الاثنين، 25 يونيو 2012

Hard Work, Tenacity, and Hope Win Out Against All Odds

We all love hearing about an inspiring story where hard work, tenacity, and hope win out against all odds. So many young athletes are encouraged to excellence when they see others succeed after difficult struggles. It's the stuff of great books, movies, and television. However, fame doesn't happen for every athlete that wants it, and talent and skill won't insure that it happens. Many talented athletes never get college scholarships or an opportunity to play professional sports. And, many world class athletes fail to qualify for national championships or the Olympics. It takes much, much more than talent or luck.

As soon as a child shows signs of any special interest or athletic skill it's the time to begin the journey to a college athletic scholarship. Too soon you may think, but the experts in the field don't think so. No longer do colleges send scouts traveling all over the country all year round looking for talent. It's too expensive and not necessary any longer. The stories of a scout finding a superstar athlete playing on some dirty sand lot are a thing of the past. Scouts used to travel all over the world to find the next great star, but not anymore.

With the advent of the personal computer, young prospects are a click away from showing the world their skills. Anybody can take film, upload it and post it for every coach, trainer and recruiter in America to see, instantly. What this means is that to receive offers for scholarships becomes the athletes responsibility. If you want to be recruited, you must promote yourself; or have a person take on the task.

Often this will be the parents of the athlete. And, if they are wise, they will enlist a professional organization who will plot out a course of action. A step by step plan that has a proven success rate will be your best choice. A company that has a well established reputation and long standing friendships with college recruiters will up your chances of receiving offers. A good representative will present your package to hundreds of colleges to insure you receive dozens of offers.

Since every year there are 15.2 million athletes in high school and there are only 2200 colleges with athletic programs; the chance of being discovered without promoting yourself is zilch. And, parents don't have the knowledge of the ins and outs of college recruiting rules and regulations. The creation of game footage and highlights of your skills are critical in promoting you. Are your parents media specialists? Do you know the deadlines you must meet to be eligible for recruitment? Do you know which sports recruit the most athletes?

Don't miss your window of opportunity because you learned too late that the time to begin this process is yesterday.

Be pro-active about your future and set yourself up for success. Get professional advice and guidance to insure numerous offers and options for your college education and athletic scholarship.

View the original article here

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