الأربعاء، 11 يوليو 2012

How To Choose The Perfect Family Camping Tent

Camping has become a great summer family vacation shared by millions of families across the U.S. For many people, camping is an escape from an everyday busy life style which is why this affordable vacation option is perfect. On your camping trip there are a few things you must take into consideration. First and foremost, you will need shelter at the camp site and a safe place to sleep. Picking the perfect tent is going to take thought and effort. Here are some things to think about:


When considering the size of tent you will need, don't forget to plan for the number of campers that will be taken on the trip plus all of the gear and equipment that will accompany you. To be comfortable you should plan for about 30 square feet of floor space for each individual camper. Also remember, the bigger the tent, the heavier it is going to be. If you must walk or hike to your camping location, a 14x14 foot tent could be way too heavy to comfortably carry for more than a few minutes. You will need to consider the location where you will be camping as well. Larger tents require a larger amount of smooth and level ground, and if you are not camping in an actual camp ground, it may be hard to locate the required ground.

Seasons & Weather

Tent models can accommodate 1 to 4 seasons depending on the materials and design. A four season tent is not only going to cost more, but it is much more than necessary for a family who only makes one camping trip every summer. If you are planning to camp during harsher conditions, a 3 or 4 season tent may suit you better. The decision is going to rest on what conditions and weather you will be facing on your camping adventure.


As with any other product, the more features the model has, the more it is going to cost. If you like to "rough it" and added conveniences and extras don't impress you, you will more likely turn to a basic model tent. If you like to camp in luxury and enjoy extra storage spaces, conveniences like extra vestibules, or amenities like clear panel skylights, you will benefit from choosing a tent model that offers more features.

Even though there are hundreds of tent models available on the market, you can quickly and easily narrow down the selection by considering the above criteria. If you are still torn between a few models, read up on ratings and reviews to find out how each one stacks up against the competition. Because the comfort and safety of your campers is going to depend on your tent, do not tread lightly on this decision and do not settle for the cheapest model just because it's affordable.

At Camping Tents Reviews site, with our expert reviews, we help people to select the most robust and useful camping tents for their adventures. Go and visit http://www.campingtentsreviews.org/ for much more expert tips on selecting your camping tents.

View the original article here

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