السبت، 23 يونيو 2012

Preparing For America's Cup World Sailing Trials In Newport, Rhode Island

The America's Cup World Series, as you may have already heard, is a circuit of regattas that bring Cup racing to the most wonderful venues all around the globe. Teams from different countries come together to compete for the America's Cup Challenger series, Louis Vuitton Cup, and the America's Cup Finals. This is truly an exciting event to witness; it should definitely not be missed. Expect hundreds and thousands of fans worldwide to wait for the America's Cup World Sailing Trials.

The final stop will be at Newport, Rhode Island on June 23 to July 1. Newport has a rich historical background with regard to the America's Cup World Series. From 1930 until 1983, Newport has hosted this premiere yacht regatta. According to Governor Lincoln Chafee, Newport is indeed the most ideal venue for this event because of its breathtaking assets and impressive infrastructure improvements.

Newport is the cradle of the America's Cup sailing, and the perfect venue to witness the competition, avail of reasonably priced accommodations, and partake in a variety of activities on the island. This yacht regatta features short race courses that viewers at home, online, or on the island will surely be excited about. They can expect a combination of all-out fleet racing, head-to-head match racing, and speed trials.

So, if you want to be part of a high-performance racing event, see to it that you make reservations early. Do not wait until June to make reservations at Newport, Rhode Island. You should expect hundreds of people to be thinking the same thing. So, if you do not want to experience hassle during your stay there, make your reservations today. You can choose from a variety of condo units, apartments, and vacation rentals that are fully equipped with the amenities you might need. Your stay will surely be comfortable and satisfying.

Do not worry because you will never be bored in Newport. There are tons of activities you can take part in such as rock climbing, swimming, and trekking. Newport is popular for its beautiful beaches. Also, you can visit tourist destinations such as the White House Tavern and Clarke Cooke House. You can even try out restaurants such as the Newport Playhouse and Cabaret Restaurant, and fly kites at the Brenton Point State Park. In addition, you can taste world-class wines from the vineyards and wineries.

You can also play tennis on the courts of Newport International Tennis Hall of Fame and explore mansions like The Elms and Marble House if sports and adventure are what you prefer. For a more exciting trip, you can spend a night in the Rose Island Lighthouse. There are a lot of interesting things you can do in Newport; so even if the America's Cup World Sailing Trials is over, you can still have a wonderful time. Come and visit the island for a vacation. Take a break from your stressful life in the city. You will surely have a good time in Newport at any day of the year.

View the original article here

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