الثلاثاء، 2 أكتوبر 2012

Pilates Principles: What They Are And How Important They Are To Pilates Success

While Pilates has many characteristics that make it similar to other exercise regimes, there are also some fundamental differences that make it unique with the application of six key Pilates principles being central. So what are these six key principles, how did they come about and why do they make so much of an impact? This article will reveal all.

A by-product of the creation of Pilates as opposed to a starting point, the principles of Pilates were not actually developed by its creator, Joseph Pilates, but something that has naturally evolved as other instructors have put his concepts to use. It is therefore important, at this point, to note while at their core the principles may be the same, there is often some variation in the way they are termed.

The first principle we will be looking at is breath. A key component in all Pilates exercises the deep conscious inhalation and exhalations not only help the body's ability to stretch to its full potential, but also are a great tool in releasing tension.

The next principle is centering. One of the elements that makes Pilates stand out from similar regimes, which have a more general focus, Pilates brings the focus of each exercise to 'The Core' or 'Powerhouse' (the area between the bottom ribs and pubic bone including the abs, lower back muscles and those around the hip joint) of the body.

To get the full benefit of these exercises, it is important your mind is playing as much of a role as your body and this is where concentration comes in. Related to the conscious understanding and control of not only each movement, but each body part within it, this degree of focus really does set it apart from other methods.

The fourth principle is flow and is something that follows on beautifully on from the above principles. To reach the full potential with each exercise, it is essential that each movement not only flows, but that the muscle, breath and body position of each one is done with perfect timing.

Control is the next on our list. Complimenting all of the other principles, this one is related to ensuring that you are aware of every muscle and body part as you perform each exercise, an element that only helps improve the quality of your exercises, but the impact it has on you.

The final principle is precision and acts to tie all six together. Related to the necessity to be aware structurally of each movement and the exactness and alignment of each body part in relation to each other, if you and your instructor are ensuring all six of these Pilates principles are central to each and everything you do then you can be assured the full benefits of Pilates will be coming your way.

Winston Carney is the owner and lead instructor of Winston Pilates, a Santa Monica Pilates studio offering group and individual classes to clients across Los Angeles and surrounding areas.

View the original article here

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