الخميس، 7 يونيو 2012

Customize Your Stock RC Car on a Budget

There are no second chances at first impressions. In the RC world an aesthetic customization can dramatically enhance someone's first impression of your car. You can have the satisfaction of personally changing your car into a one of a kind show stopper without spending a fortune by changing out the body, or outer shell of the car.

You need a few things to get started on. First of course you need your stock car. Then you will need a new, clear Lexan shell. Purchase a body style specifically for your vehicles particular style for a proper fit. When choosing paint you must only use the kind specifically designed for use with clear Lexan bodies, the typical acrylic or enamel paints will not stick. You can use as many colors as your imagination allows. New wheels will also help to enhance the look of your car. If you didn't keep the original hex wrench provided with your stock car to remove your old wheels, you can use an appropriately sized socket and screwdriver attachment. You will also need an electric drill and an assortment of drill bits, a Sharpie marker, a hobby knife, and medium grit sandpaper.

Now it's time to get to work. First you need to remove the original body from the cars chassis. Once that is done you can place the new, clear body over the chassis, be sure to align the body evenly between the bumpers and wheels. Once the body is properly aligned mark the positions of the body posts and antenna on the body with the Sharpie. Take the body off of the chassis, and use the drill with the appropriate size drill bit to create the holes on the spots you had marked. Then put the body back on to the chassis and position the Sharpie on the wheel so that the tip touches the body, rotate the wheel to outline the wheel well on the body. Take the body back off the chassis and use your hobby knife to cut out the wheel well openings. Smooth the jagged edges with the sand paper.

To protect the windows of your new body apply painters tape to the inside. After you have everything taped off, thoroughly mix the paint and paint the inside of the body. While the body paint is drying replace the old wheels for the new ones after transferring the tires. Once the freshly painted body is thoroughly dried you can place it back on the chassis and your new and improved RC car is ready for action.

Thanks for reading.

Live loud and play fast.

K L Smith

Kristin is a avid RC Hobbyist. See more of her work and rc cars at RC Hobbysmith.

View the original article here

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