. It is their job to communicate and facilitate the clear up the field. This starts before the whistle blows by making sure that the whole team is set up and in position.

Here are three steps to become a better clearing goalie:

Use the Crease

When your team is setup for a settled clear, the goal is use your extra man advantage. There are six offensive players on the field and seven defensive players. This means that you as the goalie have to work to create distance from the player covering you.

One easy way is to line up the ball, the attack men on you, the goal, and yourself all in a row. Now you can use the crease like a screen and cut toward your teammate for the pass.

Play Dumb

This is a funny little trick. Start just milling around the crease like you're not really sure what is going on. Try to bait the attack men into paying more attention to the player with the ball than to you. As the whistle blows and the attack men looks way, make your break to an open passing lane.

Using this technique is a great way to get a step or two on your attack men. Most of the time, this is all that it takes to gain an edge.


As the seventh man in your clearing squad, it is so important for you to be working for the ball. If an attack men is covering you close, work him by continuing to v-cut for the feed. This will help you out in two ways. First it will help create separation for a pass. When your teammate has the ball, they are going to be trying to move the ball up the field as quickly as possible. V-cutting can help you get open and receive their pass. The other way v-cutting helps you is that is can occupy your defender, allowing the defense to continue the clear with a man advantage.

Remember, always be a threat. You're always working!

To find more lacrosse goalie training tips and techniques to help you become a better goalie, check out Mind the Crease.

View the original article here

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