الأحد، 12 أغسطس 2012

Attempting A Steal: The Good And The Bad

As we are always taught by almost anyone we know, stealing is bad. It is bad to steal money, bags, shoes, etc. Even attempting a steal is already not good for us. But in sports, especially in baseball, stealing may make a big difference from winning and losing a game. As much as it sounds unpleasant to do say that, it has become one of the most game-changing plays in the history of any sport.

In soccer, steals are more common since opposing players take turn taking the ball away conveniently. In basketball, one sloppy offense can be an easy prey for the opponent and it can lead to an easy shot on the other end. In baseball, however, to make a steal or even attempting a steal not only positions a player to make a run quicker by a base, but also pressures the defense not to make a hit so the opposing team can score.

To steal in baseball means to run from one base to the next in such a way that the runner makes it through the next base, without being caught by the catcher of the opposing team as it throws the ball straight to the man assigned on the base. In other words, it takes some skill, initiative, and a rush of adrenaline to advance to the next base. It is most commonly the runner at first base that attempts a run to make a steal since the second base is farther from the catcher's base, or the fourth base; thus it minimizes the chances of the runner to get thrown out. The timing of the steal usually depends upon the score, situation and opportunity presented in the game. Most of the time it is all up to the runner whether attempting a steal will be worth the risk, or else he might find himself back in the dugout waiting to come back and bat again.

There are certain tactics players and coaches often draw up in order to make a successful steal. A runner may go for it when he sees that the pitch made will not head straight to the catcher, thus delaying the catcher's movement sequence in throwing the ball to the base on guard. Oftentimes, the hitter just makes enough contact with the ball that it does not really fly high, then the runner makes his move and it may put him in scoring position, or the third base, if possible. Why stealing a base can be a very vital play is that it can help propel a team to victory when done successfully.

Most baseball games do not always come down to how many successful steals a team makes but what will be appreciated is the effort of the runner making the play when it matters most. This play requires a lot risks so it all comes down at the end of it all when it is a good play or not. In sports, stealing has its good points and bad points. Just remember in baseball, attempting a steal is not recommended for everybody.

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