الاثنين، 27 أغسطس 2012

Beeman Air Rifles

I was listening to two guys chatting on the radio a few days ago and the gist of their conversation was that as they got older, then they more they were interested in things that reminded them of their childhood. I am certainly in that club and I have been doing more of that the older I have got.

Air rifles do hold a special place in my own memory and I started to smile a lot when I remembered shooting at a tin can and the pleasure of just nailing it every now and then. That in turn got me looking at current air guns and even if they were still available.

To my amazement not only were they still around but they have developed so much I was quite taken aback. When I was younger I had a Daisy air rifle and there are some other great manufacturers out there including Gamo, Benjamin and Crosman. It was the Daisy version I had and in truth it was a very low end rifle that I owned when younger.

The rifles that caught my eye were however the Beeman air rifles and the actual quality of these rifles was right at the top of the range, yet the price remained good value at around $100-150. All of that range are of course in the 0.177 caliber range and most of the Beeman have a speed velocity of around one thousand feet a second which is pretty impressive for an air rifle.

The biggest improvement I have seen however is in the actual sights as they have come on leaps and bounds. They are now fiber optic and different colors for front and rear which just makes life a great deal easier. They also all come with cases and the Monte Carlo type stocks are about as good as I have seen. When I think back to the old ones that I use to fire these look like something from a new age.

Many of the Beeman range come with scopes and rings and have automatic safety built in. They should of course always be used by an adult or at least supervised by a responsible adult because these rifles can indeed be lethal.

I think what I liked most about the Beeman range is that they do a number of combination packages which very quickly with a few simple adjustments can give you two rifles for the price of one. The manufacturers have designed this range for either small game hunting or vermin control. Personally I use these for just a bit of fun target practise. I was surprised how quickly it was to adjust the rifle to suit my own eye. I also happened to find a whole range of targets that you can buy and these add an extra piece of interest to the hobby.

For more detailed reviews you should visit the Air Rifle Center and read Beeman Air Rifles Reviews

View the original article here

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