الجمعة، 20 يوليو 2012

3 Mental Tips To Building Confidence For Athletes

Most athletes would love to know how to build their confidence to where they can perform at a much higher level. In order to do that, we must first start with the definition of confidence...

"Full trust; belief in oneself and one's powers and abilities".

Why is it so important to know its definition? You need to know what it is you are desiring to accomplish so you might as well know it means.

Do you have full trust and belief in yourself? Do you truly believe you are capable of doing much more? The answers to those questions will reveal to you why you are performing at the level you have grown accustomed to.

Here are 3 proven tips that will boost your confidence in yourself...

1. Give yourself reasons to believe in yourself

The #1 way of increasing any belief is to create a list of reasons why you want to believe in it. The more examples you come up with, the stronger the faith you will have in accomplishing what you have always dreamed of doing.

2. Remember your past victories

Many times athletes forget their triumphs simply because they are focusing on what they are NOT achieving. For example, write down all of your successes, no matter how trivial they may seem to you. Just by acting on this simple assignment, will give you more courage and boldness to push through the rut you may be in right now.

3. Find inspirational stories to give you hope

One of the best motivational strategies you could ever apply is to search for athletes who overcame great adversities that propelled them to world class performances. You can read stories, books or better yet, watch inspirational sports movies over and over again to fuel the fire within you to reach your full potential.

What will set you apart from the rest of your competition is not just knowing these mental game strategies, but actually APPLYING them in your game. You are designed to believe in yourself and not doubt or question your potential.

When you make a commitment every day to build your confidence, you will see more triumphs than you will failures. The choice is up to you how much to truly want to work on your mental game. Your commitment to mastering the mental aspect will transform how you believe in yourself. Why not make that commitment today!

Coach Jeffrey Hardwick is a mental coach who has worked with National Champions and All American athletes. Discover how you can take control of your mental game by visiting http://www.7mentalgamesecrets.com/ for a Free Report.

View the original article here

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