السبت، 14 يوليو 2012

What Is a Metal Detector and How Does It Work?

What do you think of when you think of a Metal Detector? Possibly combing the beach with a funny looking pole with a circle on the end looking for coins, jewelry, and other precious metals come to mind. Maybe you think of security guards in the court house or at the airport scanning visitors and travelers as they enter.

These scenarios would both be right. We rely on the ability of metal detectors to keep our schools, government buildings, sporting events, etc. safe from hidden weapons in the wrong hands.

A consumer metal detector is a piece of equipment allowing people the opportunity to discover coins, relics, treasures and a lot of worthless junk metal that may be hidden just a few inches beneath the ground. Lots of people are joining the quest for treasure using a metal detector, but have you ever wondered how the metal detector works?

Here is a nutshell analogy of how the metal detector works.

A consumer metal detector is light weight consisting of a control box, shaft, a search coil and possibly a stabilizer.

The control box contains the circuitry, controls, speaker, batteries and microprocessor. The shaft joins the control box and the coil. Usually it can be adjusted to the height and comfort of the user. The search coil senses the metal and sends the signal to the control box. The search coil is sometimes known as the head, loop or antenna. The stabilizer (optional) is used to keep the unit steady as you sweep it back and forth. Most systems also have a jack for connecting headphones,

Using a metal detector consists of turning the unit on and moving it slowly back and forth over a small area in front of you. A signal occurs when a target is recognized. Some metal detectors have a display that lets you know what type of metal is being detected and how deep the target is in the ground.

Metal detectors use one of three technologies.

Very low frequency(VLF)Pulse induction(PI)Beat-frequency oscillation(BFO)

The first and most common is "VLF" or very low frequency which is also known as induction balance. Not as common is the technology based on pulse induction (PI). Unlike VLF, PI systems use a single coil as both transmitter and receiver, or they may have two or even three coils working together.

The most basic technology is called beat-frequency oscillator (BFO). This system uses two coils of wire. One large coil is in the search head, and a smaller coil is located inside the control box.

This is only a bare bones explanation of the makings of a metal detector. I believe that understanding the basics of how something works helps one become more adept in their treasure hunting. Research the different types of detectors and decide which one is best for your needs.

Find Your Treasure

Candy and her husband, Rick offer a variety of products and accessories for metal detecting, as well as other outdoor sporting activities. We are planning on adding other items for camping extending your outdoor fun.

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We resolve to combine honesty and value in all our communications with outstanding service before, during, and after the sale.

View the original article here

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